Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 742 Dark Moon

"Do you know that many people have talked to me like this before? They all died in the end, and their deaths were very painful. Don't worry, your ending will not be much better than theirs."

An Wuyue has very strong confidence in his own strength. He does not deny that Su Long is strong, but he believes in himself even more.

Regarding An Wuyue's threat, Su Long just smiled: "Someone once told me this, but in the end they all turned into dust, and you are the same. In my eyes, there is not much difference between you and them."

The two of them showed no mercy to anyone, and since no one could take advantage, they planned to see the truth behind them.

"Dark Moon Attack."

"Thunder Flash."

The two people moved very fast and disappeared from their eyes. Only two shadows could be seen intertwining.

"So strong. He was able to fight An Wuyue for such a long time. I can't keep him here."

"This An Wuyue is so strong and can fight Su Long for such a long time. It's not easy."

People on both sides were shocked by each other's enemies, but Su Long and An Wuyue were not as much as they thought.

"Dark Moon Realm."

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, Bloody Domain."

After killing the butcher, Su Long devoured his domain, and the power of Jie Xin also increased a lot.

The fields of the two people collided fiercely, and no one could do anything about the other. Both of them ignored their defenses and collided fiercely, and their bodies soon became scarred.

"You are strong."

"Both each other, but the winner is still me."

After a head-on collision, the two people looked at each other more warily. It had been a long time since they had encountered such a master, and they were both surprised and happy.

"You are qualified to see my unique skills. I hope you can block my attack."

"Roar..." A dull dragon roar startled everyone, even Tianyu who was fighting, they all stepped back and looked at An Wuyue with disbelief.

"From the Dark Dragon Clan."

"No wonder he is so strong, he is from the Dark Dragon Clan. Su Long is really strong, and he actually fought with the Dark Dragon Clan for such a long time."

When they marveled at the identity of the dark dragon, they admired Su Long's strength even more. They knew the power of the divine dragon very well, and it was the most common thing for them to cross-level challenges.

Their strong defense and good attack power make them invincible at the same level. Even those who are stronger than them are not necessarily their opponents. The Shenlong clan has many methods.

"No wonder I feel a sense of familiarity. It turns out he is from the Dark Dragon clan. The aura on his body is indeed very familiar."

After An Wuyue revealed his identity, Su Long became even more vigilant. He knew how powerful the Dark Dragon clan was, not to mention that An Wuyue was now stronger than him and would die if he was not careful.

"Dragon transformation, dragon arms."

Two thick Anlong arms appeared on Anwuyue's body, exuding the aura of the dragon clan. Anwuyue looked at Sulong arrogantly: "To show my respect for you, I will tear you apart bit by bit." Broken, let you see the power of the Dark Dragon Clan."

He waved his two dragon arms and charged towards Su Long. The entire space was stirred by him, and you could feel a lot of pressure whenever he moved.

"Are the Dark Dragon Clan invincible? Let me test the strength of the Dark Dragon Clan. I can cut off the world with one sword."

Wielding the Thunder Punishment Sword, he slashed at An Wuyue, and the air was filled with the smell of being burned by lightning.

"go to hell."


The two people collided violently for the first time, and no one took advantage. Both of them flew out, destroying a lot of the building outside the door, but no one cared about it, and no one intervened, waiting for them quietly. Two people stood up.

"The supreme artifact, a good sword. If I kill you, it will be mine."

"Really? I heard that dragon blood, dragon tendons, dragon skin, and dragon bones are all good materials. I happen to have a pet dog, so I use dragon meat to replenish his body."

Hearing Su Long insult his identity, An Wuyue instantly became angry: "Insult the Anlong clan, you go to hell."

An Wuyue rushed towards Su Long. Su Long did not escape and also charged towards An Wuyue. The power of the two people made the entire space become uneasy, and everyone couldn't help but take two steps back.

Their remaining power was so strong that the Supreme One felt a lot of pressure.

"Two freaks, so strong."

"An Wuyue is understandable. After all, he is from the Dragon Clan. It is normal for him to have high fighting talent. However, Su Long is only a peak divine emperor. He actually fought An Wuyue with great vigor and was not at a disadvantage. This is very surprising."

"Do you think he is also from the Shenlong clan?"

"It doesn't look like that."

"But his fighting power is too strong. I have never seen him except the Shenlong clan..."

"Have you forgotten those monsters? How many dragons have died in their hands?"

The others smiled awkwardly: "I forgot, I forgot, Su Long is also a monster. I have a feeling that it won't be long before Su Long can be on par with them."

No one had any doubts. They had watched Su Long's growth. He was getting stronger and stronger every day. As long as he was promoted to the supreme level, he would crush them in an instant.

Su Long and An Wuyue kept attacking, completely ignoring their injuries. Not only did their auras not weaken, but they became stronger.

After fighting each other, both of them were slightly injured, but An Wuyue looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahahaha, can a human being compare with me in recovery ability? My injuries can be recovered in an instant, and I can continue to fight for a long time. , you are no match for me at all."

Su Long did not deny it. It was indeed the case. After all, there was still a big gap between humans and dragons. No matter how powerful Su Long's body was, he could not have the resilience as strong as the dragons.

Of course, Wang Huayang's physique is likely to be comparable to Shenlong's physique in the future.

"You win by exchanging injuries for injuries, but the next step will be your disaster. I will let you experience my attack."

Su Long has not forgotten that the damage he caused to the dragon clan is doubled. If you can recover one layer of damage, then add one more layer to you and see how you can recover.

Putting away the thunder sword, Su Long stared at An Wuyue: "I hope you won't disappoint me. My next attack will be very painful."

"Dragon Arm - Charge."

"Hmph, God's Stone Breaker."

Without fighting hard, Su Long dodged An Wuyue's attack and slapped An Wuyue's body with a palm. It seemed like a soft slap, but it caused great damage to An Wuyue's body.

An Wuyue's face suddenly turned pale, and she looked at Su Long in disbelief: "Your attack turned out to be... poof..."

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