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Chapter 201 Survival of the Fittest


As a student party member, Da Qin, a member of Desert Guyan, has long been accustomed to reporting at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, and then recruiting troops to go offline.

But when he logged into the game as usual and saw a bunch of battle reports at the bottom of the game interface, he had a bad feeling.

When he clicked on the battle report and came to Baima City, he was immediately confused when he saw the disappeared fortress and the red lines all around.

From Yanjin Pass to Baima City, there were already a group of fortresses in the desert. This was the base camp they set up after entering Yanzhou.

But at this time, the once huge fortress group had been sliced ​​open, and the fortress group on the right in the direction of Guandu had completely disappeared, replaced by dazzling red ground.

"The world has changed overnight, it's really awesome."

【Business】Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

Da Qin: [736X875] My fortress is in ruins. The recruiting team inside was directly destroyed and sent back to their hometown [Ghost].

Chaos丨Paddle Umbrella: Same, the whole league hasn't slept all night [crying].

Da Qin: Who knows, I don’t know what we will do next.

Chaos丨Evil: Let’s have a cold drink. Last night, many brothers who were recruiting soldiers here were sent away directly along with the fortress.

Area 1500 is still being promoted. I'm afraid that by the time our people come online, there won't be a hair left here.

Da Qin: My team has returned home, and the fortress here is gone. I will fly to a piece of land on the left first, and then let fate take its course.

Chaos丨Water Umbrella: Come on, I originally wanted to wake up in the morning and have a good time, but now that the fortress is gone and the main force has gone home, I will recruit troops and go offline to catch up on some sleep.

Chaos丨Evil: +1 [Ghost]. -

Although it was only 6 o'clock in the morning, it was certainly impossible for the huge Desert Guyan not to have management online. Not to mention other management, even Taiwei Moye, who slept early last night, had already logged into the game.

He was first shocked by Baima's unexpected turn of events, then cursed and uttered a few words before falling into silence.

He is the captain of Desert Guyan, but he is also a returning player. For a veteran like him, it is best if Desert Guyan wins, and it doesn't matter if he loses.

As a high-profile boss, all of his S-season generals have been fully active for a long time. The reason why he returned this time was because Geng Xin, the boss of their group, brought him in to support a girl.

But now it seems that this situation is a bit unsustainable. At least based on his experience in playing the Three Kingdoms, the Yanzhou strategy in District 98 has completely gone bankrupt.

In this case, he didn't bother to waste any more effort. After recruiting troops for the main team that was sent back to his hometown, he directly chose to go offline and sleep.

He has no feelings for District 98. He came back just to pretend to be cool. Now that he can't pretend and the girl doesn't deserve him, he's still a dick and won't sleep well. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Six Yuan Grand Governor: [738X870] Let me tell you, in order to push through the fortress on the Desert Guyan side as soon as possible.

From now on, the brothers concentrated on pushing the white horses to the fortress on the Yanjin side.

Brothers of Jizhou Weatherproof, they will focus on pushing forward the fortresses in the north and surrounding areas of Baima City. We will divide our work and cooperate to clear out their fortresses and red areas as soon as possible. Come on.

【Ning】:Yi丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Ma Xiaobu: Come on, old guys, live people are starting to appear on the opposite side, and it will be difficult to push [Ghost] when they come online.

Bei Lehu: There are so many empty fortresses. How can I [pick my nose] when they are online?

Shangguan Yingjun: Please leave some for me. I have only pushed 15 fortresses now. The speed of mobilizing troops for long-range shooting is too slow [crying].

Super Mario: I only have about 20 people. The one in Jizhou is very fast.

They were close to the fortress group in Desert Guyan before, so they could just shoot directly across the border.

Ou Huang: Anyway, I'm satisfied. I'll start next season with a 648 double. By the end of this season, I'll definitely be successful [covering my mouth and laughing].

Ma Xiaobu: My starting set next season will be twice as stable [squints and smiles].

Mysterious and funny: Alas! I don’t know if Mr. Ning’s family is recruiting people, I really want to be his lackey [ghost].

Salted Egg Superman: You can ask. If you need someone at that time, remember to tell me [clasp your fist].

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: The brothers of the first and second regiments are the main force. After going online, we quickly transferred the main force to Yuzhou to support our brothers there.

You can use Spar to demolish the fortress here, which will not delay your making money. -

In District 1500, the Qingji and Hebei alliances united and achieved amazing results in one night. However, in comparison, the progress on the Shouchun battlefield in Yuzhou was not so smooth.

Although there are many night combatants in the two regiments of the same boat, they are small in number and lack the number of high-level combatants.

A few fortresses were demolished in one night, but compared to the huge fortress groups of the Jingyang and Yang alliances, it had no impact at all. -

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Captain] God: [732X872] Damn it! District 98 collapsed, and was pushed to Yanjin overnight [glares].

