Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 635 It’s a Deed

Huang Tianxin's laughter and someone's ugly face formed a sharp contrast in the room.

Tiana's face was cold and her expression was invisible.

Hardy sighed softly and said: "Since Mr. Huang is asking for help from us, there is no need to do so many things. Just show your sincerity honestly."

"Revenge against your ex is a pleasure in itself."

While Huang Tianxin was talking, he looked up and down at Hadi. Although the latter was wearing sunglasses and a mask, it could be seen that the other person was a teenager.

The little boy raised by Tiana?

It's quite fun to play.

Huang Tian thought for a while, since the other party likes little boys, can he start from this aspect?

"I'm not that boring." Tiana said calmly, "Let the irrelevant people leave."

"Okay, listen to Miss Yan."

Huang Tianxin smiled, and then gestured slightly to the man next to him.

When the man passed Tiana, he suddenly said: "You have become a lot younger. It seems that this little boy has nourished you very well."

It's okay to say this in private, but to say it in this situation is just plain disgusting.

Tiana closed her eyes gently, opened them again, and said, "Young Master Huang, I have changed my mind. This disgusting man is not worthy of working in your company."

A certain man's expression changed drastically.

Huang Tianxin was stunned for a moment, then held his crutch under his arm and clapped his hands vigorously.

"This is the right thing to do. Gratitude and grudges are the norm for people like us. It's not good for Miss Yan to always endure."

Then he smiled sinisterly at the adult man next to him and said, "Do you want me to take you out?"

The grown man really hated himself for talking too much at this time.

But he was extremely unwilling.

Tiana is more beautiful now than before.

Especially when he saw her holding the arm of a little boy and cuddling up to him, he was even more jealous.

I couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment.

Unexpectedly, I lost all my work.

He stared at Tiana hatefully, finally opened the door and left quickly.

Seeing that the unimportant people had left, Huang Tianxin made a gesture of invitation.

Hardy and the three sat down.

The two people opposite were stunned because they found Tiana and Dove sitting on the left and right of Hardy. It was obvious that this little boy was the core of the three of them.

Huang Tianxin couldn't help but ask: "This friend, please tell me where he is from. Maybe we can get close."

The young man sitting next to Huang Tianxin also smiled and said: "I can understand wearing sunglasses and a mask outside. But when you enter the room, does it show disrespect to the owner if you still wear them?"

"Sorry, I forgot about it."

Hardy smiled and then took off his sunglasses and mask.

As soon as he appeared, the two men opposite him were a little jealous.

No wonder he can please two women at the same time. If this face were placed on them, they would dare to step on ten ships with one foot.

Huang Tianxin looked at Hadi's face, then looked at the other person's skin texture and temperament, and realized that this was a pampered master, so he asked: "May I ask your friend's last name."

"My surname is Zhao and my given name is Changsheng."

Hardy smiled.

"It's really rare to see someone with such a retro name now."

Huang Tianxin smiled, and then from the corner of his eye, he saw the constipated expression on the boy next to him, as if he wanted to speak but didn't dare.

There was surprise and fear in his eyes.

Hardy also noticed the other person's appearance and asked with a smile: "Do you know me?"

"Huh... Dee?"

The boy didn't dare to confirm...after all, it was a game.

How could anyone in the game escape?

Hardy smiled and nodded.

The young man couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air, slightly raising the temperature in the room.

Huang Tianxin asked: "Anan, do you know him?"

"You might not believe it!"

"Now there are miracles of repairing broken limbs. There is nothing I don't believe in."

Anan looked at Huang Tianxin with a strange look: "He is an NPC in the game..."

Huang Tian was speechless for a long time.

Then he looked at Hardy and asked, "That virtual online game you play?"


"Are you kidding me?" Huang Tianxin was a little angry.

Most of the people who become disabled due to accidents are sensitive and irritable.

"I said you wouldn't believe it." Anan spread his hands and looked at Hadi: "Actually, I don't really believe it now."

Huang Tianxin took a deep breath: "Forget it, it's a trivial matter. Miss Yan, I have a relative whose arm was broken, but now it's healed. I went to check it, and it's just like a new one." ”

"Boss Mo, right?" Tiana asked with a smile.

Huang Tianxin nodded: "I asked him what technique he used, but he refused to tell me. He only introduced you to me, saying that you had the solution."

"I do have a way." Tiana gently flipped the long hair around her ears with her jade hand and asked, "So... where is Mr. Huang's sincerity?"

"I want to see the real thing first, how you did it!"

"Boss Mo is the real thing." Tiana smiled and said, "You've seen what's going on with him, but you still don't believe it?"

Huang Tianxin looked at his broken leg, and said with a sinister smile: "Of course I want to believe it, and I am willing to believe it. But I still need a proof that I can see with my own eyes, otherwise I am afraid that my sweet dream will be awakened."

Tiana said unhappily: "If you don't want to believe it, forget it. If you don't agree with what you said, let's just let it go."

"Wait!" Huang Tianxin struggled a little, his eyes filled with desire and expectation, but also fear.

He was afraid it was just a dream.

"Okay, I believe it."

The situation is stronger than the person. No matter how much Huang Tian fears that this is a dream, he does not dare to give up.

This is his only chance to 'grow' his broken leg back.

"Then, let's talk about the terms." Tiana laughed: "We are responsible for helping you heal this leg within a month, and Mr. Huang, you need to... introduce a few wealthy people with a similar net worth to you. Let the boss know you.”

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!" Tiana smiled.

This world is a society of acquaintances.

Rich people from the Central Plains region and those from the Greater Bay Area don’t usually interact with each other very often.

There is even a bit of regional bias between them.

If you rashly come to visit someone without an introduction from an acquaintance, they will treat you like a fool or think you have bad intentions.

Therefore, it is difficult to enter a certain circle.

But it's also easy.

Huang Tianxin nodded: "Okay, I can promise you this. As long as you heal my leg, I will find a way to bring you to know all the famous people in the Greater Bay Area who can be named."

"It's a deal." Tiana smiled.

"I will never regret it." Huang Tian agreed, and then asked: "Now can you tell me how to treat my leg?"

Next, Tiana looked at Hardy with a smile. (End of chapter)

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