Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 307 Bone Dragon

"I asked you to vomit. I asked you to vomit and see if you can spit it out."

Su Long firmly pulled the White Bone Centipede's jaws, but he underestimated the White Bone Centipede's power.

The white bone centipede was in pain, and with a hard throw, Su Long was thrown out, sliding a long distance on the ground before stopping.

"I..." Su Long stood up in embarrassment. Just as he was about to curse, the White Bone Centipede came towards him and killed him without giving him any chance to breathe.

"Bah..." There was a big pit on the ground corroded by the corpse energy. Fortunately, Su Long dodges quickly.

"Is it so strong? It even comes with corrosive rules. My current body must be unable to bear it."

"Death upon contact."

The system said four words, which startled Su Long: "It's not that serious, right? You will die if you touch it?"

"Although the White Bone Centipede has no intelligence, his corrosion rules are close to perfection. After all, he was born from corpses and has inherent advantages. Your current body can only withstand the basic rules."

"This is such a nearly perfect rule that your body will collapse as soon as it touches it."


Su Long swallowed unconsciously. He really couldn't bear the rules that were close to perfection.

"Then how about I leave now and let's avoid him."

"Impossible." The system directly interrupted Su Long's thoughts: "You have angered the White Bone Centipede. He will pursue you relentlessly. If your speed can exceed him, you can choose to escape."

"Okay..." Su Long was about to run away, but the system's next words made Su Long give up the idea.

"The White Bone Centipede is the weakest here, and the others are already comparable to Dou Huang. You can run away, but don't blame me for not reminding you..."

"This..." Su Long, who had already taken the starting position, was stunned: "Forget it, I'm not the kind of person who runs away. I have to move forward bravely when facing difficulties. I'm just testing whether you understand me or not. , I didn’t expect you still don’t understand me, watch me twist his head off.”

Su Long turned his head to look at the Bone Centipede, and swung the dragon-beating whip to kill it.


Su Long didn't dare to resist, and went around directly, continuing to rush towards the Bone Centipede.

"Squeak..." The White Bone Centipede rushed towards Su Long faster. He only had killing in his eyes. He only had Su Long in his eyes now. As long as he killed Su Long, he could continue to absorb the corpses. gas.

"God-Breaking Strike..."

Su Long quickly approached the White Bone Centipede and had a head-on collision with his jaw pliers.

"Crack..." With a crisp sound, the White Bone Centipede's jaws were snapped in half by Su Long.

"Oh? It's so fragile." Su Long looked at his hands in surprise. He originally thought that his pliers were as hard as his body, but he didn't expect that his pliers would be broken off with a single palm.

The White Bone Centipede obviously didn't expect that Su Long's attack would suddenly become so powerful that it could break his jaws.


A large amount of corpse energy was spat out and attacked Su Long.

"Little reptile, just wait for death." Su Long was now confident that since he could break his jaws, he could break his body.

"Bah..." Although the White Bone Centipede has no intelligence, it still understands the basic fighting ability. Once its jaws are smashed, it will not continue to confront it, but will continue to harass it with corpse energy.

The situation now is reversed, where Su Long keeps chasing the White Bone Centipede.

"Reptile, don't run away, stop and let me hit you." All the anger from being chased and beaten was now vented.

"Die to me."

After grabbing the White Bone Centipede, Su Long beat him hard. The attack was of little use to him, but it also caused him a burst of pain. He didn't know how far he chased it.


Suddenly, the Bone Centipede let out a scream and disappeared, which startled Su Long.

"This...what exactly is going on? Where did the Bone Centipede go?"

Su Long unconsciously took two steps back, and the scene in front of him was a bit strange.

"I advise you to run away quickly. Someone has been alerted by you. If you don't run away, you won't be able to escape."

After receiving the prompt, Su Long turned around and ran away. He didn't forget to look back as he was running away. As soon as he turned around, he was stunned by the big guy behind him.

"NM, isn't this a bone dragon? Why is there such a thing here?" Su Long ran even faster, not daring to stop. This was no joke. Although it was a bone dragon, it did not have the same strength as before. It's not something he can compete with now.

The pressure on his body made Su Long breathless. This bone dragon was definitely stronger than Dou Huang, and could even rival Dou Sheng now.

The bone dragon flew up into the sky little by little, its empty eye sockets suddenly glowed with light, and its head slowly looked towards Su Long.

"Fuck, don't look at me, I didn't do anything."

Su Long speeded up and wanted to leave, secretly praying in his heart that the bone dragon would not stare at him. Unfortunately, the more he prayed, the more the bone dragon's eyes stared at him.

"God, are you against me? Don't chase me."

The bone dragon opened its wings, the pressure dissipated, and it opened its mouth and sucked in fiercely.

A scene that shocked Su Long even more appeared. The creatures in the cemetery, such as white bone centipedes, snakes and scorpions, all flew into the sky. They had no ability to resist, and they all entered the body of the bone dragon.

For a moment, the corpse energy on the bone dragon's body was everywhere, and even if it shook its wings, it was stronger than the corpse energy spit out by the white bone centipede.

"Roar..." A dragon roar shook the entire dragon cave, and stronger dragon power emanated.

"Gudu..." Su Long swallowed, not daring to stop, and ran away. This was not an opponent of the same level at all. Bone Dragon could probably kill Su Long with just one breath.

"What the hell is this guy? Isn't he dead? How can he still fly?"

"In front of him is the God of War. This is his remaining spiritual wisdom. It was just activated by you. If he hadn't driven the White Bone Centipede away, he would have slept for who knows how many years before he wakes up. Congratulations on winning the prize. .”

"You still have the nerve to joke with me. What should I do now? I can't run away like this. I always feel like something is staring at me."

"You have been targeted by him. He just has no energy now and is sucking the corpse air. When he finishes absorbing it, you will..."

"Damn it, I got on your pirate ship. What am I doing here? Run away..."

Su Long only has one thought now, and that is to run and leave here before the bone dragon recovers. Unfortunately, the wish is good, but the reality is indeed very cruel.

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