Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 675 The first stage

The brachiosaurus got instructions from the old man and attacked without mercy. He attacked Su Long and the others with punch after punch, and quickly knocked them to the ground.

The three people covered their faces and had no room to fight back, but even so, the attacks from the brachiosaurus continued to fall on them, and they could feel their bones cracking.

"What should we do? We can't be beaten passively. These guys are attacking us without our lives."

"Damn it, try your best. I'll help you block them in a moment. If I can, I'll kill each one."


They did not refuse. After all, Wang Huayang's defense was stronger than theirs. Even without divine defense, it was not something they could compare to.

"Three, two, one... attack."

Wang Huayang roared angrily and took most of the attacks on himself. Taking advantage of this gap, Su Long and Xian Yunzi attacked the brachiosaurus.

"To capture the thief, capture the king first, and kill the biggest one first."


The two men went to kill the Ape King, but the Ape King just gave them a snort, and then gave them an upside-down middle finger.

"Holy shit, you're actually taunting me. If I don't beat you down today, I'll take your last name."

"The black tiger rips out the heart."

"Monkey steals peach."

"The strongest physical skill kills for a thousand years."

"Millennium Killing Duo."


"Let's play together."

It is definitely impossible to defeat the defense of the brachiosaurus from the front. You can only attack at the weak point of the defense. Just like humans, the bottom is the weakest point of defense.

The two of them were playing dirty tricks and kept using the Thousand-Year Kill.


Even the Brachiosaurus King couldn't resist such an attack. He kept wailing. The Brachiosaurus King fell to the ground with tears streaming down his face. When had he ever been treated like this? This was an insult to his character.

"Stop it, otherwise, your king will be killed by me for a thousand years."

When the Ape King heard that he was going to kill for a thousand years, he roared, and all the Apes stopped. Wang Huayang, who had suffered tons of damage, no longer had any strength, and his face was bruised and swollen from the beating.


Xianyunzi helped Wang Huayang leave the encirclement step by step. The three of them were covered in scars, but they were very happy now because they had won.

"Yes, congratulations."

Suddenly feeling a powerful attack behind them, the three people flew backwards again.

"Go away, little ape. It's time for you to take revenge. Don't be polite to me."

The Brachiosaurus King limped to his feet and stared at the three of them fiercely.

"Old immortal, you are acting like a rogue and attacked me from behind."



"I wish you will choke on your food, choke on your drinks, fall down when you walk, and become possessed by cultivation."

Wang Huayang kept cursing. When the old man heard Wang Huayang's words, his face turned green with anger.

"Little Yuan, that kid is the only one. I can't spare you until I beat him half to death. Go take revenge."

As the three people were wailing, a group of brachions attacked them fiercely. The bones on their bodies were basically broken, and the three people fell into a coma.

"Okay, stop. They are already unconscious. You should go and rest. I will trouble you later."

After the brachiosaurus left, the old man began to heal their injuries, wasting his own strength, helping them set bones and remove the hidden wounds in their bodies, but the external injuries were still there.

He couldn't let them notice his actions. After healing the internal injuries, the old man left, and the three of them were left unconscious in the open air.

They woke up the next day. Although they still felt a little pain, it was nothing.

"The old guy is too cruel to harm us like this. Don't let me seize the opportunity. I will burn all his beard."

As soon as he woke up, Wang Huayang started cursing non-stop, but was quickly stopped by Su Long and the others.

"Don't waste this energy, we're already being targeted."

Looking at the pairs of blood-red eyes around them, they knew that the brachiosaurus was coming again, and they could only endure the severe pain on their bodies.

The three of them were defending each other. It was impossible to sneak attack on the Brachiosaurus King. Even if the sneak attack was successful, the old man would definitely be watching in the dark and would sneak attack on them.

If you want to truly get out of trouble, you must defeat them all. Although it seems unrealistic now, you must work hard in order to avoid being beaten.

"Good luck to you guys."

"Hopefully, kill."

Without flinching, they charged towards the Brachiosaurus. However, the strength gap was huge and their numbers were even more mysterious. They were quickly knocked to the ground.

Although there were two outbreaks during this period, they were only short-lived. He was soon knocked to the ground again and beaten until he was unconscious.

"Hey, these three guys are really brainless. They still choose to fight despite the disparity in strength. But their courage is commendable."

If Su Long and the others were awake, they would definitely curse hard. If he hadn't intervened, how could they choose to fight head-on? This is the stupidest and most dangerous way.

After curing their hidden wounds, the old man turned and left. The three of them were resurrected with full health the next day, but they were not happy at all.

Waking up meant that they were about to fall into coma. Sure enough, not three minutes after waking up, the brachiosaurus reappeared and surrounded the three of them.

"Wait a minute, brother brachions, can you be gentler? It's very painful."

"Roar..." After they all rolled their eyes at Wang Huayang, they attacked, and the three of them were quickly knocked to the ground without any accident.

Attacking like this day after day, year after year, the three of them persisted longer and longer, and in the end, they were able to knock more than half of the braibons to the ground.

"Come on, monkey cubs, I have endured for three years, and today I can finally take revenge."

The three of them stood in front of the brachiosaurus, gearing up for revenge.

In the past three years, they have been tortured and beaten every day, but this has also made their bodies very strong.

And they have become accustomed to the days without divine power, and they have been constantly exercising their bodies. Now they can knock down the brachiosaurus to the ground with one punch.

Today is the time for the three of them to take revenge, and let them experience the feeling of being beaten.

"Are you ready? I'm going to do it."

Wang Huayang rushed forward first, but he went out quickly and came back even faster. Before he could attack the brachiosaurus, he was slapped back by the old man.

"Old man, what are you going to do? I want revenge."

"Revenge? No need. You have passed the first stage of the test. They have completed their mission."


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