Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 306 White Bone Centipede

"here it is?"

Su Long looked up at the scene in front of him and was dumbfounded. After jumping down from the whirlpool, the scene in front of him made Su Long a little unbelievable.

After jumping down, it was not an endless sea, but a cemetery. An endless cemetery with no end in sight.

The dark wind blew by, as if he could hear the cries of the innocent souls, and Su Long shivered unconsciously.

"System, where is this place? Why does it feel so dangerous?"

"Ancient Dragon Cave..."

"Ancient dragon's lair?" Su Long asked first, and then asked with confusion on his face: "What is that? Is it the place where dragons live?"

"No, this is the cemetery of the Dragon Clan."

"The Dragon Clan's Cemetery?"

Su Long looked at the dense tombs in front of him with a look of disbelief: "Impossible? This is actually the cemetery of the Dragon Clan. How many dragons must have died to build such a cemetery? Wasn't the Dragon Clan the strongest at the time? How could he die? So much fell.”

"This involves ancient secrets. It's not suitable for you to know now. Let's go and take a look inside."

"Is there no danger?" Su Long looked at the grave in front of him warily, feeling that something was wrong.

"The treasure is inside."

"Is the treasure inside?" As soon as he mentioned the treasure, Su Long's attitude changed drastically: "Then let's leave quickly. No matter what the dragon's pond or tiger's den is, let's go in and have some fun."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, it's just a dragon's lair. How can it still stump me?"

"That's great, but I forgot to tell you that it's very dangerous inside. The chance of you coming out alive is one in a thousand."

"Let's go, let's go home. Let's go home, let's go to the hot bed with my wife and children, and break into some kind of dragon's lair. How could I be allowed to do such a dangerous job? Let's go."

"The treasure?"

"What treasure? I don't know and I don't need it. Let's leave quickly. This is the burial place of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan. Although I don't like the Dragon Clan, I still have to respect the dead. The dead are the most important. Let's not disturb them. They are.”

Su Long's theory really surprised the system. He was really born in the year of the dog and could change at will.

"Let's go quickly."

"It's too late. There is no way out here. If you want to get out, you can only go in and find the treasure inside. Only then will you have a chance to get out."

"I...why didn't you tell me in advance? If you had told me in advance, I wouldn't have come in at all. Are you trying to trick me?"



Su Long was speechless for a moment. The system admitted so openly that it was cheating him.

"Am I not treating you well? Why do you want to cheat me? Although you are usually mean to me, I still treat you with my heart and regard you as my mentor. But you still cheat me. Are you worthy of me? Now I will Tell me where you are, we are still good friends, and I will still treat you well..."

Su Long was crying with snot and tears, but the system was indifferent.

"Stop performing here. I have no human emotions and will not be deceived by you. If you want to get out, you can only pass through here. If you can't pass, you can only wait to die."

"But it's not bad. There are so many dragons here to keep you company, so you won't be lonely."

"I don't want to be with the dead dragon here. Damn it, it's just a knife if you extend your head, and it's a knife if you shrink your head. Let's go..."

Su Long directly gathered up the courage and walked inside. As soon as he entered the dragon's lair, a strong pressure squeezed towards him.

"A group of dead dragons can exert such a strong pressure. I really don't know how many dragons have died here."

Su Long stared at the pressure and walked forward step by step. The further he walked, the more he felt the pressure. However, despite this, he still could not see the end of the dragon's lair.

"What happened here? So many dragons are dead."

"This is not something you can know. Be careful. There are many dangers waiting for you ahead."

As soon as the system's voice finished speaking, a centipede jumped out from behind the tomb and attacked Su Long directly, without any warning, such a sudden attack.

Su Long was startled, but he reacted instantly and hurriedly dodged to the side. At the same time, he attacked Wu Gong with his stone-breaking hand. However, when the stone-breaking hand hit the centipede, it was of no use. It just wiped away the centipede. A little spark.

"Let me go, what is this guy and why is he so hard?"

"The white bone centipede grows in the dark bone burial ground. It has no intelligence and only knows how to kill and attack. The white bone centipede here sucks the breath of the dragon clan and has mutated. Both in strength and body, it has become very powerful."

"Host, I can only look at you next. This is a powerful enemy. If you can't defeat it, your life will be gone."

After saying that, the system disappeared.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't leave. You have to tell me what his weak electricity is. You are too unreliable. Aren't you trying to trick me?"

Faced with the unreliability of the system, Athlon was helpless, but he had no choice. He couldn't decide the system, and he had to rely on himself for the rest.


The white bone centipede's hundred long legs were moving rapidly, at an alarming speed. In an instant, it was in front of Su Long, and a smelly corpse breath was spat towards Su Long.

Su Long didn't dare to be careless. Corpse Qi was not a good thing. He couldn't touch it casually. If he wasn't careful, he would fall into it.

Su Long hid to one side, but the speed of the White Bone Centipede was not inferior to him at all. Wherever he ran, the centipede chased him, and kept attacking Su Long as if his corpse energy was inexhaustible.

"You stinky reptile, there is no end to it. Do you really think I can't do anything to you? I'm chasing me and I'll be careful to tear your bones apart."

As if feeling Su Long's provocation, the White Bone Centipede's attack became more violent.

Facing the fierce attack of the Bone Centipede, Su Long really had no idea for a while. This was his home field and it would benefit him. If he fought head-on, he would definitely not have the advantage, but hiding like this was not an option. This was not the way to go. His style.

"Damn it, are you really cornered by something with no intelligence?"

"This guy definitely has flaws. I don't believe that his attacks can continue continuously."

After waiting for a long time, Su Long had to believe that this guy's attacks were really continuous and never stopped.

"Hit the Dragon Whip..."

Su Long stopped hiding. He wanted to take the initiative and find loopholes. If he kept hiding, he would be defeated sooner or later.

"Damn reptile, come here and let me see how powerful I am." The moment the centipede attacked, the Dragon Beating Whip got wrapped around the centipede's jaws and used its strength to jump onto the centipede's back.

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