Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 782: Fina loses control due to jealousy

The sky was dark, starless and moonless.

Even if Hardy had weak dark vision, he couldn't see the sky a hundred meters above.

He tried to amplify his spiritual power, and then found a clue, a weak spiritual source flying in the air.

As soon as Hardy locked onto this thing, the opponent immediately took off and flew.

Such a reaction!

It is very sensitive to spiritual power and should be a magical creature.

Generally speaking, magical creatures are either the contracted beast of the mage or the summoner's 'pet'.

But no matter which one it is, it is a fact that they are being targeted by a powerful legal profession.

Hardy looked at the bone demon at his feet, and with a little force of his right foot, he crushed the opponent's chest.

The bone demon groaned, and then the divine light in his eyes disappeared.

Fina walked over from behind, her expression soft: "This must be an accident."

Hardy turned around and said with a smile: "Aren't you a fortune teller? You can try to divine the origin of the enemy."

"Well..." Fina said with some embarrassment: "Divination is a very vague result, and there is no way to be precise about specific names of people or things."

"Oh, that's right." Hardy nodded.

At this time, the wild area caused by the fireball technique was gradually extinguishing. He looked around and said, "Let's go. If you don't go, others will follow the fire and find us."

Fina caught up with Hardy in a few steps. She felt quite embarrassed in her heart at this time.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "Although I can't divine the enemy's specific situation, I should be able to divine which direction to avoid them."

"Divining them is of little significance. You might as well help me divine where the next goddess of light is at the moment."

Fina followed Hardi step by step and asked in a low voice: "Do you know the next goddess of light?"

"So we know each other."

Pursing her lips gently, Fina asked again: "Is she beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

When Fina heard this, she subconsciously touched her ears. She felt that her ears seemed a little itchy and uncomfortable.

"Then find a safe place, divination takes time!"

Hadi smiled and said: "According to the map, we are now very close to the next human city. Let's do divination when we get there."

"Well, it's up to you." Fina said in a subtle tone.

The two of them continued on their way.

It's just that Fina doesn't seem to be as chatty as before.

I used to talk endlessly, but now I only say a word or two occasionally.

Hardy didn't feel anything was wrong. On the contrary, he felt that it was quieter this way.

After walking in the dark for about five hours, the outline of a city faintly appeared in the darkness ahead.

But Hardy stopped and stared ahead.

Fina also stopped.

Her eyesight was not as good as Hardy's, and she could only see darkness ahead.

"Is someone ambushing us again?" Fina asked in a low voice.

Hardy shook his head: "The city is ahead."

Fina's eyes lit up: "Then shouldn't we leave faster?"

"But there is no light." Hardy explained: "According to the information I gathered before, this city also has a lighting ball created by the next goddess of light. Logically speaking, there should be obvious light rising into the sky. "

"But now it's pitch black there!" Fina was very smart, and she understood what Hardy wanted to say.

Hardy nodded.

"Could it be that the lighting ball failed?" Fina said with a fluke mentality.

Hardy shook his head: "It's unlikely. In such a harsh environment, this kind of magic device that can illuminate for a long time will definitely be carefully guarded, and ordinary people will not even have a chance to get close."

Fina said nothing.

"So, that city was probably conquered by the aliens." Hardy sighed helplessly: "The lighting ball was probably taken away by the victor."

Fina looked at the darkness in the distance, feeling a little confused.

After the sun fell, it first destroyed her hometown, and now the whole world is developing into a state of chaos.

The royal family's restraint on various races is getting lower and lower.

Various races have begun to devour each other in order to survive.

And the future she divined was full of despair.

It wasn't until Hadi's appearance that her divination became "hopeful".

You go into the woods and hide, and I'll go ahead and check on the situation.

Fina nodded obediently and walked to the woods nearby.

Hardy saw Fina hiding and walked forward faster.

Soon he came to the main entrance of the city.

The city gate had been broken into pieces and turned into wooden slag, scattered nearby.

There is a faint rancid smell in the air.

Hardy walked forward slowly. Along the way, he could occasionally see red blood stains and one or two white bones that seemed to be human beings, but he didn't see anything else of value.

Hardy thought that the city would be messy after it was breached, but the fact was just the opposite. The city was actually 'clean'.

Not to mention the lack of corpses, almost everything that could be taken away from the city was taken away.

Metal, wooden furniture, and wooden doors from many houses have disappeared.

Hardy walked around inside and even used his mental power to conduct reconnaissance.

As a result, a living creature was not seen.

He came out of the city and returned to the place where he was separated from Fina.

Then he walked into the forest and called Fina's name.

After a while, Fina came out of the shadows. She was obviously relieved when she saw Hadi.

"What's the situation?" she asked in a low voice.

Hadi shook his head: "Nothing is left, whether it's people or objects."

After a few seconds of silence, Fina whispered: "I just divined that the enemy of the city ahead is in the southwest."

"Then what?" Hadi asked. He personally didn't know much about the demon world.

"I've heard of this place. The southwest is the city of fear demons. They raise many fire ghosts." Fina looked into Hadi's eyes steadily: "Those wood can become food for fire ghosts."

Hadi felt very strange: "Isn't there a lot of wood outside? Must we take away all the furniture?"

Fina whispered: "Maybe the processed wood is more delicious and easier to digest?"

How is it possible!

Hadi thought for a while, took out the map, looked at it for a while, and said: "Let's change the route and go to the nearest human city in the east, then detour and finally go to the red soil plain."

"Do we have to go to the red soil plain?" Fina asked.

Hardy nodded: "I want to find the future goddess of light, she is the key to saving this world."

"She is not the key." Fina suddenly shouted: "You are the key to this world. There are many strong people gathered in the red soil plain. It is very dangerous for you to go there."

Hadi looked at Fina who lost her composure in surprise. (End of this chapter)

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