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Chapter 218 Codename S3250

After the zone transfer was launched, the 1500 zone was completely full within a few hours, which caught many players in the S2468 zone by surprise.

After all, many people have to work and go to school during the day, and by the time they finish logging into the game, it's already too late.

World Channel.

[Tang] Big mackerel: Let me rub it, is it full? I haven’t moved to another zone yet, I’m conquering [crying].

[Tang Dynasty] Official Ximen: Poor baby [cold sweat]

[Sui] Unlucky Bear: I can’t help you, but you can rape a buddy who doesn’t play and ask him to turn around and make room for you [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Ning] Old Chinese doctor: No, this is just making a wedding dress for others. How many people are watching it now? One or two positions will not solve the problem at all. -

【Ning】:Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin management channel.

[Prime Minister] Six Yuan Grand Governor: Districts 99 and 98 are looking for me. Many people with quotas in their alliance have not transferred over [Cold Sweat].

[Taiwei] First love: I'm sorry, what should I do? [glares].

[General Fujun] 9: You can send an email to ask us not to play in the area, and transfer the brothers who are ready to give up to make some room.

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: It’s unrealistic. If people don’t play anymore, they won’t listen to you [Calm].

No matter how popular a zone is, dead people and trumpets are inevitable.

Ning Xiu didn't know how many dead people there were in their area, but he was sure that there were definitely many small ones.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: How many people are there who have not yet transferred? .

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: There are more than 30 people in District 99, and there are more than 10 people in District 98.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: In this way, send an email to our three alliances and ask the brothers who have alt accounts to transfer them. Each person will be compensated with 128, and we will see if it is enough.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Lao Ning, you really have no technical content. Every time you solve a problem, you use krypton gold method [picking your nose].

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: As long as it works, you can sponsor it if you are envious [pick your nose].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Tsk! I started supporting you before I even got through the door.

Aren't you afraid that your old Ning will lose all his money and you two will be begging for the rest of your lives? .

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: It's okay, I'll raise him [picking his nose].

【Monarch】Ning Gongzi:.

[Taiwei] first love: domineering [thumb]. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: Let me tell you, our district is now full.

But the brothers who have quotas in the other two districts have not yet transferred.

So if any of you guys have a trumpet account, you can register with me and I will transfer it out at the same time.

Boss Ning will compensate everyone with 128. If you have a small account, please sign up quickly.

【Ning】:Yi丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Ma Xiaobu: Damn it, the season is about to end and there are benefits. I don’t have many other things, I just have a lot of trumpets. I have three trumpets. Are you afraid? [cover your mouth and laugh].

Nao Nao: I also have two, Fa Cai Nao [smile].

Shangguan Yingjun: The sky is clear. The trumpet account I have kept for many years is finally put to use.

Ou Huang: If anyone in this area doesn’t have a trumpet account, go and register with [呲ya].

Bai Rice: I suddenly realized that I don’t have a trumpet. I’m such a failure [ghost].

Erotic as God: No, I am tired even playing any number.

Smile: I am relatively single-minded. I only like to play one account, and it is an account I cultivated myself.

Under Ning Xiu's krypton gold method, all the monsters and monsters standing in front of Area 1500 were wiped out.

Before the official end of the zone transfer, all the players in the other two zones who had obtained the conquest quota had already entered the 1500 zone.

The S2468 area also officially entered the season settlement, and the server merger announcement also appeared in front of everyone. -

Area 1500 core manages the penguin colony.

[Group Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: [Screenshot] The announcement came out, and as expected, we were singled out.

[Management] First Love: Damn it, then we will be at a disadvantage again in terms of numbers.

[Management] 9: In fact, the gap is not big, and our side is very active and powerful. Now we can see how many conquered areas there are in the servers that have merged with us.

[Group Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: Old Wei is specifically responsible for this matter. We will know when he is done. -

Ning Xiu was actually not surprised that the 1500 area was officially divided into an S3 season.

After all, they were the strongest among the merged servers in the S1 area. In the end, the area was not only filled with people, but also a bunch of alts were transferred out.

If the officials are demarcating a separate area for them, then the S3 season will be completely unplayable unless the other areas unite.

The code name for the S3 season in District 1500 is S3250.

The district servers that merged with them are District 1502, District 1503, District 1506, District 1508 and District 1509.

Simply inferring from the server opening numbers, areas 1502 and 1503 and areas 1508 and 1509 are together.

Their areas 1500 and 1506 were designated individually.

In this situation, Ning Xiu doesn't know how many conquest zones exist among these zone servers.

Especially for the two groups of regional servers that were together in the S2 season, it would be okay if they were both separate alliances, but if they were conquests and separate states.

That means that in the S3 season, we have to face two very powerful opponents through thick and thin.

Of course, District 1506 cannot be ignored. Maybe it was separated into a single district because it was too strong.

