The two people have no intention of continuing to fight, and it is impossible to determine the outcome if they continue to fight. They both have their own trump cards, and there are three doors here. They can each enter one, there is no need to fight.

"This is mine."

"This is mine."

Just as the two of them were about to enter, the sound of footsteps sounded again in the passage.

Hearing this voice, Su Long and Yue Feng frowned: "The steps are vain, but the strength is no worse than ours. Another master has come, which is interesting."

"Listening to this footsteps, it feels so familiar, it's Demon Qingqing."

"Mo Qing Wu?" Su Long was not familiar with the Demon List and didn't know who Mo Qing Wu was.

"Mo Qingqing is a member of the Zhao family, the peak of the Intermediate Supreme Rank, twenty-one on the Demon Ranking. His strength is about the same as mine, but he kills completely based on his preference. He kills when he is happy and kills when he is not happy. As long as he is there, blood is destined to be drawn. It flows into a river.”

"And I don't want to face him. This guy's aura makes me feel sick. He cultivates the physical body and is invulnerable to water and fire. Although he is almost in the realm, with his current physical strength, no one wants to face him. , when he breaks through to the supreme high level, few people will be his opponents."

Su Long could tell that Yue Feng was very afraid of Mo Qingqing, but it was none of Su Long's business. As long as he didn't interfere in his own affairs, if he did, he would be killed.

Soon Mo Qingqing walked out of the passage, followed by a group of his younger brothers. He glanced at the hall and saw that there were only two people.

"It seems that you have driven me away from here. Do you want to drive me away?" Wherever Mo Wuqing stops, he gives people a feeling of invincibility. His physical strength can already be compared to the supreme artifact.

"How could I stop the devil's ruthless arrival? There happen to be three doors here, one for each of us and we won't interfere with each other. Otherwise, I, Yue Feng, won't be easy to mess with."

Although Yue Feng didn't want to confront Mo Qingwu, Mo Qingqing also didn't dare to offend him. Yue Feng's current strength was similar to his. It was still difficult to win over Yue Feng, but he didn't know the person next to him.

"Is he also qualified? The peak of the God Emperor, come here to die?"

Yue Feng knew that Mo Qingwu would look down on Su Long, but he did not explain it. It would be best if Su Long and Mo Wuqing fought, and both sides would suffer, so he could reap the benefits.


The Thunder Sword was gently unsheathed, and a sharp sword energy floated around. Mo Qingqing felt a slight pain on his face, and looked at Su Long in surprise.

"Twice, you actually threatened me. It seems you are really qualified."

Even if Su Long posed a threat to him, he didn't see Su Long take it seriously, but he didn't want Yue Feng to take advantage. Yue Feng was definitely not a good person, and he could still do things to add insult to injury.

Anyway, there are three doors here, so he doesn't need to compete with Su Long, but when he meets Su Long in the future, he will have to see Su Long's strength.

"let's go."

With his men, Mo Wuqing came to the remaining door, but was blocked by the barrier outside the door.

"There is actually a barrier, break it for me."

With a punch, the power of Ba Dao's fist condensed and struck towards the barrier.

"Bang..." The barrier only caused a ripple, but it was not broken.


The blow just now was just a casual blow from Demon Qingqing. Now he was going to take it seriously. He began to withdraw his power little by little, clenched his fist, and struck.

All the power was poured into the barrier without any leakage.


Unable to withstand Mo Qingqing's powerful attack, a hole was blasted out of the barrier. He tore the barrier apart directly, pushed open the door and walked in with his men.

"What a pervert. His physical strength is so strong."

Su Long and Yue Feng were both intimidated by Mo Wuqing's body. It was too strong and there was no comparison at all, but their attack power was not weak either.

With one kick and one sword, the barrier was torn apart, and the two people entered the gate at the same time.

The moment the three people entered, the door disappeared.

As soon as Su Long stepped into the door, he felt that the atmosphere inside was very strange, but the door disappeared the moment he entered, and he could only move forward bravely.

When he entered the room, he was dumbfounded. There were densely packed bronze corpses, densely packed silver corpses, and five golden corpses in the farthest distance.

This was not what surprised Su Long the most. The most surprising thing was that they were guarding a huge coffin there. The coffin gave him a dangerous feeling, and there should be something very dangerous inside.

And the moment Su Long came in, all the zombies' eyes looked at Su Long without any emotion.


The golden corpse roared, the bronze corpse, and the silver corpse all charged towards Su Long. Su Long also knew that there was no way to escape. There was nowhere to hide in such a small space and he had no choice but to fight.

The strength of the bronze corpse is equivalent to the peak of the God Emperor, which has no effect on Su Long at all, while the strength of the silver corpse is equivalent to the junior level of the god, and the gold corpse is equivalent to the intermediate level of the god.

Although the quantity is large, the quality is still not good, but the trouble is that these guys are not afraid of death, and they don't feel any pain at all, and they charge without fear.


The power of thunder and lightning is very restrained against zombies. When it attacks them, they will make a sizzling sound, and there will be bursts of corpse smell.

Su Long continued to kill, from outside to inside, killing bronze corpses and silver corpses.

The golden corpse couldn't sit still. They couldn't let the adults be disturbed and had to stop Su Long. The five of them shot towards Su Long together.

A sword struck the body of the golden corpse, but it made a sound of metal collision. The golden corpse's defense was very strong. Although it was not as good as the devil's ruthlessness, it was powerful enough for ordinary people.

The strong defense force prevents lightning from entering their bodies and causing damage to them. However, with his current strength, it is possible to kill the golden corpse, but it will take a little time.

The Silver Corpse and the Bronze Corpse stood around without taking any action, quietly watching the battle between the Golden Corpse and Su Long. Su Long kept entangled between them, not giving them a chance to join forces.


The five golden corpses actually merged together little by little, forming a huge golden corpse with five heads, ten hands, and 360 degrees of blind angle. No matter where the attack came from, they could see it and defend it.

"These zombies are so smart. They can actually fuse together. Where did these things come from?"

Su Yi is very interested in them. If he can control these things, his power will increase a lot and his status in Dragon Domain will be higher.

But if you want to know these things, you must first defeat them and then figure out what is inside the coffin.

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