Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 771 The Ancestral Dragon Appears


Xie Dao desperately felt his body, unable to stop it at all. The blood flow rate kept accelerating, the internal organs kept expanding, and the soul kept being torn apart.

"No, I can't die."

Cutting open his arteries with a knife, blood gushed out like a spring, and the pressure on his body was reduced a lot, but this was not a long-term solution. He could not sustain the bleeding for long.

In the end, he would be exiled to death. He had to take advantage of this time to kill Su Long, otherwise he would not be able to solve his current dilemma.


Regardless of the injuries on his body, the evil sword rushed towards Su Long, but Su Long was not stupid. The evil sword was already at the end of its strength and could not hold on for long. As long as he continued to use it up, the evil sword would bleed until he was very weak. At that point, you can kill as much as you want at that time.

Su Long doesn't believe in any real spirit. He can just kill the enemy as he pleases. There is no need to fight with him. Besides, there is a stronger Demon Qingqing here.

Watching Su Long keep dodging, Xie Dao became more and more anxious. Su Long's speed was too fast for him to catch up, and his own condition was still declining.

If this continues, you will lose your fighting ability without having to fight yourself.

"Su Long, can you only dodge? Are you capable of fighting me with a real sword?"

Although he knew that this method wouldn't work, he still wanted to try it. If Su Long fought hard with him, he would still have a chance. If he didn't fight hard, he would have no chance at all and could only use the opportunity to find a way to escape.

As expected, Su Long didn't give him any chance at all and kept dodging. But when he was about to escape, Su Long stopped him and refused to leave.

He was about to fight hard, and Su Long would dodge. When he wanted to run away, Su Long would fight hard. It was painful for him to repeat this cycle. The loss of blood had made him very weak. If he continued like this, he would be consumed to death.

"Mo Qingqing, aren't you planning to take action? If he kills me, you will be the next one to deal with."

"Yes, if you kill Xie Dao, he will be the next person to deal with. Then his situation will be very dangerous."

Although Mo Qingqing is proud, he values ​​his own life very much. His future is bright and he cannot die here.

Then Mo Qingqing ran away in the surprised eyes of Su Long and Xie Dao. He ran away very quickly without any warning.

"Damn Mo Qingwu." Xie Dao didn't expect Mo Wuqing to run away like this, without any hesitation at all.

"Xie Dao, you have finished your tricks. Now no one will interfere in our battle. Let's continue."

"I surrender. I am no match for you. I don't have any strength to fight now."

Xie Dao also figured it out. He couldn't escape at all. Instead of losing his life in vain, it was better to surrender and save a life.

"Are you so confident that I will make you surrender? Your strength is not that strong in my eyes. I can also solve the things you can solve. What is your value?"

Xie Dao seemed to have accepted his fate, sitting on the ground and looking at Su Long: "I am here now, and my soul has been released. If you are willing to let me surrender, then let me surrender. If you are willing to kill me, then I will do it now." If you don’t have any ability to resist, just kill if you want.”

Looking at Xie Dao's appearance, Su Long smiled bitterly. Now Xie Dao looked different from before.

"You will be mine from now on, but I will not interfere in your affairs. Any opportunity is yours."

In order to feel at ease, Su Long still planted the soul mark, then threw the magic knife to the evil knife, turned around and left.

The evil swords all froze there, looking at the magic sword in their hands. They couldn't believe it. They just got the magic sword? If I had known what else he was going to fight, I would have just surrendered.

Of course, he also knew that this was impossible. He was also an arrogant person. How could he surrender without defeating him? But the most important thing now was to recover from his injuries quickly.

Su Long doesn't care about him anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

After throwing the Demon Sword to the Evil Sword, Su Long left. The Dream Ancient City was very big and there were countless rooms inside. No one knew what kind of treasures were inside.

And judging from the appearance of the Dream Ancient City, there were people living here once, but I don’t know who they were or where they went.

Everyone is searching for the treasure, and the casualties are heavy, but the survivors have gained a lot, but the chance of the master they have been looking for does not seem to be here.

Everyone was searching for the treasures of Dream Ancient City, and soon they found the main hall of Dream Ancient City. The door of the hall was locked tightly, and they were all blocked from the door.

"Blow him away, there must be treasure inside."


Everyone attacked towards the door of the hall, but the attacks turned into ripples on the door, which was of no use at all.

"What? It's useless."

They tried several times in succession, but to no avail: "What can we do? If we can't get through the door of the main hall, we won't be able to get the treasure inside. There may be secrets about the Lord inside."

No one is willing to leave. If they leave and the door of the hall suddenly opens, the baby will have nothing to do with them.

There were more and more people at the entrance of the main hall. Everyone tried to enter the main hall, but they were all blocked from leaving.

"Hey, what are these people doing?"

After Su Long searched for the treasures, he also came to the main hall. Seeing the dense crowd of people outside the door, he knew that he was blocked by the door.

But at the moment Su Long arrived, the door of the main hall emitted a dazzling light. Everyone concentrated and looked over. However, the door of the main hall did not open. Instead, the light became more condensed. A dragon shadow appeared in front of them, and it became more and more intense. It's getting clearer.

"This...this is the ancestral dragon."

"What? Zulong?"

Many people have only admired the consciousness of Zulong, but have never seen Zulong. Now that people say that this light and shadow is Zulong, everyone is stunned.

The light and shadow became clearer and clearer, and Zulong's appearance appeared in front of them. Although it was just a light and shadow, it shocked everyone. They were under too much pressure.

"You all leave. This place has nothing to do with you. You stay."

Zu Long spoke, and a deep voice appeared in everyone's ears, but when they saw the light and shadow covering Su Long, they were stunned.

There must be good things in the hall, but now they can't go in. How can they be willing to let Su Long stay alone.

"Lord Zulong, why can't we go in but he can."

"The opportunity here does not belong to you. There is no use in staying here. Only he is qualified."

"Why are we not qualified? Please explain to Lord Zulong, otherwise you will not be willing to let us leave."

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