Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 636 Especially the big one

The scroll in Tiana's hand has actually been 'distributed' long ago.

The reason why Hardy was brought here was to let him help with treatment on site.

Mainly this way it saves mana.

Making a scroll requires twice the magic power of a normal spell.

This is because a portion of magic power is needed to form a magic circle to preserve the spell structure so that the magic power will not dissipate.

Huang Tianxin saw Tiana's eyes falling on Hadi, and he was a little puzzled.

Then his body trembled suddenly: "Is this friend..."

The young man named Anan next to him thought of something further. He asked tremblingly: "No way..."

When Hardy saw the expressions of the two of them, he smiled slightly, then stood up and squatted down in front of Huang Tianxin.

He smiled and said, "Young Master Huang, your legs are in your pants, I need to see them."

"It's really you?" Huang Tianxin couldn't believe it.

Is this a young man who wants to treat his own broken leg?

"Whether your leg can be cured has nothing to do with your age or appearance." Hardy said slowly.

These words entered Huang Tianxin's heart.

Now he is indeed no longer in the doctor's identity, gender and appearance.

As long as his leg can be cured, even if he is a mouse on crutches, he will recognize him as a miracle doctor and an angel.

Huang Tianxin followed the instructions and rolled up his trousers.

Then I saw the cross section of Huang Tianxin’s broken leg.

From the looks of it, it should have been cut off just above the knee.

"How to treat it?" Huang Tianxin asked, "How do I need to cooperate?"

"It will hurt a little, you have to endure it."

Hardy reached out and pressed it, but there was no contact with the opponent's broken leg, but a few centimeters away.

Then under Huang Tianxin's surprised gaze, Hardy's palms glowed with a faint green light.

Huang Tianxin's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

Then these green lights exuded little bits of light and dust, and disappeared into Huang Tianxin's broken leg.

Huang Tianxin was shocked.

Anan, who was next to him, was also shocked. Then he reacted and exclaimed: "It is indeed magic, it is indeed Hardy."

Then he took out his mobile phone, faced Hardy, and opened the camera in a panic, trying to record it.

Hardy looked over, and then a tiny bolt of lightning struck his phone.

Anan's whole body trembled, and his hair stood on end.

Such powerful lightning magic cannot kill anyone with electricity.

But it is more than enough to destroy a mobile phone.

Anan watched as the screen of his phone turned blurry and then gradually turned black. He realized what was happening and immediately threw the phone to the ground.

Then Pingtong knelt down to Hardy and said, "Boss, don't kill me! I don't want to be banned in reality. It was just my subconscious reaction, it was unintentional."

Hardy can ban his account in the game, and naturally he can also ban his account in reality.

This young man thought so, so now he is extremely scared.

Huang Tianxin's eyes widened even more.

Naturally, he also saw the small flash of lightning. At this time, he became more confident that Hardy could heal his broken leg.

As all the green light dust disappeared into Huang Tianxin's broken leg, Hardy stood up.

At this time, Dove came over and wiped the slight sweat from Hardy's head with a wet wipe.

Huang Tianxin was extremely excited at this time. He could feel the cross section of his broken leg itching, as if something was growing and sprouting.

He looked at Hardy and asked, "How long will it take for my fracture to grow back?"

"Within a month." Hardy thought for a moment and said, "If you have sufficient nutrition, it may be faster in a few days."

Huang Tianxin looked at his broken leg obsessively, his face full of joy.

The legs can grow back in a month, which is an acceptable time for him.

At this time, Hardy looked at the boy next to him who was still kneeling.

"Get up, I won't kill you."

"Really not going to kill him?" the young man asked fearfully.

"do not kill."

Anan then stood up. He didn't dare to look at his cell phone that he had dropped on the ground.

However, Tiana walked over, took out the SIM card from the phone, threw it to Anan, and then she smashed the phone hard on the ground.

As the phone fell apart, Tiana nodded with satisfaction.

Huang Tianxin smiled and said: "Now I understand why Lao Mo refused to tell me how his hands grew."

If others don't want to be in the limelight, they really can't talk about such strange people.

Who knows what kind of revenge they will have.

The lightning bolt just now was indeed very small and thin, and could not even kill a person.

But that is a warning. If you really want to kill someone, will the lightning become thicker than a human arm?

At this time Tiana stood up and said: "We are going back first. You are not allowed to tell others about Hardy. In addition, we will come back to you after Mr. Huang's leg is completely healed." "

"I will always stay in Me City, waiting for the arrival of the three great masters."

Huang Tianxin solemnly made his promise.

Then the three Hardys left.

Huang Tianxin had difficulty with his legs and feet, so he didn't send the three of them down.

When the door closed, Anan next to him breathed a sigh of relief and lay down directly on the sofa.

"It really scared me to death." Anan's forehead was covered in cold sweat: "I thought I was dead just now."

"In today's legal society, they don't dare to kill people indiscriminately." Huang Tianxin said with a smile: "And they are people of our level."

"That's Hardy... In the game, he kills people whenever he disagrees. I don't know how many players have been banned by him." Anan clicked his tongue a few times and said, "Brother Xin, you don't play games, so you don't know much about this person. Character. And he has an escape route. He hides in the game as soon as he kills someone. Where can you find him? "

"Turn the game off!" Huang Tianxin said with a smile.

"How do you know it's a game and not the real world?" Anan chuckled a few times and said, "Actually, many people now think that we have just gone to other worlds, but we just use the game to show it. It’s just used to confuse us.”

"This statement is so shocking."

Anan shrugged: "But this statement is logically self-consistent. If we can go through the world, others can also come over. Isn't that normal?"

Huang Tianxin's expression was stunned, and then he said: "How could the public allow a game company to act so randomly! Shouldn't we be more cautious about such a big thing in the parallel world?"

"But what if this game company is also controlled by the public?"

"So you're saying..." Huang Tian thought for a moment and asked, "Are there any virtual cabins for sale now?"

"No more!" Anan shook his head helplessly: "Many rich people have gone to game companies to make trouble, but they all came back defeated."

Huang Tianxin touched his chin: "According to what you said, the person we want to please in the future is not Miss Yan, but that Hardy!"

Anan nodded vigorously: "I know this man's information very well. He likes beautiful women the most, especially those with big breasts! Your sister is very good..."

Huang Tianxin looked sideways at the boy: "Do you want to die?" (End of Chapter)

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