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Chapter 219: Talking with the locals

Litu S2469 core manages the penguin colony.

[Management] Mr. Xu: Where is Mr. Xiao?

[Management] Shi Lan: PY is gone.

[Pipeline] Mr. Xu: The speed is quite fast. Then I will contact a wave of return flow.

[Pipeline] Yuan Mingqing: Hurry up, there will be a 1500 area next season, it will be difficult for us to fight.

[Management] Mr. Xu: Have you never heard of a saying: A tree that is as beautiful as a tree in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. [picking nose].

[Management] Shilan: Awesome, Boss Xu’s cultural level has improved again.

[Management] Mr. Xu: That’s necessary [cover your mouth and laugh]. -

Xiao Kong of the Warring States Period is a veteran player of the Three Kingdoms, relying on his rich gaming experience and PY skills.

Not only did he lead his alliance to become the Conquest Alliance without any loss in the first season of District 1502, but he also swept his opponents in the second season, successfully consecutively winning the Conquest League.

In addition, he actually has another identity, that is, one of the core management members of the T3 level alliance in the Season of Conquest.

The reason why I went to the new area to play in the first place was because my mentality was a bit broken after being beaten in a script of conquering the season.

So he planned to go to the new area to vent his anger, but after successfully conquering the village one after another, his original intention had changed.

Compared with the S2 season, the opponents in the S3 season are obviously more powerful, especially among them there are hundreds of districts like the 1500 district.

Obviously, it was not easy for him to lead his brothers to continue the banker series, so the moment he knew the opponent he would face next, he immediately started his own PY road. -

Litu S2471 core manages the penguin colony.

[Group Leader] Han Qing: Area 69 is looking for me and wants to join forces with us. What do you think [picking your nose].

[Management] A bowl of cold white wine: 69? Are they areas 02 and 03? .

[Group Leader] Han Qing: Yes, 02 is the conquest area, and the one who is looking for me is their leader.

[Management] Yimeng Nanke: Let me analyze a wave. Our opponent this time, District 06 is a separately divided area. The strength is not very good and can be ignored.

The only thing left to pay attention to is the 1500 area and the 02/03 combination.

[Management] Eat Abalone: ​​Is this analysis? Saying it means not saying it.

[Management] Yimeng Nanke: I'm in a hurry, let me brew for a while.

[Group Leader] Han Qing: What 02 means is to join forces with us, sweep 1500 and 06 out of the game first, and then decide the outcome in a friendly match with us [picking nose].

[Management] A Bowl of Liangbai: It’s a friendly match again. To be honest, I’m a little reluctant about any kind of friendly match right now [cold sweat].

[Management] Yimeng Nanke: To be honest, we and District 02 are equally powerful. We are both conquering separate territories. We can work together. After all, we are all on an equal footing.

District 1500 is a hundred districts, and the fact that they can be separated out as a conquered district proves this.

If we join forces with them, who will be in charge then? If you don't operate well, you will become their tool.

So we can join forces with District 02, and by the way, we can win over District 06. They must be in urgent need of thighs now. If we hand them over, can they still hold them? .

[Management] Eat abalone: ​​06 I don’t think you need to have high hopes there. Since they want to hug their thighs, of course they should hug those from Bai District. Will they hug us? Where does your confidence come from?

[Management] Yimeng Nanke: Give it a try, and you won’t get pregnant if you try.

[Group Leader] Han Qing: OK, let’s join forces with 02 to eliminate 1500 first, and I’ll go discuss the details with them.

Liang Bai, go contact Hui Liu, Bao Yu, go contact District 06 and see if you can win them over, and Yimeng, go collect intelligence. It's over. -

Litu S3250 reflux group communication group.

[Member] Liu Che: Bro, someone has contacted us now. How much does it cost per pound?

[Member] Young Master Shi Wushuang: Do you think you sell pork?

[Member] I have the most beautiful face: Why do you think so much? Anyway, go to whoever offers the best benefits, but it’s best to go to District 1500 [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Member] Gongzi Shiwushuang: Yes, I also learned about it on the post forum. Mr. Ning from the 1500 area is a big financier. Let’s hug each other.

[Member] Liu Che: Are those called Young Master richer now? .

