"Kill them, so what if it's the Demon List, no one will know if you kill them here, and the treasure cannot be taken away by them. Google search to read"

Naturally, the casual cultivators would not give up on the treasures here, and united to fight towards them. The sounds of bursting energy came and went, shaking the space to the point where it seemed like it could be shattered at any time.

Su Long did not intervene in the fight between them. He sat there and watched the fight between tigers and tigers. As long as no one came to provoke him, he would not take action.


While everyone was fighting fiercely, bursts of footsteps came from the passage behind them. These footsteps seemed to have a magical power, and every step stepped on their hearts.

Stopping what they were doing, they could all feel that the person coming was very strong. If they continued to fight now, they would only be benefiting from it.

"Supreme High Level." Su Long felt more than them. Every step of this man had infinite power. He was restrained but gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Su Long was very interested in this person. He left the passage and came to the hall. Everyone's eyes glanced at Su Long. After feeling Su Long's realm, they all laughed disdainfully.

"How dare you come here at the peak of your little God Emperor? Let me take you to see the King of Hell."

"A guy who overestimates his own abilities."

"kill him."

As soon as Su Long appeared, they turned their target on Su Long, thinking that Su Long was the weakest and best to bully.

Seeing them ready to make a move, Su Long smiled disdainfully. These guys didn't look good enough. They were not qualified to kill him. If they dared to take action, they would just kill him.

"Go to hell."

Someone was already rushing towards Su Long impatiently. Just as Su Long was about to draw his sword to kill him, a kick suddenly came from the passage behind him, penetrating the whole place at an astonishing speed.


The man who was about to attack Su Long was still suspended in the air when he was blown to pieces by the wind from his foot. The remaining power was not reduced and he bombarded the hall, leaving his footprints.

"This kick is fast and fierce, which is interesting."

A smile appeared on Su Long's lips. Such an opponent was interesting and worthy of his full strength.

"How could this happen? He was a supreme mid-level expert, but he was killed by a windfall from his feet. Who is this person?"

"Such a strong foot wind, could it be him?" Everyone's eyes widened with disbelief, but when they saw the person slowly walking out of the passage, they were completely dumbfounded, with a look of horror on their faces.

Without even looking back, he turned around and started running away, not even having the courage to fight: "Devil's Foot, Yue Feng, Twenty-Two on the Demon List, run quickly, we are no match at all."

In their eyes, the people on the Demon List are a group of murderous guys. If they encounter them, they must run away quickly, otherwise they will die.

People in the hall were running around like birds and beasts, and soon only Su Long and a corpse were left in the hall.

Yue Feng glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then looked at Su Long. He was very interested in Su Long now: "They all ran away, why don't you run away, am I not strong enough? A little ant at the peak of the God Emperor."

In his eyes, Su Long is indeed an ant. Even those who are at the intermediate level of Supreme are like ants, let alone a peak God Emperor. Although he has the courage to stop here now, that is just courting death. He But there is no such thing as being kind enough not to kill someone.

"Run? Why are you running? I am very interested in the treasures here. If the treasures run away, won't I lose my share?"

"Quack, quack, interesting." After laughing loudly, Yue Feng's eyes changed: "Having confidence is a good thing, but excessive expansion is a dead end. Such people usually die very quickly."

"You can try, but I won't know who will die by then."

Su Long didn't care about his threat at all and was unwilling to say anything more to him. Strength was respected.

Yue Feng became even more interested in Su Yi. A small peak God Emperor was so confident in front of him that he even had to fight with himself. This kind of self-confidence didn't seem to be fake. It shouldn't be hot-headed. It was a threat. to your own strength.

Thinking of this, Yue Feng became even more interested in Su Long.

"Okay, very good. I actually appreciate you a little. If you can take my kick, I won't embarrass you."

"One kick? Okay." Su Long thought for a moment. There are still many opportunities to fight him. There is no need to live between you and me now. If someone else comes, he will not get any benefits. One move is enough. See the strength of two people.

"Devil's Feet."

Yue Feng's foot injury exuded strong power, and cracks were opened on the ground by him.

"Very strong."

Su Long looked at Yue Feng's feet. The Thunder Sword was unsheathed directly. Holding the Thunder Sword in his hand, Su Long's aura also changed drastically. The aura was constantly condensing. The man and the sword merged into one, like a dormant animal. The rising beast.

Unmoving like a mountain, moving like thunder.

"This kid is not simple. He actually gives me a threatening feeling. He is a swordsman who cannot disappear and his attacks are very strong."

Although Su Long's details are elusive, Su Long's move has made Yue Feng become serious, and he cannot be regarded as an ordinary peak god emperor.

But he still won't give up, this move must be done.


After kicking it away, the ground cracked completely, and the nearby walls made a crunching sound, with cracks appearing.

The power of this kick is very strong, enough to kill ordinary supremes hundreds of times. Su Long's clothes swayed with the wind of his feet, and Su Long felt like he was surrounded, like a small boat in the big waves, he could be caught at any time. knock down.

"The feeling of oppression is very strong, but I am not a vegetarian, Thunder Sword."

The aura on Su Long's body became even stronger. With a slash of his sword, the pressure from the wind on his feet was instantly broken.

The air was torn apart by the sword energy, heading towards Yue Feng's attack.


The sword energy and foot wind were entangled thousands of times in an instant, and the space exploded continuously, and no one could do anything about it.



The pupils of the two people shrank suddenly and they hurriedly retreated. As soon as their front feet left, a huge explosion occurred on their back feet, and a hole appeared on the ground.

Looking at the center of the battle, the two people glanced at each other. Su Long was not disturbed at all, while Yue Feng had a look of disbelief. His kick just now showed no mercy, but now he can't do anything to Su Long.

"It's not simple, monster. The current God Emperor is actually so strong. I, Yue Feng, keep my word. If you take one of my moves, I will spare your life. But after all, your strength is not that close. How far you can go depends on your own luck."

"Don't worry about it anymore, I don't want to die and no one can kill me."

It's not that Su Long is arrogant, but he is confident in his strength. However, he is not so careless that he looks down on the people in the world. There are still many people that he cannot afford to offend now. His realm is indeed flawed.

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