Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 783: Fina's strange prediction

Time goes back to half an hour ago.

After Fina hid in the woods, she stood at the back of the woods, watching Hardy's back gradually disappear into the darkness.

Then, there were emotions of worry and loneliness, which hit her heart at the same time.

Darkness is actually an excellent protection for the prophet.

But now, she felt very empty and deserted.

Although she had not been with Hardy for a long time, she seemed to have gotten used to having someone standing next to her.

It was a feeling of peace of mind.

He would not be ill-intentioned because of her ability or her appearance.

She stood in the darkness and suddenly felt that time was very difficult to endure.

She did not feel so difficult when her parents died in misfortune.

Every second seemed to be infinitely stretched.

She sighed softly and began to divination subconsciously.

The light blue light shot into the crystal ball in her arms from her 'seemingly' lifeless eyes.

Soon, there was a halo in the crystal ball that could change shape.

The halo was constantly changing colors and shapes.

And in Fina's eyes, the true appearance of the halo was reflected.

After a while, the light in the crystal ball disappeared, and Fina's eyes returned to their original appearance.

But her face suddenly became very strange, pale, blushing, and then gritting her teeth.

"How is this possible!"

She murmured to herself.

Because her mind was too excited, even the time that was originally very difficult to endure seemed to become "fast".

Unconsciously, it seemed to have passed.

Then she heard Hadi's voice calling her.

She hurried out.

From Hadi's mouth, she learned about the tragic experience of the city ahead. The world that was originally peaceful changed everything after the sun fell. The whole world was rushing towards the edge of destruction.

When she was sighing, she heard Hadi say that he was going to the red soil plain to find the future goddess of light.

Then Fina's emotions were immediately ignited.

Because in the divination just now, she saw some very extraordinary scenes.

"She is not the key." Fina suddenly shouted loudly: "You are the key to this world. There are many strong people gathered in the red soil plain. It is very dangerous for you to go there."

After shouting this sentence, Fina regretted it a little.

Hadi looked at her in surprise.

But then Hardy chuckled. The current Fina is getting closer and closer to the Fina he "knew" in the future.

Although she didn't communicate much with the goddess of fate, she could hear from a few words that the future Fina is a goddess who speaks her mind and seems to have some opinions about herself.

And that opinion should be the "legacy" of this era.

Since the future is like that, there is no need to "spoil" this Fina now.

Hadi said indifferently: "I think she is the key. Without the power of the sun, the world will be dark after all. The world needs the goddess of light."

The world he is talking about is not the demon world, but the future human world.

It should be called the "tree" world now.

After all, there should only be one life in that world, the World Tree.

"No, you are..." Fina hurriedly explained: "The Goddess of Light is just firewood after all. Her future is already destined, but you can change it. Your fate cannot be defined, and you can have an infinite future."

"I can change her fate, is that what you mean?" Hardy asked.

Fina shook her head vigorously and said loudly: "That's not what I mean. I mean... since this Goddess of Light is gone, you still have a chance to influence the next God of Light. The important thing for you is to protect yourself first. The red soil plain is very dangerous now, very dangerous."

"It seems that you have divined something very important." Hardy smiled and said: "Tell me."

Fina pursed her lips.

"Go ahead." Hardy sighed: "Your only role is to divine. If you don't even want to do this, then there is no need for you to follow me."

"You..." Fina was angry and furious. She felt that her good intentions were all wasted: "I'm doing this for your own good."

Hardy tilted his head, and his handsome smile was full of strange charm in the dark, like a male succubus.

He said, "I don't need you to do good for me. And I personally think that we have only known each other for less than two days, and you are doing good for me? Isn't that too much?"

Fina was stunned.

Hadi's words made her heart ache.

She was really... doing it for his own good, why didn't he appreciate it.

Hadi looked at Fina's pale face, sighed, and said, "Forget it, I have said too much, I apologize to you, but there are many things, you really don't need to help me make decisions, I have my own ideas and decisions."

Fina held back the pain in her heart, looked at Hardy deeply for a while, and finally nodded slightly.

"Then let's go." Hardy took the lead and walked in front: "You just need to tell me who our next enemy is."

Fina didn't speak.

She walked behind Hardy for a long time. She was very angry at first, but looking at Hardy's back, she gradually felt that she didn't seem so angry.

She even felt a little guilty in her heart.

She really had only known Hardy for less than two days, and it didn't seem good to help him make decisions like this!

Hardy didn't say anything wrong!

She thought so, and for some reason, she became anxious.

She must have left a bad impression in Hardy's heart.

She pursed her lips, feeling a little anxious, and couldn't help but say: "Hadi, if you want to see the future goddess of light quickly, you shouldn't go this way."

Hadi turned around: "Then where should I go?"

"This way." Fina pointed in another direction: "There is a human city there. If we hurry up, we should be able to see her."

"Oh, did you just do divination?"

"Yes." Fina sighed: "I saw her appearance and knew her name. But I still want to say that she is not suitable for you."

"Ah?" Hardy was a little surprised: "I'm not here to marry her."

"But I saw you and her, and..." Fina's cheeks blushed, and she immediately changed her words: "There are still many strong people in danger."

"Can't you see my fate?" Hardy was very strange.

Fina's face turned redder: "I saw her calling your name..."

Oh, observe the fate of others, and then calculate your own fate?

It is also a method.

"What else did you see besides these?" Hadi asked: "Has the world recovered?"

Fina shook her head: "I can't see that far, but the strange thing is that I saw a very big tree... as big as an island, fell from the sky, landed in the sea, and caused a tsunami."

Huh? (End of this chapter)

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