Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 641 Just do it and it’s over

Mr. Qi has been unconscious from the waist down for more than 20 years.

To put it bluntly, the nerves in the spine are severed, and nerve signals from the lower body cannot be transmitted to the brain.

But now, he has a faint sense.

First, I felt a warm breath flowing into my waist, and then this feeling went down my lower back and soon reached the soles of my feet.

He felt a faint itch.

"Wait, what did you do?"

Mr. Qi was shocked, surprised, and even a little unbelievable.

"I'll give you a massage." After Hardy delivered a certain amount of magic power, he stopped: "Again, Mr. Qi doesn't want his legs to get better."

At this time, Mr. Qi could faintly feel the presence of his legs.

He lay on the bench and looked at Hardy like he was looking at a monster: "What kind of ability do you have? Qigong?"

For the older generation, this word has a special meaning.

"No, it's just a special massage technique." Hardy smiled and sat back on the chair: "Old people must believe in science and not be superstitious."

When Dove heard this, she couldn't help but smile.

Mr. Qi understood that Hardy was insinuating his feudalism.

He wanted to reprimand these three young people, especially his distant relatives.

Just thinking about his legs, which were already feeling slightly at this time, he immediately smiled and said: "Yes, you can't be superstitious. This little friend, can you help me to the end, so that I, a person who has been in a wheelchair for more than 20 years, can How many steps can you take?”

He looked at Hardy eagerly, fearing that the other party would not agree.

"Of course, but the old man should also understand what my conditions are."

Qi Lao took a breath and nodded helplessly.

If he had encountered this problem a few years before he lost his ability to move, even if the other party could cure him, he would not give in.

On the contrary, they will scold the other party even more fiercely.

But now that he has been in a relationship with others for more than 20 years, he is very aware that this state of hemiplegia will cause trouble to his family.

It is said that there is no filial son in bed for a long time. This is a true saying.

His wife and children have tried their best to take care of him for twenty years. From the dedication at the beginning, to the perfunctory in the middle period, to the boredom in the first few years, and then to the scolding, he has understood that his body is very important to his family. What torture.

In order to take care of herself, my wife usually does not have much social interaction, and does not have much personal life and ideal pursuit.

In order to take care of himself, my son gave up many opportunities.

In order to take care of herself, her granddaughter even voluntarily gave up her ideal major and reluctantly went to a medical specialty.

The sicker you are, the more sensitive you are.

They are very aware of the emotional changes of their loved ones, even just a little bit.

Seeing Mr. Qi nodding, Hardy stood up again with satisfaction and stuffed a ball of magic power into the opponent's lower back.

Although this kind of hemiplegia is almost equal to a broken leg, it is an irreversible physical trauma.

But from the perspective of magic theory, curing hemiplegia is much simpler than breaking a leg.

Just re-grow and connect the nerve lines.

Not much energy is required.

And if a broken leg needs to grow back, the amount of magical energy required is at least a hundred times higher.

Qi Lao felt the heat coming back again.

And his legs gradually began to feel.

Itchy and sour.

Soon, he felt like he could move his toes.

It seemed that the rhythm of his toes in the shoes made Mr. Qi's eyes turn red with excitement.

"Don't worry. If you wait another two or three hours, you should be able to move."

This is the time to listen to the ‘doctor’.

Mr. Qi understood this very well. He looked at Hadi and couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

Now, Mr. Qi also understands that Hardy is definitely not simple.

Hardy smiled and said: "An ordinary man."

It's unremarkable... This man is too self-effacing.

Qi Lao waited for a while and felt that the feeling in his legs was gradually returning. He couldn't help but move, turned over, and sat up.

"Oh, it's not bad." Mr. Qi became even more excited.

In the past, it was very difficult for him to stand up on his own.

Often the upper body is turned over, while the lower body is still on its side.

It will be very uncomfortable over time.

After waiting for another half hour, Qi Lao felt that all the feeling in his legs had returned, and then he held on to the edge of the table and stood up slowly.

Because he had not walked for more than 20 years, the muscles in his legs were severely atrophied and his strength was not strong enough.

Fortunately, he is old, thinner and lighter, because his legs can hold up his body.

"I can stand up, I can stand up." Mr. Qi's eyes were full of tears.

Ni Cai walked over and gently supported him.

Just Qi Lao gently pushed Ni Cai away: "Thank you, I don't have to, I want to go by myself."

As he spoke, he moved his legs and walked step by step.

My body was swaying with every step I took, and my feet weren't lifted high enough. It almost felt like I was dragging my shoes across the ground.

But every step he took next became more stable.

He walked around the yard for more than ten minutes, Dove following him the whole time, for fear that he would fall.

After walking for more than ten minutes, his walking posture was no different from ordinary people.

It's just that the speed is much slower and it looks more tiring.

Mr. Qi sat back on the chair and looked at Hadi: "My child, I have remembered this favor. A capable man can indeed be willful. I will no longer interfere with the matter between you and Ni Cai. I can even stand On your side."

"Thank you." Hardy poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Mr. Qi.

"You're too much of a guest. I shouldn't have bothered with this matter in the first place." Mr. Qi was a little tired after walking for more than ten minutes. He finished his tea in one gulp: "Although I have been retired for more than 20 years, But I still have some connections. If you want to develop in this city, I can introduce you to some energetic people."

"Well, that's okay." Hardy nodded.

"Then, I'll go back first. Xiaoni should have my home phone number. If anything happens, ask her to contact me."

With that said, Mr. Qi stood up.

"I'll help you back."

"No, just take good care of my little friend."

Mr. Qi waved his hand, walked to the wheelchair, and pushed the wheelchair out.

This wheelchair can be used as his 'crutches'.

What a very proud old man.

Hardy shook his head helplessly.

Send Mr. Qi out of the villa and watch him push his wheelchair slowly towards the distance.

After his figure disappeared, the three of them returned to the yard and sat down again.

After seeing off the outsiders, Nicai looked at Hadi with longing in her eyes: "Why did you come out?"

"Isn't it good to come out?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Ni Cai shook her head and nodded again.

She didn't know what to say at this time, but she just felt that her heart was filled with joy.

Seeing her like this, Dove directly pulled Nicai up with her right hand, and then pulled Hardy up as well.

"Why are you so young?" Dove pulled the two of them toward the house: "Men and women meet offline and just do it. It's so easy!" (End of this chapter)

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