Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 772 Opportunity

"Aren't you willing to give in?" Zu Long's eyes looked at them: "Who else among you is not willing to give in?"

Everyone looked at each other and stood up: "Lord Zulong, if we find this place, we will not be willing to leave without knowing it, so we ask Lord Zulong to open the door and fight for the opportunity."

These people have heard of Zulong and know that Zulong is very powerful, but Zulong is dead and now there is only a shadow left. It is impossible to kill them, so they still dare to stand up.

It's a pity that they still underestimated Zulong's strength. They didn't look good enough in front of Zulong: "Since you are unwilling, then you can disappear."

An understatement directly determined the life and death of these people. As soon as Zu Long finished speaking, thunder descended from the sky and transformed into a sword of justice, directly chopping the unwilling people into ashes.

Zulong looked displeased and glanced at the crowd indifferently: "Are there any people who are unwilling to give in?"

"Everything depends on Lord Zulong."

"Huh, get out of here."

Zu Long waved his hand and everyone left the hall, leaving only Su Long. It must be said that Su Long was very nervous now. Facing Zu Long, he was under great pressure.

"System, system, what should I do now?"

At the critical moment, the system actually failed and remained silent. Looking at Su Long's nervous look, Zu Long laughed loudly: "The little mouse in your body doesn't dare to speak in front of me. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." of."

Su Long was startled and looked at Zu Long warily. This was the first time someone could see the existence of the system. Zu Long was too strong.

"Come with me, there is an opportunity for you here."

Zu Long waved, the door of the hall opened, and Su Long followed Zu Long and walked in.

"This is...the law of chaos, such a strong power of rules."

As soon as he entered the door of the main hall, Su Long felt the strong law of chaos. If he practiced here, his strength would improve by leaps and bounds.

No wonder Zulong would keep him here. It's useless for anyone else to practice here except him. They can't practice the Law of Chaos.

"Go and practice. When you break through to the Supreme, you can stop. The Supreme Divine Tribulation is a calamity for you. You are still unwilling to break through. It's because you feel that the possibility of a successful breakthrough is unlikely, isn't it?"

"Yes, Senior Zulong, I have been accumulating, but I found that there is no chance of breakthrough."

Zu Long nodded: "I know your situation very well. It is very difficult for the Law of Chaos to break through the Supreme Divine Tribulation. The possibility is one in a billion. But in your case, the possibility will be greatly improved."

"Dragon Slaying Tower, Dragon Control Chaos Platform, come out."

With Zu Long's command, the Dragon Slaying Tower and the Dragon Controlling Chaos Platform flying out of Su Long's body unexpectedly flew out uncontrollably. No matter how hard he suppressed them, they couldn't control them.

"What's going on? Didn't I recognize the master?" Su Long frowned. Uncontrolled treasures are a hidden danger. If they are not controlled at a critical moment, then he will be in danger.

The way Su Long frowned, Zu Long could tell what he was thinking at a glance: "Don't worry, they are still yours. I am just looking for them to reminisce about old times. After all, I have been with them for more than a billion years."

The Dragon Chaos Tower and the Dragon Slaying Tower were flying intimately around Zulong.

"Is Master Zulong their first master?"

"That's right, but it was me who caused them so much damage, and they haven't recovered yet."

"Senior Zulong, can you tell us in detail what happened at that time?"

Su Long was very interested in the past events, but had no way of verifying it. Zu Long's events at that time seemed to have been erased and not revealed at all.

Zulong's light and shadow transformed into an old man with a white beard, sitting on the ground without raising his head. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, as if he was lost in memories.

"Actually, the world you are in now was created by me, and you are also the life created by me. Whether you are a human, a beast, or a dragon, you are all a life created by me."

Su Long sat there dumbfounded. He never thought that Zu Long had created them.

"There is nothing surprising. This is all my domain. Once you are promoted to the master, you will find that creating the universe and life is very simple."

"Senior Zulong, could it be that you..."

"Yes, I have indeed been promoted to the master. Unfortunately, I still have not escaped the disaster."

Su Long was even more surprised. What kind of disaster could make the master die? "Senior Zulong, can you tell me in detail what kind of disaster it is?"

Zu Long shook his head: "You are not qualified to know now. It will only increase your troubles. You must work hard to improve now. Maybe you will be the savior of this world in the future."

Zu Long suddenly put such great pressure on Su Long's shoulders. Su Long couldn't bear it. He was just a small divine emperor now. There were many people more powerful than him, including the four supreme divine dragons, and Many strong men of mankind.

"But I can tell you that your first enemy is the alien king who was sealed by me. He is already the master and is stronger than me. The time I have to seal him is running out. It won't take long. The alien king will break the seal."

"At that time, all life here will be devastated, and everyone will die at the hands of the alien king. No one will be spared."

Su Long knew about the alien king, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful and already the master. But now there is no master in the Dragon Territory. If they were really killed by the alien king, they really couldn't resist it.

But even he may not be able to withstand the attack of the alien king. He has no confidence that he can be promoted to the master.

"I know your worries, so I will tell you the way to dominate. It is the easiest to improve now, and the strength after promotion will not be worse than the alien king."

Su Long's eyes lit up. There was actually a way to improve himself to become a master. Although he didn't know why Zu Long valued him so much, it was okay to be promoted to a master and resist the alien king.

"Senior Zulong, please give me some advice."

"The law of chaos is complete, and the four great treasures are added. The four great treasures are the strongest existences born since the birth of the world. The four of them will undergo new changes when they are combined. The power is powerful enough to elevate you to the master."

"Four treasures?" Su Long knew for the first time that their power could be so powerful, and they could help him ascend to the position of Dominator. It seemed that if he wanted to be promoted to the position of Dominator, he had to find two other treasures.

However, those two treasures are now in the hands of the four supreme dragons, and it is even more difficult to obtain them.

"Senior Zulong..."

Before Su Long could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zu Long. He knew what Su Long meant.

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