Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 627 Being kicked out

"Aren't you leaving?" Doctor Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Long with a smile. Looking at Doctor Lei, Su Long always felt that something was going to happen, but for him to face the God Emperor, he was really seeking death. Able to refuse boldly.

"I do not go."


Su Long also didn't expect that Doctor Lei would agree not to let him go.

"I knew, how could you..."

"You don't have to leave, but I can let him in. As long as I allow him, the Emperor Tiansha can also come in."

Su Long still had a smile on his face, but he was frozen there. He didn't expect Doctor Lei to play this trick on him.

"What's wrong? Why do you look like this?"

Su Long glanced at Lei Doctor bitterly: "You are cruel, but aren't you afraid that he will have evil intentions towards Lei Cheng when you let him in?"

After listening to Su Long's words, Lei Doctor burst out laughing: "I really can't leave, but in Leicheng, no one can be my opponent."

Doctor Lei exuded a light of confidence, and Su Long unconsciously believed him. For some reason, he always felt that Doctor Lei was unfathomable.

"Who are you and why are you so confident?"

"You are not qualified now. Get out of here soon, otherwise I will let him in. Leicheng is only so big, and you won't be able to escape by then."

Doctor Lei was determined and wanted Su Long to leave Leicheng.

"Okay, I'm leaving, but I just want to know why you have to let me leave."

"No reason, I just want to see if you can escape from the hands of the Emperor Tiansha."

"What if I can't run away?"

"Will you die if you can't run away? There are not so many chances. I wish you good luck."

Doctor Lei waved his hand, signaling Su Long to leave.

Although Su Long was very reluctant, he had no choice. If the Emperor Tiansha came in, he would not be able to run away. He had no doubt that Doctor Lei would do this.

"Doctor Lei, I, Su Long, will remember your great kindness today and I will definitely repay you when we meet in the future."

Regarding Su Long's threat, Doctor Lei didn't take it to heart at all: "I'll wait for you. As long as you still have life, I believe in you."

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone.

Su Long came to the edge of Leicheng without looking back. The next step was to walk out of Leicheng and face the Emperor Tiansha.

"Tiansha God Emperor, Tiansha God Emperor, you must not be outside Leicheng. I really don't want to offend you."

Su Long wanted to stay for a while longer, but the gate of Leicheng opened with a flash.

"This... Doctor Lei, do you really want to kill them all? Can't you give me a little more time to prepare?"

But what faced him was only dense thunder and lightning, which kept pressing towards Su Long. Su Long had no other way out and could only be forced out of the Leicheng City step by step.

"Doctor Lei, I remember you, I will definitely come back."

Listening to Su Long's indignant voice, Doctor Lei grinned and looked at Xiao Xiao beside him: "Xiao Xiao, do you think what I did was right?"

Xiaoxiao changed his childish look and revealed a sharp light in his eyes: "Grandpa, there is nothing wrong or wrong. This is what he has to face. In the future, his enemies will be much stronger than him. If he can even pass this level, If not, he is not qualified to access the secrets of the divine world."

"Hey..." Doctor Lei sighed in a low voice. He had no choice but to do this, and Su Long had to face it.

How could Su Long know what their plan was? He had no idea and didn't want to know, but he got into it.

Su Long, who was driven out step by step by thunder and lightning, left Leicheng as quickly as possible without stopping. If the Emperor of Heavenly Evil was near Leicheng, he would not be able to escape.

It's a pity that his hope could not be realized after all, and the goddess of luck did not patronize him.

The Emperor Tiansha has been waiting for him outside Thunder City, not only because Su Long played with him and took away the thunder beast that belonged to him, but more importantly, Su Long had something more powerful than the Mi Zi Ring in his hand. The treasure must be obtained.

Even if he is asked to wait for a hundred years, he will not hesitate. A hundred years is not too long. As long as he is here to guard, not even a fly can fly out.

He did not wait for a hundred years, but only waited for less than half a day to see Su Long being driven out by lightning.

"It seems that God is still very happy with me. He actually waited for a long time and it's here. Now it depends on where you go."

The God Emperor's detection range is much stronger than that of the God King. Even if Su Long's soul is stronger than others, it is still not stronger than the God Emperor.

Su Long did not find the Emperor Tiansha, but he could feel the danger.

"The Emperor Tiansha must be around, but I don't know where he is. Damn Doctor Lei, he didn't show any kindness at all. At least he let me stay for ten or eight years."

Su Long is confident that if he stays for ten or eight years, his strength will definitely improve greatly. At the very least, he can be promoted to a god, or even a god king.

At that time, even if you were defeated by the God Emperor, you could still escape with his various methods. Now, it is very difficult and almost a certain death situation.

"Boy, you finally came out and gave me your life."

No matter how he ran, Su Long could not get out of the attack range of the Emperor Tiansha, and the Emperor Tiansha was not in a hurry to take action. He was still very afraid of Leicheng. If Su Long re-entered Leicheng, he would have nothing to do.

If he knew that Su Long was kicked out, he wouldn't think so, but even so, Su Long also had no chance.

"God Emperor Tiansha, you are an annoying fly."

He used all his strength to defend and blocked the God Emperor's casual blow. The Tiansha God Emperor did not intend to kill Su Long, so his casual blow was not powerful.

But it limited Su Long's escape speed. Su Long could only stop there and quietly look at the Emperor Tiansha opposite him.

"God Emperor Tiansha, what are you going to do?"

"You kidnapped my people and played tricks on me. What do you want me to do? The dignity of the God-Emperor is irreversible. You should have thought about all this when you played tricks on me."

Su Long didn't believe a word of what the Emperor Tiansha said.

"God Emperor Tiansha, let's speak openly. You have no intention of killing me now. You don't have to quibble. If you wanted to kill me, you could have killed me just now."

The Emperor Tiansha smiled and said nothing. Su Long was right. He did not want to kill Su Long at all, at least not now. He would not kill Su Long until he got what he wanted.

"You are very smart. I really have no intention of killing you now. Not only will I not kill you, I will even train you to be my successor. How about that?"

Su Long smiled disdainfully: "God Emperor Tiansha, do you think I'm stupid? To become your successor, you will let me live for no reason. Tell me your conditions. I don't want to be your successor. , but I want to live.”

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