Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 465 Why bother in the first place

At this time, Hardy had led his French army back to his territory.

He said goodbye to Lisa two days ago. Compared to them, the elves moved much faster.

They were all lightly armored units, and there were 'pseudo' green dragons holding large hanging baskets in the air to help transport supplies. Their marching speed was not comparable to that of human armies.

During the march, Aina was flying in the air, and no one cared about her.

If she wanted to escape, she would have slipped away long ago.

It can be seen from this that she really surrendered to Hadi sincerely.

After more than half a month, Hardy returned to his territory with his army.

When he was sitting in his study in Louisian County, there were several women standing in front of him, all looking at him with tears in their eyes.

The two succubi were better, after all, they had the ability to meet Hardy in his dream, and their lovesickness was not that heavy.

Women like Gui Wenir, Tisna, and Dove all cried with joy.

Then Hardy spent the night having a wild night with several women.

Guiwenier was naturally excluded. She was not yet an adult and was not on Hardy's food list.

The next day, Hadi came outside the city and entered the camp.

All the troops are here.

During the routine reward session, a lot of gold coins were scattered, and both the players and ordinary soldiers were laughing from ear to ear.

Then came the most important step of canonization.

Hardy stood on a high platform, holding a very gorgeous ceremonial sword in his right hand.

He looked around. Whether it was the player army or the army of ordinary people, they all had a formidable aura.

People stood so densely packed that it was almost impossible to see the edges, and the gun array was like a forest.

Anyone who sees such a strong army will feel a sense of heroism.

Hardy smiled and said, "Abner, come up."

Abner Virginia was stunned for a moment, then his face was full of excitement, and he almost walked to the high platform hand in hand.

The people below saw his embarrassment and burst into kind laughter.

Of course, this laughter was almost always made by players. Ordinary soldiers would not dare to laugh at a nobleman or the son of a lord.

Abner walked up to Hardy. He was actually taller than Hardy, and his face was much older than Hardy's.

No matter how you look at it, he should be the one with a higher status.

But Abner looked at Hardy with eyes filled with admiration and gratitude.

"Kneel down."

Abner knelt down on one knee, took off his helmet, and looked up at Hardy, who still looked like a fifteen-year-old boy, his eyes shining.

Hardy pressed the ceremonial sword on his left shoulder and said: "In view of Abner Virginia's heroic killing of enemies in the battle and his extreme loyalty to the Hardy family, his status is specially promoted from knight to baron. , in addition, the Karst City will be handed over to him for management, and it will be hereditary, unless he or his descendants betray the Hardy family and betray France."

Baron... plus a medium-sized city.

Abner was shaking with excitement.

Although this status is still not as good as his father Virginia VI, but no matter what, this is an excellent start.

Because River Creek County could only be inherited by his eldest brother, his father, Virginia VI, was a firm supporter of the primogeniture system.

It is impossible for him to get any territory in River City.

But here in Hadi, he only struggled for a year before he won a piece of territory and obtained the status of a noble.

Before his eldest brother inherited the territory, he only had an ordinary status, but no noble status.

He has much more status than his eldest brother.

All the grievances I had suffered in Hexi County were gone at this moment.

Abner lowered his head with tears in his eyes and loudly declared his determination.

"I, Abner Virginia, will always be loyal to Hadi and the Hadi family. I will always support his rule over the territory and protect his heirs, from generation to generation, never to change."

Hardy hooked his left hand to the side.

Gui Wenir came over holding a box.

Hardy took it into his hand and then solemnly handed it into Abner's hand.

"There is a letter of appointment and land deed here. From now on, he is yours."

"Thank you, Mr. Hardy." Abner's still green face was full of excitement and happiness, and he took the brown wooden box with both hands reverently.

It's like taking over your own life and future.

"What are you going to do next?" Hardy asked with a smile.

"I want to go home first. Bring flowers and gifts." Abner stood up and wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves: "I want to thank my father and tell him the good news."

Hardy smiled and nodded.

Although Virginia is a supporter of primogeniture, she is not the kind of person who is indifferent to other children.

If he hadn't used favors to send Abner to Hadi, Abner wouldn't have had the chance to become a noble.

Of course, this is Hardy's way of repaying Virginia's help.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Abner to become a noble so quickly. It would take at least seven or eight years for him to become a noble.

Then Hardy looked towards the audience again.

A group of officers subconsciously puffed up their chests and looked at Hardy expectantly.

At this time, Abner held his box very wisely and walked aside.

"Ibuprofen!" Hardy said with a smile, "Come up here."

Ibuprofen looked excited.

Although he already knew that he would get a reward, after all, Hardy had already passed it before.

He jumped onto the stage.

This action was very bold and indulgent, but no one laughed, only cheers and applause.

Especially the players.

Following the same process as before, Ibuprofen also became a baron and obtained a medium-sized city.

But unlike Abner, Ibuprofen's territory is on the border.

This is also what Hardy did intentionally.

Players are born ‘warriors’, and it is a very cost-effective thing for them to guard the border.

After the canonization ceremony of ibuprofen was over, Hardy looked at the stage again.

The generals continued to straighten their chests, including Tiao Tiao.

A pair of beautiful white luminous butterfly wings behind her make her look very stylish.

Both beautiful and eye-catching.

At this time, Gui Wenir came over with a list.

Hadi picked it up and read: "Amuro, Char, Hiro, Husuo...Tiaotiao, etc. are all granted knight status, and can choose a village as their own territory. The list of villages is in Guiweini With your hands, you will select your own town within two days, and then report it to Gui Wenir so that she can prepare the appointment letter."

A group of people were overjoyed and knelt down on one knee to show their loyalty to Hadi.

But Tiao Tiao was stunned.

She looked at Hardy, opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

But Hardy didn't look at her, turned and walked away.

Tiao Tiao had a sad expression. He first looked at the excited ibuprofen on the stage, and then looked down at his feet.

She then touched the butterfly wings behind her, her face full of melancholy. (End of chapter)

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