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Chapter 202 The return of the king?

When the leader of the Desert Guyan Alliance's 3,000 Battalion came online, they found that the Yanzhou Yanjin battlefield had completely collapsed.

After only a handful of fortresses were left to survive, they suddenly became confused and looked ugly.

Although the situation was tense before she went offline last night, as the Yizhou League entered Bingzhou, District 99 gained the upper hand in Yuzhou again.

She thought that the next step would be a protracted battle, but the facts told her that what you think is always what you think.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Battalion: What's going on? Our Yanzhou battlefield collapsed in one night [question mark face].

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: It was like this when I came up.

I heard from my brothers that the two Qingji Alliances in District 1500 didn't sleep at all last night and stayed up all night to raid our fortress.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Battalion: We have so many fortresses. Are the two alliances always online? .

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: If it wasn’t for the whole alliance to be online, it would probably be about the same.

I just went to Tieba to take a look. Mr. Ning from the opposite side spent money again last night, 15 yuan each, to purchase the fortress here.

In addition, all the personnel who fight at night are given a fixed 128 benefits. How can their people not be exhausted?

[Monarch] Sanqian Camp: Really? .

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: It should be true. After all, Mr. Ning opposite is not a money-hungry boss, otherwise he wouldn’t have a military merit system.

[Monarch] Sanqian Daying: If you are so rich, why don’t you just pay for us and buy us over [glare].

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo:.

[Captain] Mo Xie: I don’t know, maybe you can ask the price and see how much he will pay for you [covers mouth and laughs].

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: [picking nose].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Don’t be ridiculous, I just communicated with District 99.

Now that the main force that has stood together through thick and thin has appeared in Yuzhou, there are only two Jiyou alliances left here. Next, we will unite with the Yizhou alliance and abolish them first.

[Monarch] Sanqian Camp: Yeah, yeah.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: Okay, then I'll send an email and let the brothers set up the fortress first.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Well, our goal next is very simple. If we see a person in Jizhou who is in good weather, we will become one. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First Love: After the Guyan Fortress in the Yanjin Desert is cleared, brothers remember to set up the fortress. It will be convenient for us to break through the barrier and enter Sili later.

After that, everyone except the Tianxiu group quickly transferred their teams to Yuzhou and continued to attack District 99. ���

As the Yanjin battlefield gradually enters its final stage, players who have been wrinkled by wind and rain are starting to get busy again.

He dispatched other troops to Yuzhou to continue fighting, while Ning Xiu was still working conscientiously on the village.

And: [E-mail: In the Opposition] Tunliu Shibabu: Is the boss here? Can I ask you a question [smile].

When he suddenly received an email from a stranger, Ning Xiu looked calm and was not surprised.

He receives a lot of emails like this every day, some asking him if he is from the game, and some asking him about his real identity.

Some people even asked him to introduce him to a job and come to borrow money.

Of course, most of them were criticizing him, but in comparison, this one was considered normal.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: I can give you 30 seconds.

If you ask a question that I'm not interested in, you will appear on my blacklist [呑ya].

[E-mail] Tunliu Shibabu: Great, thank you Mr. Ning for giving me this interview opportunity.

What I want to ask is, judging from the current situation, you are a big boss who is not short of money.

Whether it's the military merit system that sticks together through thick and thin, or various benefits.

You can even spend money to acquire a fortress, and night battles will give you a fixed 128 benefits, which are enough to prove your financial strength.

Then I want to know, why don't you just spend money to directly bribe your opponent? Isn't that very convenient and quick? [covers mouth and laughs].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Actually, the reason is very simple. I don’t want the game to end too quickly, as that would be too boring.

Moreover, the S season is originally a season for training and integrating elite personnel. After using money to clear the way into the Conquest Season, you will be hung up and beaten, because there are too many bosses who are not short of money in the Conquest Season [picking their noses].

[E-mail] Tunliu Shibabu: What you said is contradictory.

After all, since the opening of the zone, whether it is the military merit system, various benefits, or even the acquisition of fortresses, they have all been using money ability [covers mouth and laughs].

[Email] Mr. Ning: It’s different. I spent the money on my own people, not my enemies.

To sum it up simply, I am willing to spend money to train my members, but I don’t like to use money to feed dogs.

【Mail】Tunliu Eighteen Steps:.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Of course, if this dog becomes my own, I wouldn’t mind raising it. You can consider it [smile].

"Close the email, Ning Xiu pondered for a moment, making some guesses about the other party's identity.

From his point of view, this person is either from District 99 or District 98, and there is a high probability that he is a manager of these two districts.

The purpose of testing him was simply to make some money from him.

Ning Xiu didn't care about this. Just like he said, he didn't want the game to end too quickly.

