The system didn't help, and he had no choice but to find a way to escape on his own. The Sky Breaking Talisman teleported far away, so it would take at least some time to catch up with him.

"Continue to run away and find a safe place first."

Su Long quickened his speed and continued to flee. He knew that the Emperor Tiansha would catch up to him in a short time, so he would first find a chance to escape.

Su Long kept running away, running away aimlessly. He didn't know where he was teleported to. Anyway, there was no one in this barren mountain.

"Take a rest, I'm exhausted."

After finding a remote mountain peak, Su Long stopped to rest. Even if he was found here, he could still deal with it for a while. He had to take a rest. The divine power in his body was almost exhausted.

This state was unnecessary. If the Emperor of Heavenly Evil came after him, he wouldn't even have the strength to resist.

The distance should be safe now. Su Long found two wild rabbits and had barbecue.

Soon the fragrance spread: "It smells so good, I'm starving to death."

Although he escaped successfully, it was a torture to Su Long's spirit. The pressure was too great. Now that he relaxes, his stomach feels empty.

Su Long picked up the barbecue and started eating it. The more he ate, the more delicious it became, and the aroma was overflowing.


"Huh?" Su Long looked down at his stomach. He shouldn't have eaten it. Why was he still thinking, "Maybe he's hallucinating."


Before Su Long could eat, another voice came. Su Long frowned, as if it wasn't his own voice. If it wasn't his, then it might be someone else.

"Could it be the Emperor of Heavenly Evil?"

Su Long jumped away in a hurry and ran into the distance without stopping at all.

"Little brother, don't run, I'm not a bad person."

After Su Long ran for a certain distance, he heard the voice behind him, which was not the Emperor Tiansha, so he stopped.

"It's not the Emperor Tiansha. It scared me to death. I thought he was coming after me."

Su Long returned to the mountain and looked at him warily: "Who are you, why are you here, and what is your purpose."

"This is my home."

"You said this is your home?"

"Well, this mountain is mine. You are a guest at my house now. Can you share some of the barbecue with me? The smell is so fragrant that I feel hungry just from smelling it."

He didn't feel any hostility, and his eyes were always staring at his barbecue, so Su Long felt relieved, but still guarded against him.

"sit down."

Sitting opposite Su Long, his eyes were on the barbecue, and his mouth was almost watering.

"Eat it, eat it. If it's not enough, I'll help you bake it. Just treat it like a good person for once. It's fate that we meet each other. You won't be able to eat it if you want to eat it in the future."

Su Long's barbecue technique is unique, and he can completely remove the fishy smell of the meat.

“Tender, fragrant, and so delicious.”

He took the barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. While eating, he didn't forget to praise Su Long's skills.

"If it tastes good, just eat more."

The two of them sat there, neither of them talking, and soon the barbecue was eaten up. They felt their round bellies with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"Thank you so much. I have never eaten such delicious barbecue. I will definitely repay you."

"My barbecue is indeed unmatched by anyone, but forget it in return. If I leave, my enemies will be chasing me soon. If I don't run away, it will be too late."

Su Long could feel the feeling of surveillance getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that the Emperor Tiansha was getting closer and closer to him, he had to find a way to get rid of him.


Looking at the horizon in the distance, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No need to run, you can't run away anymore, he is already here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the space was torn open, and a embarrassed figure emerged from it.

"Boy, let me see where you are running."

In order to catch up with Su Long, he used secret techniques to increase his speed five times and forcefully break through the space. Only then did he reach Su Long in an instant.

"Damn it, it came so fast." Su Long was about to run away, but the attack of the Emperor Tiansha had already arrived, directly disrupting the space and interrupting Su Long's retreat.

"If you want to run away, I won't give you any chance this time."

Su Long smiled bitterly. There was nothing he could do now. He couldn't escape by running. He could only rely on the Dragon Slaying Tower, hoping to withstand the attack of the God Emperor.

"God Emperor Tiansha, do you think you are in trouble? Didn't I just lie to you three times? Why are you pursuing me so hard?"

"Tricked him three times."

He looked at Su Long with disbelief: "Is this person so stupid? He was tricked by you three times."

"Of course, I have to trick him three times and intercept his people, otherwise he will be a god emperor and chase me."

The two people sang and talked about the embarrassing things about the Emperor Tiansha, and the Emperor Tiansha looked ugly.

"This God-Emperor is really a fool. I don't know how he was promoted to God-Emperor."

"Heroes see the same thing. I'm also thinking, is it possible that even fools can become God-Emperors now?"

Su Long is here to deliberately anger the Emperor Tiansha. Once a person is angry, there will be flaws exposed. As long as there are flaws, Su Long has a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, his wish could not come true. The Tiansha God Emperor's face was indeed ugly, but he soon calmed down.

"Boy, don't think about irritating me. You will die no matter what today. Even if you hand over the treasure, I won't let you go."

The repeated teasing has made him lose his patience, and now he wants to kill Su Long.

"Okay, I won't run away, but our affairs have nothing to do with him, so let him leave."


"I'll give you the baby, and you let him go."

Before the Emperor Tiansha finished speaking, Su Long interrupted him: "How about it, he has nothing to do with us. Even if we let him go, you won't suffer, right?"


The Emperor Tiansha didn't care whether he killed more people or not. Even if Su Long didn't give him the treasure, he wouldn't suffer.

"Go away quickly. I won't be able to protect you from now on. I can't protect myself now."

"I won't leave. I can't leave you alone. I still want to repay your kindness."

"No, please leave quickly. Don't wait for him to lose patience. None of us will be able to leave then."

Judging from his appearance, he is just an ordinary person. It is impossible to help him at all, and his life will be in vain. If he does not leave, Su Long's last hope of escape will be gone.

"Okay, take care."

He turned around and left, but with a faint smile on his lips.

"Catch me if you can."

Su Long turned around and ran away. As long as he took the Emperor Tiansha away from here, he would not implicate anyone else. Unfortunately, the Emperor Tiansha was faster than him.

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