Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 676 Leaving Seclusion

The three of them felt like they were powerless. They were already ready for revenge, but suddenly telling them that they had completed the test didn't make them give up on revenge. How could this be possible? Google search reading

"No, old man, I must take revenge today. I have suffered so much in the past three years and how many times I have been beaten by them. Today I will repay them well."

After saying that, Wang Huayang rushed towards the brachiosaurus, but was slapped back by the old man again.

"Why, what the old man said is of no use to you. Since you want revenge, then I will help you. I asked them to attack you. I am the culprit. I will give you a chance to take revenge. Come on. Come on."

The old man raised his fingers towards Wang Huayang, and Wang Huayang froze there. Not to mention that he couldn't make a move due to his respect for his teacher. Even if he could, he was no match for the old man.

Even if he regains his divine power and takes action with Su Long and the others, he will not be a match for the old man. If he dares to take action, he will definitely receive violent revenge.

"Don't dare. You are the master. How dare I do it? I was just joking, joking."

Wang Huayang immediately gave in. If he refused, there was nothing he could do. Being beaten by the old man would be much worse than a thong.

"I know you have been holding back some grievances over the years. I'll give you a day to let the three of you vent. I will train you again tomorrow."

After the old man left, the three of them fought together, equally mercilessly. Everyone's face was injured and became bruised and swollen, but the resentment in their hearts was vented.

"Rest, rest, I don't know what kind of training I will receive tomorrow."

They were gathered early the next morning, and the old man did not teach them a lesson.

"Yun'er, you can leave. Your grandfather has other plans for you. No one knows you better than him. Your grandfather will train you for the rest of the time."

"Thank you, senior."

Although he suffered a lot, he knew it was for his own good. His body was much stronger, and his fighting skills had improved a lot. There were no extra means, and every move was sure to kill.

If they hadn't developed these skills, how could they have broken out from the siege of the brachiosaurus?

"You brat, get out of here, I have other plans for you."

Only Su Long was left alone. The old man came to Su Long and looked at him: "You are very mysterious and very talented. I have nothing to teach you, but I have the will of a sword master here. You You can feel it, it may be helpful to your simplicity."

The old man said it lightly, but Su Long knew that the sword master's will was so easy to obtain. The old man must have paid a certain price to get it for him.

"Thank you, senior. Su Long will never forget it."

The old man shook his head: "You can practice here. This is a small secret realm. No one will disturb you. Just settle down. I will go out alone to train you brat."

"Well, thank you, senior."

He waved his hands, grabbed Wang Huayang and left. I don't know how to train Su Long, but the old man will definitely try his best to train Wang Huayang. Maybe six years later, he will be stronger than him.

He didn't dare to be careless at all: "Senior, my divine power can help me unblock it."

After they left, Su Long remembered that his divine power was still sealed.

"Forget it, just practice like this."

Pressing the Sword Master's will into his mind, a flash of sword light flashed in Su Long's mind, and then he was injured and vomited a mouthful of blood.

But even so, Su Long didn't open his eyes, he had already fallen into deep learning and understanding.

There was only that sword in my mind, a simple and ordinary sword, but it was able to cut off the water with the sword. With the sword, the color of the world changed, as if the world was about to be cut open by him.

Six years passed by in a hurry. For them, it was just a matter of opening and closing their eyes.

But for people in the God Realm, now has come the most exciting moment, the competition between the younger generations of the God Realm.

This competition can determine the success or failure of a force, but of course it will not have much impact on the people of Shenlong City.

For people in other cities, their ultimate goal is to join Shenlong City. Even if they are the weakest force, their status will be greatly improved. They have made countless efforts to achieve today.


A hole was torn open in the secret realm in an instant, which could not be healed for a long time, and a person sat cross-legged under the torn space.

This person was naturally the cultivator Su Long. For six years, he had not moved at all, and he was always thinking about the previous sword in his mind.

Six years later, he finally scratched the surface and created the third form of the Wuming Sword Technique.

"Huh... You can tear apart the secret realm with the power of your body. If you add divine power, the power should increase a lot."


Two speeding sounds were heard in the air, and Su Long did not look back because he already knew who it was.

"Take my punch."

Wang Huayang's fist attacked Su Long. Su Long did not dodge, but just stood there quietly.

Wang Huayang was getting closer and closer to Su Long, but when he came to Su Long's side, he felt extremely dangerous. He might be injured if he attacked with this punch.

He didn't know where the feeling came from, but he believed that his feeling was not wrong, so he put away his fists and left.

"Holy shit, brother-in-law, how do you practice and why do you make me feel so dangerous?"

When Su Long heard this, he slowly turned around and looked at Wang Huayang with a smile: "Secretly, you have improved a lot too."

"Su Long, the time has come. Let's go. There is less than a month left. Go back and prepare."

With a wave of his hand, Su Long's divine power seal was released, and he squeezed the head of the group. This feeling was really not used to him.

"It feels really good."

After getting used to it, Su Long left with them. Ten years of training had brought Su Long to the edge of a breakthrough. As long as he wanted, he could break through to the God Emperor at any time, but he didn't break through. The God King realm could Let him hide himself better, keeping a low profile is the way to go.

"You two are finally back, let me see your strength."

When Xianyunzi saw Wang Huayang and Su Long, he waved his fists at them and rushed over.

"Well come."

"Try it."

The three people punched each other hard, and then each took a step back.

"Haha, let's go have a drink. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

After one punch, the three of them left to drink. They were brothers who shared life and death through thick and thin.

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