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Yes, I was shocked when I first went online. The 1500 area was so fierce. The Qingji League and the Qingji League joined forces and swept it directly.

[Taiwei] God of Heaven: As soon as Area 98 gets cold, we are going to have to lie down in a cold sweat.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: It’s not that exaggerated. Even if the Yanzhou battlefield is lost, what will Area 98 lose? It was not their place in the first place.

The reason for the collapse of Desert Guyan was entirely caused by the Qingji League in the 1500 District. Now their Yizhou League has entered Bingzhou.

At that time, the three alliances of Yibingliang will be able to compete with District 1500 in Bingzhou, and don't forget that we also have District 99.

In fact, at this stage, although the 1500 area is unstoppable, is it really so? .

If that were the case, we wouldn't have snatched Dingling and Shouchun back last night.

Now that we have joined forces with the Jingzhou League in Yuzhou, we must pull all our strength together through thick and thin to compete with us.

And once Qingzhou Fengyu leaves the Yanzhou battlefield, what ability will the remaining Jiyou alliance have to compete with the alliance of several alliances in District 98? .

Therefore, in my opinion, the current situation is not only not getting worse, but also developing in a good direction.

As the game gradually reaches the later stage, the disadvantage of the personnel in District 1500 has gradually become apparent.

[Taiwei] God: Now I finally know why you are the monarch and I am the Taiwei.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Why [pick your nose].

[Captain] God: I don’t have the eloquence to draw cakes [Ghost].

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Get lost, what I said is true [dumbfounded]. -

When Ning Xiu woke up, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning. This was because he was woken up by the alarm clock.

Otherwise, he didn't go to bed until 5 o'clock in the morning last night, and he might have slept until noon or afternoon.

"Oh! I really want to take a nap." He lay there for a while with his eyes squinted, thinking of the cottages that were still waiting for his favor.

Ning Xiu could only hold back his sleepiness, sat up from the bed, then squinted his eyes and opened Alipay on his mobile phone, and opened the transfer records on it.

When he saw the numbers composed of a series of zeros, Ning Xiu was immediately shaken. He felt a breath of air spread throughout his body, making him wake up instantly and become energetic.

"Strive, fight, give it to Ollie!".

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu first took a look at the Yanzhou battlefield and saw that the Qinghai and Hebei alliances had already rushed to Yanjin.

Moreover, very little of the fortress in Desert Guyan was demolished, and he nodded with satisfaction, feeling that the tens of thousands of dollars spent last night were well worth it.

As the S2 season enters, Ning Xiu has gradually increased its efforts in welfare.

In addition to wanting to give back to a wave of local players in this way, the main reason is to improve the card team of players in the alliance.

In fact, he had already calculated in his mind that as long as his friends in the alliance were more diligent and helped him pave the way for night battles.

In addition to the various red envelope benefits from one season, it is absolutely no problem to get a double first charge when the season ends and the next season begins.

With this money and jade charms, they can complete their team.

Although it won't be considered a high-level player in the following seasons, it will definitely become a backbone and mainstream force. Only in this way can it keep up with Feng Yutong's growth.

Of course, if you earn these benefits and do not invest in maintaining your own account, you will definitely be eliminated in the end.

After all, the intensity of the following seasons is getting higher and higher, and it is obviously impossible to hang out with the original team.

This was a plan he made himself after asking Liuyuan and others to come up with the military merit system.

Only in this way, when the S3 season ends, can a wave of elites be selected to follow him in the Conquest Season.

The overall situation of the Yanzhou battlefield has been decided, so Ning Xiu focused his attention on the Yuzhou battlefield again.

At this time, in the Yuzhou battlefield, with the addition of the two main regiments, the situation was finally stabilized through thick and thin.

However, it is still very difficult for four regiments to defeat two other alliances, especially in the absence of the returning group, which puts the overall disadvantage. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Wind and Rain Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Governor of the Six Yuan Dynasty: Yanzhou is basically done, and Desert Guyan’s fortress near Guandu in Jizhou has basically been demolished by the Jizhou Alliance.

Now that their main force is exhausted, and after this wave of blows, it will take at least a day to catch their breath to recover. I think they can pull the return group over to support Yuzhou.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Where is the Yizhou League in District 98? Have you found it? .

[Captain] First Love: [627X867] Here in Liyang, but looking at the current scale of the Red Land, there are not many people and the fortress has not been raised.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Is the airport in Jizhou ready for us? .

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: Ready.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: After pushing forward the 98th district fortress on the Yanjin side, let Jizhou cooperate with the Tianxiu regiment to capture Guandu rain or shine.

Then pass through the airport and go to Liyang to set up a fortress in the enclave first. Yuzhou can still hold on for the time being.

We took advantage of the low morale of District 98 and united with the Jiyou Alliance to kill District 98 first.

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