Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 643 You Can Walk the Tightrope Ball

Hardy did not rush to the door, but found a small hotel nearby to stay.

In fact, it is an Internet celebrity house transformed from a residential house.

This is a small county town, and the human touch is stronger than that of a big city, or to put it more accurately, it is a society of acquaintances.

After Hardy settled in, he deliberately collected information in the neighborhood.

Those old women sitting on the benches on the street chatting about gossip will often talk about the interpersonal relationships around them, and the shortcomings of their parents.

Then Hardy himself discovered that the hotel proprietress, a slightly fat old woman, was also one of these gossips.

Hardy stayed here for two days, intentionally or unintentionally trying to establish his presence in front of the landlady. With his exaggerated appearance and charm, Hardy had successfully established a relationship with the landlady.

That day, Hardy came back from outside, showed his face, and said with a smile: "Boss lady, have you had lunch?"

"Not yet. The man is cooking at home. Do you want to come to my house for a meal?" the landlady invited with a smile.

The main reason is that Hardy's image is so popular with the elders. He has red lips, white teeth, fair skin, and he looks well-behaved. The older generation likes this style of young people the most.

If her daughter hadn't already graduated from college, she would have definitely wanted to introduce Hardy to her daughter if she was born four or five years later.

"No, thank you." Hardy smiled and waved his hand, paused, and said, "In the small grocery store building behind, people are being cursed every day. What's going on."

"Oh, you're talking about that genius." The landlady immediately became excited. She had gossip to show off to others, so naturally she knew all about it: "Being like that every day is considered a crime."

"Genius? Crime?"

Seeing Hardy blinking his beautiful eyes with a curious look on his face, the proprietress immediately became overflowing with maternal instincts and poured out everything she knew.

It turns out that this family was nationally famous more than ten years ago.

They are a family of three. Their only son was very smart when he was a child. He was admitted to the juvenile class of Shuimu University in the sixth grade of elementary school.

But for some reason, I gradually started to have conflicts with my family. In the end, I even wanted to study. I dropped out of college and just lay at home every day.

He didn't work, he didn't respond when he was scolded, he just stayed in a daze all day.

Call him stupid. If other people bully him, he will scold him to the point where he can't even retaliate.

Let's just say he's not stupid. He doesn't listen to a word of his parents' words. When outsiders talk to him, he actually makes some small talk.

Moreover, I complained that I had a headache every day and didn’t want to live anymore.

I have seen many doctors and many places for medical treatment, but I still don’t know what is going on.

After Hardy heard this, he started to think twice.

He thanked the proprietress who still expressed her gratitude and went to a nearby drugstore to buy a set of silver needles for acupuncture. Then he walked to the small building and rang the doorbell.

After the crisp ringtone, the old woman's voice came out: "Who is it?"

Then the wooden door opened, and an old and haggard face poked out from behind the crack in the door.

Hardy had taken off his mask at this point.

He knew very well the affinity of his face, and he had to use it at times like this.

"Hello, I am a student of Teacher Zhang Hao. I came here specially to meet your son at his request."

The woman was a little surprised: "Teacher Zhang Hao?"

"Yes, he treated your son a few years ago. It didn't work at the time, and I have been feeling guilty. After returning home, I have been studying academic knowledge in this area."

Hardy brought out the persona he had made up before coming.

Looking at the confused look on the old woman's face, Hardy continued: "His recent research has made new breakthroughs, but because he is too old and doesn't want to continue running around, he sent me over to give it to your family. Son, keep looking."

"That's it." The old woman's expression was a little touched. She believed Hardy's words: "Please come in."

Women are emotional and trust others more easily. Moreover, Zhang Hao looks more beautiful than a girl, and he doesn't look like a liar or a bad person.

The door opened and Hardy walked in.

The house is a bit dark inside, there are no lights on, and the lighting is not very good.

Welcoming Hardy into the living room, he saw an old man walking out of the room. He saw Hardy's expression was slightly stunned, and then looked at his wife in confusion.

"This is Dr. Zhang, who treated our children before. He was specially sent here to show his son again. He said he had made some technological breakthrough."

The old man was a little confused. He thought for a while, and it seemed that among so many doctors who had treated his son, there was indeed one named Zhang.

However, he looked at Hadi's green face and said with some disbelief: "Kid, you are not too old."

"Not too old, fourteen years old." Hardy smiled: "But academic ability has little to do with age."

Unlike women, men are more rational and not easily fooled.

The doubt on the old man's face became more serious.

Hardy smiled, took out the acupuncture kit from his clothes, took out a silver needle, and pressed it against the table in front of him.

The table in front of me is made of solid wood and is relatively old.

But it is precisely because it is old that the materials used are relatively solid, hard and thick.

Hardy's silver needle pierced the tabletop, which was about six centimeters thick.

Such a thin silver needle.

The old man was stunned.

"Awesome." The old man muttered.

Then he shouted toward the inside: "Li Li, someone is here to see you. Come out on your own."

There was no response inside, and no one came out after waiting for a while.

The old man immediately became angry and rolled up his sleeves. Just as he was about to go in, Hadi pulled him in: "No, strong stimulation has a negative impact on the patient's treatment. I'll just go in and talk to him."

"Sorry to trouble you," the old man said with a sneer.

The old woman next to her also looked grateful.

Hardy entered the room and gently closed the door.

The house smelled musty, but not unpleasant.

The main reason is that the smell of books is relatively strong.

Then Hardy took a look. This room was quite big, but there were bookshelves in front of the walls, and there were stacks of books everywhere on the floor.

There was almost no place to stay.

"Why, you're cheating me. My family doesn't have much money."

On the low single bed, a young man was lying on his side reading a book, wearing thick glasses, looking towards Hardy.

But the moment he saw Hardy, he was stunned.

"With your looks, you don't need to come to my house to deceive. You can directly deceive the rich woman. As long as you can endure the rotting smell of the sea, you will definitely make a fortune."

Hardy smiled: "I have other abilities to eat, so why should I accept the flower language of steel wool?"

"No..." The young man suddenly took off his glasses, his eyes flashing with surprise: "You are not in my memory."

Hardy: Huh?

"Who are you?" the young man asked curiously. (End of chapter)

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