However, this probability is not high, after all, he is neither in the hundred area nor in the integer area.

Soon after, Ning Xiu's guess was confirmed, and Area 1506 was a separatist area.

The remaining two combinations are 1502 conquest zone and 1503 separatist zone, and 1508 conquest zone and 1509 separatist zone. -

Area 1500 core manages the penguin colony.

[Management] Wei Wuxian: [File] This is the information on each district that I have collected after working hard for a few days. I have deleted other districts that have nothing to do with us. You can take a look.

[Group Leader] Governor Liuyuan: Thank you for your hard work, Old Wei.

[Management] First love: awesome.

[Management] Mr. Ning: [Red envelope] Thank you for your hard work, Old Wei.

Seeing the red envelope that Ning Xiu suddenly sent out, Wei Wuxian was stunned, and quickly typed: "Forget the red envelope, Boss Ning, you have managed 648 for us every month, what red envelope do I need for doing my job? .”

[Management] Mr. Ning: Take it. Your responsible attitude is worth this red envelope.

[Management] Wei Wuxian: Thank you, boss.

When he clicked on the red envelope and saw a 328, Wei Wuxian was somewhat moved by his generosity.

In the S2 season alone, he earned monthly cards by grabbing red envelopes, playing night battles, paving the way, and managing 648 every month. The total benefits he received exceeded 3,000 yuan.

Not to mention, he went to offline team building, and I would rather spend the money on him.

If we really count, in just over 2 months of a season, Ning Xiu's investment in him is simply higher than the monthly salary of ordinary people.

The most important thing is that this is just him.

"The labor and management are really discerning. They embraced this team in just one season. It's really cool."

Thinking of his wise decision, Wei Wuxian felt relieved.

For Ning Xiu to send an exclusive red envelope to the management, everyone who has been together through thick and thin has long been used to it, and there is nothing to envy.

After all, Wei Wuxian did really well, and people like them had also received red envelopes like this.

[Group Leader] Six-Yuan Grand Governor: In the current situation, next season we will face two separate regions with conquered zones. Although our strength is not weak, we still need to find allies.

[Management] Mr. Ning: Well, District 06 is a separatist area, and now they are alone again. They must be eager to find someone, so take the time to get in touch.

[Group Leader] Six-Yuan Governor: Well, then why don’t we also contact the other two districts? If PY is good, it will be much easier for us next season.

[Management] Mr. Ning: You can give it a try, but I don’t think there’s much hope.

On the contrary, maybe these two families have started to join forces and think about how to defeat us. Who made us the Hundred District and attract attention?

[Management] First Love: Haha! No way, we always make people jealous because we are handsome.

[Management] Manghan: The server merger announcement has come out. Should we take the lead and bring them over to discuss the matter of dividing the states?

[Management] Mr. Ning: Wait for them to pull the trigger. We are in the 100th District and we are eye-catching enough. If we take the lead, someone will definitely make a fuss about it. Wait for them to take the lead.

[Management] Rough Man: Don’t forget there is also the reflux group [picking your nose].

[Management] Xuanyuan Jingcheng: Not many people returned in the S3 season? .

[Management] Nine: Yes, there is, but the quality varies and the number of people is unstable.

[Management] First Love: Is it necessary to spend money to buy it? [Pick your nose].

[Management] Ning Gongzi: We’ll talk about it first. If we go to the other side, we’ll have a headache again.

[Group Leader] Governor Liuyuan: OK, I’ll contact you right away.

[Management] Mr. Ning: Let’s break up then. I’ll get sick again after taking a rest.

By the way, six yuan, remember to bring in the management of the other two districts, and we will be a family from now on [Ghost]. -

As soon as the server merger announcement came out, and when I learned who the opponent I was going to face next season, the essence of the Three Kingdoms, the PY battle began.

This confrontation that occurs before the opening zone often determines the trend of the season.

The final winner is sometimes decided even before the zone is opened.

Many players who thought they could have a big fight planted their land for a season and entered the preparation area.

The 1506 core manages the penguin colony.

[Group leader] Old man from the Lin family: [Screenshot] The server merger announcement is out, we need to find someone to hug us [pick our nose].

[Management] Plum blossoms are easy to count: Then let’s go to the 1500 area.

They were the strongest in the Hundred Districts, and didn't they also have Mr. Ning who had developed a military merit system? He also had thicker legs than them? [covers mouth and laughs].

[Management] Nuanyang: Yes, they are also entering S3 in the same district, so our two families just happen to be together.

[Management] Izisha: Ugh! They are a conquered area and we are a separatist area. If we go there, we will definitely have no dominant position and can only be used as tools.

[Management] Unexpected: Let’s be realistic. In our current situation, we are no longer tools.

[Group Leader] Old Man from the Lin Family: Okay, then let’s go to District 1500 and work as their tools for welfare [covers mouth and laughs].

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