Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 628 Keep playing

A very real reason is to survive. In order to survive, I can agree to any conditions.

"Yes, as long as you agree to my conditions, I can spare your life."


"Hand over your Mi Zi Jie, and I can forget the blame and even owe you a favor."

"Mi Zi Jie?" Su Long looked at the Tiansha God Emperor in confusion: "Whether you believe it or not, I do not have this Mi Zi Jie."

"No?" The Tiansha God Emperor's face has turned ugly: "It seems that you really have no intention of cooperating. Do you think you can still escape from me?"

Su Long shook his head: "No."

"Then hand over Mi Zi Jie."

"But I really don't have any Mi Zi Ring. Even the God Emperor can't get something as valuable as the Mi Zi Ring. How can I, a little god king, possibly get it?"

Su Long naturally knew what the Emperor Tiansha was talking about. The Dragon Slaying Tower was not a Mi Zi Ring, but a treasure countless times more valuable than the Mi Zi Ring.

It is simply impossible to get him to hand over the Dragon Slaying Tower. Even if it is handed over to him, Su Long believes that the Emperor Tiansha will not let him go.

The news of the treasure is not allowed to be leaked at all. At that time, he will lose all means of saving his life.

"Hmph, it seems you are still dishonest. How did you escape from my hands without the Mi Zi Jie?"

"Breaking the Sky Talisman."

"Breaking Sky Talisman?" God Emperor Tiansha looked at Su Long with disdain: "Do you really think I'm stupid?"

Su Long nodded, really making the Emperor Tiansha very angry, but he still held back, for the sake of the treasure.

"I will give you one last chance to hand over the treasure and spare your life. Otherwise, you will die miserably. I will let you see the methods of my God Emperor Tiansha."

Su Long shook his head: "It seems there is no other way. As long as I hand over the treasure, can you let me live?"

"That's right, as long as you hand over the Mizi Ring, I can let you live."

With the promise from the Emperor Tiansha, Su Long put his hand into his arms, as if he was about to take out something.

The Emperor Tiansha's eyes have been staring at Su Long's hand, and he is full of expectations for the treasure.

"for you."

Throwing a ring, Su Long turned around and ran away.

Emperor Tiansha did not chase Su Long, but reached out to catch the ring.

"Finally got it, Mi Zi Jie."

Emperor Tiansha held the Mi Zi Ring carefully, but when his soul entered, he found that it was just an ordinary ring, not a Mi Zi Ring at all.

"How dare you lie to me."

The face of the Emperor Tiansha was very ugly. Su Long once again played tricks on him. He was played by the same person twice in a row. The Emperor Tiansha could no longer bear it.

"It's impossible to escape from my grasp. If I don't kill you, I won't be the God Emperor."

Su Long knew that after getting the ring, the Emperor Tiansha would become angry, so he used the fastest speed to distance himself, and then teleported away. At that time, the sky was high and the birds could fly.

However, he still underestimated the speed of the God Emperor. The moment he knew that he had been fooled, the God Emperor Tiansha quickly chased after him. At this time, Su Long had just activated the Sky Breaking Talisman.

"If you want to leave, stay with me."

Instead of attacking Su Long, he disrupted the surrounding space, completely cutting off Su Long's hope of leaving.

"Damn it, is the God Emperor so fast?"

"You have worn out my patience. Just go to hell and kill me."


The Tiansha God Emperor's attack was already in hand. Su Long felt the strong threat and hurriedly stopped the Tiansha God Emperor.

"You win, I admit defeat, and I give you my treasure."

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

"This time it's true. I really won't lie to you. Don't you want to know the secret of my hiding body? I'll tell you now. In fact, I don't have a Mizi Ring."

"Huh?" The Tiansha God Emperor's eyes became even more unkind, but Su Long was still talking.

"Although I don't have the Mizi Ring, there is something stronger and better than the Mizi Ring. As long as I enter it, no one can find it."

Su Long's words once again aroused the interest of the Emperor Tiansha.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Su Long looked at him proudly.

"Of course it's true, and it's impossible for anyone else to find this treasure except me, unless I hand it over willingly."

Judging from Su Long's appearance, it didn't feel like he was lying.

"Then hand over the baby quickly."

"You can let me hand it over, but you have to be mentally prepared. This treasure has a weapon spirit. He looks a bit ugly. He is like a piece of shit. But you can't dislike him, otherwise, the weapon spirit will I am very angry and must take good care of him.”

"A piece of shit?"

"Yes, he does look like shit, but you can't say it in front of him. You must praise the weapon spirit. As long as the weapon spirit is happy, you can successfully conquer him."

This is the first time the Emperor Tiansha has heard of this kind of treasure, and Su Long doesn't look like he is lying.

"Take it out quickly, I won't mind it."

"Don't forget to let me go."

"Hurry up, otherwise I won't be polite." The Emperor Tiansha was already impatient.

Su Long threw out a piece of shit, turned around and ran away. Emperor Tiansha didn't pay attention. Su Long couldn't escape from his grasp. Now it was time to see whether the baby was real or fake.

"Silly, do you really think I will give you my treasure? Come on."

The poop was real poop. It suddenly exploded in front of the Tiansha God Emperor and splashed directly onto the Tiansha God Emperor's body and face.

The muscles on his face were trembling constantly, shaking off the filth on his body. The Emperor Tiansha was angry and was completely angered by Su Long.

Su Long could sense the anger of the Heavenly Evil God Emperor even after running a long distance.

"Goodbye, it's not that easy to kill me."

Su Long has activated the Sky Breaking Talisman, and even if the Emperor of Heavenly Evil arrives now, he cannot stop Su Long.

"Boy, I won't let you go even to the end of the world, Thousand Miles Tracking Technique."

The moment the space closed, a ray of light entered Su Long's body.

There is nothing unusual, but it gives people a feeling of being watched.

"It's really troublesome that I'm still chasing you."

Su Long can be sure that the last light is the tracking technique. As long as the tracking technique is there, he will not be able to escape, and sooner or later he will be found by the Emperor Tiansha.

"System, is there any way to eliminate it?"

"Yes, but I won't help you. You need to resolve it yourself this time. You can't rely on the system every time."

Su Long was very dissatisfied with the system's answer. He couldn't afford to offend the God Emperor now.

"He is the God Emperor, I am just the God King."

"I know."

"You know you still don't help me."

"I trust you."

Su Long was completely speechless and dismissed him with the words "I believe you."

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