Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 642 The second energy point

I have to say that Dove is a very straightforward person.

Indeed, it only took a battle that lasted about two hours to successfully shatter all Ni Cai's arrogance.

Now she was like a salted fish who had lost her ideals, lying on the bed with her eyes blank, her body still twitching, but her face was full of happiness.

It seems extremely strange.

Dove still had some energy left. She dragged her tired body and took a hot bath. After regaining some energy, she started cooking.

Although she is a rich young lady, Dove is actually quite virtuous.

The food is delicious.

Hardy ate a lot of food to replenish his energy.

Nicai had returned to a normal person from that sage time. She also took a bath, and when she picked up the food with her chopsticks, the tips of her chopsticks were still trembling.

I really don’t have much energy left.

Although Hardy's fighting ability in reality is not as good as in the game, the problem is that the fighting ability of the two women is much worse than in the game.

They were weakened even more.

Dove has been exercising her body, and her endurance is barely okay.

She helped Hadi put a piece of meat into the bowl, and then asked, "When will you set off again."


"Do you know the approximate location?"

"Probably here."

Hardy took out his mobile phone, called up the map, zoomed in and pointed to a city name.

As he got closer and closer to that energy point, Hardy became more and more aware of how far away he was from the other party.

It is estimated that if it is within a hundred kilometers, he can accurately locate it.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Ni Cai's face was full of reluctance: "I also want to follow you..."

"You stay here and help me open up connections here." Hardy said with a smile: "In this world, I need money and connections."

"What do you want to do?" Ni Cai asked curiously.

"Strengthen yourself." Hardy said calmly: "I suspect that my coming to this world was manipulated and arranged by humans. In order to fight against the people behind the scenes, I need strength."

Nicai nodded, indicating that she understood.

"By the way, Alice, have you seen her?" Nicai asked.

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Is it convenient for her?"

"You should have time." Ni Cai smiled and said, "Alice is usually very free."

"Then let's meet. After all, when I get that thing, I will go directly to Baa City and will not stop here in Donkey City." Hadi said with a smile: "The next time I come to Donkey City, I don't know what it will be. It's time."

"Then I'll call her."

Then Nicai called Alice and didn't say that Hardy was here. She just said that there was a banquet at Dove's house and asked her if she could come.

Alice also knew Dove, so she naturally agreed to come.

Then I sent a location.

About an hour and a half later, Alice, who was tall and plump and wearing a leopard print skirt, saw Hardy.

He was stunned at first, then laughed and cried. He kept jumping up and down with Hadi in his arms, so excited.

Then we started doing party activities.

The feasting and feasting, the wine pool and the meat forest are nothing more than that.

The next day, Hadi boarded the train to Fuzi Province alone.

Originally Dove wanted to go with her, but she just couldn't get up and there was nothing she could do!

Not only her, but the other two women were in a similar situation.

The three of them slept until almost twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Then the three tidied up the room a little.

Alice turned her phone back on and found a dozen missed calls.

All belong to my boyfriend.

She pursed her lips, then hugged the other two women and took a selfie. She also took many photos of the room full of high-end red wine bottles, leftover cakes and delicacies, etc.

Put them all in Moments.

Then I wrote a title: "I went crazy all night with my two best friends. Nightlife without men interrupting is so happy."

Women's methods of concealing things are actually the same.

Dove also used this method when she was in Me City.

In less than a minute after the life update was posted, many people liked it.

In the circle of friends of beautiful women, there is no shortage of lickers.

Then she called her boyfriend: "Ajie, I'm sorry, the three of us drank so much last night that we didn't even notice when our phones were turned off."

An obviously relieved voice came from the phone: "Hey, it's okay, I was scared. If I hadn't known that you were called away by Ni Cai yesterday, I would have called the police."

"Hehe, you are so scared."

"Of course I'm scared. After all, my girlfriend is so beautiful."

"I go to work in the afternoon and go back in the evening."


"Love you, kiss."

Alice made kissing sounds into the phone before hanging up.

Dove opened a pineapple beer next to her, handed it to Alice, and asked, "Walking between two men is very hard. What are your plans in the future."

"Don't you have a boyfriend too?" Alice smiled.

"We broke up." Dove laughed: "Just yesterday. I was able to stay with that kind of useless loser for nearly ten years, which is quite interesting."

Alice was silent, and after a while she said: "I am different from you, Ajie is very good to me, and I like Ajie very much. I don't plan to break up with Ajie, Hardy is my dream, Ajie It’s my reality.”

"But won't there be a gap for you?" Dove asked curiously: "Hardy is so good, but your boyfriend should be average in comparison."

"But after all, we have been together for so many years. You have been with your pet for several years, and you are reluctant to let go of it, let alone someone who treats you wholeheartedly." Alice sighed: "Whether it is in the game or in reality, I am willing to be with Hardy. Intimate. But if one day, my affair is discovered by Ajie, I will choose Ajie and then leave Hadi, but before that, I want to be greedy."

"But what if Ajie doesn't agree with you and goes back?"

A bitter smile appeared on Alice's face: "That doesn't matter, I will live alone, neither looking for Ajie nor Hardy."

Ni Cai was listening beside her, and she suddenly said: "Actually... you don't have to be so pessimistic. Maybe even if your boyfriend knows, he won't expose it."

Alice:? ? ?

Two hours later, Hadi walked out of the high-speed rail station wearing a mask.

Then we took a taxi and came to a small county town.

He could already pinpoint where the energy point was.

Because he was not familiar with this county, he spent some time detouring before he found the place where the energy point was also located.

It was an old house, in the style of the 1990s.

The exterior of the house is covered with yellow and white tiles, some of which have fallen off.

The windows of this two-story building are old-fashioned wooden windows. There is not much paint on the outer layer, and the wood has begun to rot.

There is clearly not enough money to maintain this small building.

Hardy stood in front of the small building and could feel the energy points inside, emitting exaggerated fluctuations.

I don’t know... what’s going on with the people attached to this energy point.

At this moment, the door opened and an old couple came out.

At the same time with their angry voices.

"Can you go out to work and stay at home every day? How long can we support you?" (End of Chapter)

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