Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 781 Ambush

Hadi stayed here for four hours, and then took Fina to the next human city.

After being treated by Hadi, Fina's movements became much more normal.

Another thing is... she is actually a chatterbox.

She chattered non-stop along the way, which did not fit the stereotype of a prophet at all.

In Hadi's impression, almost all prophets are very frugal with words, for fear of accidentally leaking some secrets, which would cause a significant change in the world line they are fortune-telling.

But Fina is really talkative.

She can talk about family matters and the meaning of life.

From racial differences to political situations.

She is just a wild and unintelligible person.

But Hadi can connect with her.

Although Fina talks a lot, due to her thinking and knowledge, what she says is indeed essentially the same as netizens' comments.

It can even be said that the depth of the topic is not as good as netizens' comments.

After all, netizens who love keyboard politics are more or less knowledgeable. Fina, who has not yet become a god, is actually just a middle school girl.

"So I think that if humans want to become prestigious, the easiest way is to live in large groups, so that they can..." Fina was holding the crystal ball and was talking happily, but she saw Hardy in front of her stopped.

It was very quiet around, and Fina subconsciously moved her ears.

She has a strong hearing, and her long ears are not for beauty, and the white feathers on her ears are essentially a special sound wave vibration sensor that can amplify the sound waves in the air.

"Someone!" Hardy said in a low voice.

Fina moved her ears again, but she still didn't hear any sound.

She was surprised that she didn't find anyone, so how did Hardy, a human, find it?

But in fact, Hardy has been opening his mental induction.

Although human hearing, smell, and vision are almost the lowest among the intelligent creatures in the demon world.

But the problem is... human intelligence is the second highest among all the creatures in the demon world.

Only the evil eye tribe can be more intelligent than humans.

More than 10,000 years later, human magic technology has completely made up for the lack of sensory ability.

In Hardy's mental perception, there are several spiritual power sources behind the mound more than 60 meters ahead.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a living thing, it will produce spiritual power sources.

But the spiritual power source of creatures without wisdom is particularly small, while the spiritual power of intelligent creatures is particularly active.

From this point, it can be judged that the creatures ambushed behind the mound are intelligent creatures.

In addition, the overall frequency of human spiritual power is in the same band, and it is easy for Hardy to distinguish the humans around him.

The spiritual power frequency band of the intelligent creatures behind the mound is particularly high... They should be a race that is good at casting spells.

Hardy turned around and signaled Fina to retreat with his eyes.

Fina was very smart, and she quickly tiptoed back.

That look, sneaky, seemed a little cute.

She didn't dare to cause trouble for Hardy, because she knew very well that Hardy was neither tempted by her beauty nor thought her identity as a prophet was so great.

Now she begged Hardy to follow him.

After Fina was far away, Hardy began to condense the spell.

Because of the fall of the sun, the most dark magic in the demon world now is dark magic. It is reasonable to use dark magic to attack directly, which is the most convenient and quickest.

But considering that the creatures in the demon world live in this environment, they are already accustomed to dark magic and have a high resistance to this element, so it is more efficient to use other elements.

It is best to use light elements.

But... Hardy is not good at light elements, only dark and fire elements.

For this reason, he had to temporarily transfer dark magic to fire elements.

And this transfer takes time, and there is also a loss of magic in the middle of the transfer!

The magic fluctuation of this conversion gave the ambushers behind a chance to react.

When Hardy condensed a big fireball, several intelligent creatures behind the mound reacted and jumped out directly.

At this time, Hardy also "pushed" the big fireball in his hand out.

The blazing fireball flew forward in a parabola and adjusted its "trajectory" in mid-air.

The E.P.R mental power application system is not only used for reconnaissance, but also has the effect of magic locking.

Although these suddenly appearing black shadows tried their best to escape, the big fireball still locked one of them and chased them directly.

The light of the burning fireball illuminated the surrounding area, and Hardy saw clearly that the several black shadows fleeing in front had a layer of gray and smooth armor!

Bone demon.

Born a magic professional, no wonder the mental power is so high and the reaction to spells is so fast.

But it is meaningless to be faster. The mobility of the bone demon is not strong. They were caught up by the fireball before they ran a few steps.

After the violent explosion and flash, the bone demon hit by the fireball turned into charred blocks on the spot and flew everywhere.

And several bone demons around were blown away by the violent steam wave of the explosion and fell several meters away.

At this time, Hardy directly used the charge skill of the battle and rushed forward with a swish.

Several bone demons lying on the ground struggled to stand up, and in just two seconds, Hardy cut off their heads.

Then the remaining one was stepped on the ground by Hardy, and the long sword touched the opponent's forehead.

Fina walked over from a distance.

The dry grass caused by the explosion of the fireball began to burn, with the flames as the back, and the handsome boy holding a long sword with a sneer on his lips.

And around, there were several headless corpses lying, adding a touch of fierce murderous aura to this picture.

Such a composition appeared in front of her, and Fina was fixed in place, not daring to, and could not step forward.

There were some different expressions on her face.

Hadi himself did not think so much, the tip of the long sword in his hand had already pierced half of the forehead of the bone demon.

With a little more force, he could pierce the opponent's brain.

"Tell me, why did you ambush us!"

"We... We didn't ambush you..." The bone demon trembled all over: "We are just habitually... hunting. It's not intentional..."

Hadi chuckled: "Lie. We didn't walk on the normal road at all, we walked in the wasteland. In this case, you can ambush us, isn't it ridiculous?"

Now that the sun has fallen, there are not many people willing to walk outside.

Not to mention that Hadi had specially taken anti-tracking and anti-ambush measures.

But he was still blocked.

Who could see or guess his route?

Hadi subconsciously looked back at Fina... not her!

The future goddess of fate, she was on his side.

In addition, he did not feel any other spiritual power source nearby.

Wait... Hadi suddenly thought of something, he looked up at the sky. (End of this chapter)

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