Otherwise, with his net worth of hundreds of millions, he could win without bloodshed even by pulling out his hair, but what's the point in that?

The reason why games are attractive is that they allow players to experience a different gaming life. Without this experience, it is not far from giving up.

To sum it up simply, he likes to play and develop bit by bit, and cultivate him through thick and thin into what he likes.

I don’t like to just buy a so-called finished product that looks beautiful on the outside but has various problems inside.

When a person has enough wealth, he will throw it away.

Or dig out the dreams buried deep in your heart and try your best to realize them. Now Ning Xiu is walking on this road. -

System: Congratulations to [Ning] Yi丨 for working together through thick and thin and successfully occupying Guandu, the level 7 level of Yanji.

At 12 noon, with the cooperation of Jizhou, rain or shine, Tianxiu Group successfully won the level 7 Guandu.

By paving the way, they captured a nearby airport and began airborne landing at Handan, a level 4 city not far from Liyang Checkpoint. -

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [Mail: Commander] Lao Niu Plowing Land: [648X875] Level 4 city Handan, the entire alliance quickly enclave the fortress.

Together with the return group from the main alliance, we will completely drive District 98 out of Jizhou and counterattack Bingzhou.

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine alliance channel.

Sun and Moon: Haha! Chase the lonely smoke hammer in the desert in District 98 and beat them to death [Biya].

Butcher's Knife: Yes, the difference between us and Desert Guyan lies in the high combat aspect.

Now that the main alliance has thrown the reflux group over, the brothers can use their full strength to [pick their noses].

Black Knight: Our brothers are still awesome.

When I woke up in the morning, I saw that the Desert Guyan Fortress in Yanzhou had been pushed flat [thumb].

Qingyan: I’m not going to brag about it, I killed more than 30 fortresses last night and got more than 400 [呲ya].

Chi Qi: Our boss Ning is a real bully. If we go out with two friends this night, we will probably earn almost 100,000, right? .

Original intention: If I don’t have this number, it’s almost the same. If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would never believe what others said [dumbfounded].

Lao Niu Plowing the Land: Hehe! It’s not cool to have such a big boss protecting you [呲ya].

Ri Yueming: It feels so good. I regret it so much now. I landed in Qingzhou in S1. If I had landed in Yizhou, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with Boss Ning [picking my nose] earlier.

Gangster: That's enough, just stop licking.

Dugu: What the hell is this idiom [cold sweat]. -

[Business]: Mo丨 lonely smoke in the desert [E-mail: Taiwei] Mo Xie: [608X873] The brothers who have not set up the fortress in Liyang hurry up.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Captain] Mo Xie: Since we are going to be invaded, I think we should start from Xiangguo and leave this to Yizhou.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: No, we must gather our strength and not be separated from the Yizhou Alliance.

And over in Xiangguo, Youzhou Fengyurupan is nearby.

Once we divide our forces and are held back by them, if Yizhou collapses, we will be unable to survive alone.

[Lieutenant] Moye: OK, you decide and I will execute it [picking my nose].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Just let the brothers set up the fortress first. After fighting for so many days, let them rest for half a day. We can just mobilize the troops in the afternoon.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: As for Youzhou, there is actually no need to worry too much. Hongyan Junxin has already joined the alliance, and then they can just leave it to Liusha.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: [covering his mouth and laughing]. -

At this time, Hongyan Junxin, who was mentioned by the management of Desert Guyan, has successfully entered the gathering and dispersing quicksand.

And he was appointed as the deputy leader by the alliance leader Bi Luo, and at the same time, he also started to give up the alliance leader to him.

But these things could not alleviate his embarrassment and loss.

He thought that when he returned, these old brothers would be as happy as he was, but it turned out that he seemed to have thought too much.

After he sent a heartfelt email recalling last season, there were very few responses.

Only a few people bubbled up to welcome his return, and then nothing more happened.

And: Mo丨 gathering and dispersing quicksand management channel.

[Leader] Bi Luo: From now on, the quicksand will be handed over to the beauty boss. After the concession is completed, I will go to the main alliance.

[Official] General Protecting the Country: Here are all the old brothers of the beauty boss. I hope you can mobilize their enthusiasm, and at least they can help us in District 98.

[Deputy Leader] Hongyan Junxin: I will try my best.

[Commander] Nishuijun: It’s okay [smile].

And: Mo丨 gathers and disperses the quicksand [E-mail: Deputy leader] Hongyan Junxin: [335X880] Level 5 city Yangyi all-league speed enclave to build a fortress.

Youzhou Storm is paving the way here. Our task is to help the main alliance to hold them back. I hope all brothers will take action and do their part for District 98.

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