Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 741 Disgraced

The entire Dragon Territory knew about their grudges. They would fight to the death whenever they met when they went out. Naturally, they would not blame Su Long for them now.

"The murderer who hurt people has been dealt with. Now it's your turn. I don't know why you bunch of scum came to our Shenlong Academy. Are you looking for death?"

"You brat..." The people from the Divine Killing Academy were just about to take action when they were stopped by the elders.

Su Long looked at him disdainfully: "Why do you want to take action? Come on, come on, I'll give you this chance, come and kill me quickly."

He raised his middle finger towards them with a provocative look on his face.

The people of Shenlan Academy were furious with Su Long, but they couldn't take action. They were the Supremes. They were just as aggrieved as Tianyu and the others just now. They could only watch as Su Long kept provoking them.

As for the God Emperor, let alone him, there was no way he could be Su Long's opponent. The person Su Long just killed was the strongest in their outer sect.

Now he could only endure Su Long's provocation. Seeing that they didn't speak, Su Long would not give up, so he let them suffer. Their mocking faces turned completely black. After his mouth was dry, Su Long finally stopped.

"It's really boring. I don't dare to say anything after being ridiculed. They are a bunch of worthless guys. Forget it, I leave it to you, elder. When you need me to curse, tell me. I'll take a break first."

Su Long stood aside, leaving his position to the outer sect elders, and looked at the people of Shenlan Academy with a suppressed smile: "Do you have anything else to do? If not, just get out, even one of our outer sect disciples I can't even accept the provocation, it really means that my life is going back."

The people in Shenlan Academy are also aggrieved. If they were outside Shenlong Academy now, they would definitely give Su Long a lesson, but now they can't and they don't dare.

This is the territory of Shenlong Academy. No matter how strong they are, they cannot be the opponent of everyone in Shenlong Academy, and they have no intention of starting a complete war with Shenlong Academy.

So everything must be done according to the rules. Just now they provoked no one in Shenlong Academy, and now they have to be prepared to be provoked. This is really thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, and things have changed.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. You win the challenge from the outer disciples, but I'll see how you resist next, so you can take action."

"It's the elder."

Several people came out of the Divine Slaughter Academy, all of them were supreme powerhouses, and their aura was very strong, similar to that of Tianyu and the others.

"Tianyu, Tiansha is dead. You have no opponent now, so let me test your strength."

"As you wish." Tianyu is not afraid of challenges. Since becoming Su Long's sparring partner, Tianyu's strength has been constantly improving, and his mental endurance has also been strengthened by Su Long's blows.

"Xiahou, aren't you coming out yet?"


Each of them has his own opponent, and they are about the same strength. They have all been fighting for many years, and they have never been able to tell the winner. Even now, they can't tell the winner, and the fight is very stalemate.

But just as everyone was fighting, a man came out from the camp of Shenlan Academy. He seemed to have a dark aura about him. After seeing him, the outer sect elders and Su Long frowned slightly. .

"Su Long, what do you think of this person?"

"Very evil and very strong. They are no match."

"Well, their strength is good, but they are still inferior to this person. Then this person will be left to you. You must win or not lose."

"Well, I like this kind of opponent."

When the outer elder said this to him, he knew that the outer elder wanted him to take action, and he was ready to take action. It would be interesting to challenge such a master, and the aura of this person made him feel something familiar.

"Is there anyone else at Shenlong Academy? It doesn't matter if there is no one. You can come together. I don't care."

Just a simple sentence made the Supreme Master of Shenlong Academy angry, and someone rushed out before Su Long could stop him.

"Let me, Fat Buddha Supreme, learn your clever tricks."

Facing the fat man who jumped out, An Wuyue just smiled disdainfully: "You alone are not enough. I only need three moves to deal with you. Let others do it."

"Looking for death, Buddha has no shadow."

"A boring move, Dark Moon Break."

An Wuyue just raised her hand slightly, directly breaking Fat Buddha's attack and knocking him away.

Fat Buddha took two steps back, his breath a little unsteady, but his eyes looking at An Wuyue became wary. Although he had not used all his strength, the fact that he was knocked away so easily was enough to prove An Wuyue's strength. But he was very unwilling to let him surrender like this.

"Take another move from me, and the Buddha's light will shine."

Seeing the fat Buddha rushing up, An Wuyue frowned: "It's really shameful for you. You don't know what's good and what's good. Break it for me, Dark Moon attacks."

With a whoosh, An Wuyue disappeared. They only saw a faint shadow. Only Su Long and the outer elders saw An Wuyue's actions. In an instant, he came to Fat Buddha's side and faced him. He hit the fat Buddha on the back of the heart, apparently intending to kill the fat Buddha.

"No, help."

"Elder from the outer sect, you should just stand there obediently. The elders cannot interfere."

The elder of the outer sect was stopped and his steps paused. However, Su Long's actions were not hindered in any way. He could not watch the fat Buddha die in the hands of the enemy. He used the fastest speed and kicked the fat Buddha with one kick. Fly out.

An Wuyue's attack was in vain. He stared at Su Long and licked his lips: "You are pretty good, much better than them."

"You're good too."

Su Long stood quietly opposite An Wuyue. Fat Buddha stood up from the ground and thanked Su Long. He knew that it was Athlon who saved him just now. If it weren't for Su Long's kick, he would have died. Maybe he was completely killed by An Wuyue.

"You are no match for him, this person is mine."

No one can stop Su Long. They all know Su Long's strength. If Su Long is not this person's opponent, they will be even less of a match.

"How about I be your opponent? You should ignore them."

"As long as you are willing, there is nothing wrong with it. As long as you can kill, it makes no difference who you kill. And I prefer to kill geniuses. It feels very satisfying to look at their heartbroken but helpless eyes."

Looking at the somewhat sick An Wuyue, Su Long did not change at all: "You are too confident. Maybe you are the one who died."

Hearing Su Long's words, An Wuyue was stunned for a moment and then burst into laughter: "Interesting, interesting. You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this. I haven't met such an interesting person in a long time."

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