I also read the record posts of several districts. Mr. Xu in District 02 is also a financial backer. It is said that he is a charterer and the keys are calculated by kilograms.

[Member] Yaoguang: There are really many bosses in the new district now, and the leader of District 08 is said to be a powerful one too [smile].

[Member] Liu Che: Damn it! It's Yaoguang girl, I'll lick it first, you can do whatever you want.

[Member] Young Master Shi Wushuang: Lick!

[Member] Yao Guang: You are overthinking it. In fact, all my information is fake and my photos are also fake.

I am a man, the kind who picks my feet. When I pick my feet, it is still steaming, and there are flies flying on it [picking my nose].

[Member] My face is the most beautiful: I vomited [cold sweat].

[Group Leader] Jizuo Huogong: I'm back, all my dear friends, why don't you hurry up and pick me up [pick your nose].

[Member] Gongzi Shiwushuang: My father-in-law is back [covers his mouth and laughs].

[Group Leader] Jizuo Huogong: Your brother-in-law, please stop giving me nicknames.

[Member] Yaoguang: Stop talking nonsense and talk about business.

[Group Leader] Jizuo Huogong: We have contacted you. I chose district 1500 based on the benefits given to us by several districts.

For the monthly subscription card, 648 will be awarded to the top 10, 328 to the top 50, and 128 to the top 100. -

Ledtu 1500 District core management group.

[Group Leader] Six-Yuan Grand Governor: Well, I have contacted the return team. They found it themselves. In addition, District 06 has also contacted me and will follow us next season.

[Management] Chu Lian: Damn it, the efficiency of doing things for six yuan is getting better and better, tsk tsk.

[Management] Mr. Ning: How many people are there in the return group? .

[Group Leader] Six Yuan Governor: More than 60, one of the five main teams is all red, the first three teams are all red, 5 are all red, the remaining main teams are mostly red, and a few are white.

[Management] Nine: The quality is okay.

[Group Leader] Six-Yuan Governor: Yes, there are 150 return quotas in the S3 season, but there are only 60 here.

For the rest, it is visually observed that the 02 conquest area has attracted a wave of people, the 08 conquest area has attracted a wave of people, and there are still many independent people.

[Management] Mr. Ning: Are they so divided? .

[Group Leader] Six-Yuan Grand Governor: The benefits provided by the other two conquered areas are similar to ours. We cannot influence what others choose.

[Management] Chu Lian: No, the welfare of our alliance is also ranked high in Tutu. These people don’t know what they think [Cold Sweat].

[Management] It’s up to you: There are a lot of rich people who play Sutu. People with similar team popularity are basically wealthy. Sometimes they don’t necessarily look at the welfare [Ghost].

[Management] Unlucky Bear: Yes, everyone has different ideas.

[Management] Mr. Ning: It doesn’t matter. District 06 is following us, and the return group is enough to handle it.

[Group Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: Yes. -

After chatting with the managers for a while, Ning Xiu began to add money to his account.

After the start of the S3 season, it is necessary to have a lot of out-of-print games. Anyway, for his current net worth, the money is really nothing.

"One million jade charms will definitely be enough." After everything was done, Ning Xiu just lay down on the bed and was about to chat and exchange feelings with Chen Xiang.

Unexpectedly, Penguin suddenly received a temporary message from a stranger.


Baiyi Feifei: Is Mr. Ning here? 【Smile】.

Mr. Ning: Who are you? .

Bai Yi Feifei: I am Bai Yi Feifei [smile].

Mr. Ning: Ugh! I know your name is Bai Yi Feifei, isn’t that your name?

In a cozy bedroom, Baiyi Feifei looked at the messages on her phone, her mouth twitched unconsciously, and her cheeks felt a little hot.

"Thankfully no one was here, otherwise it would have been so embarrassing."

As a female anchor and historian in the Three Kingdoms genre, Baiyi Feifei is quite famous in the Three Kingdoms circle.

He created a program called "Leitu Three Kingdoms Zongheng Talk", which was also very popular among players of "Leitu Three Kingdoms".

This program is dedicated to reviewing the league that is about to enter the S3 season, and the season process from the S1 season to the S2 season.

In each issue, a management team from the league in the S2 season will be invited to chat and analyze the situation.

District 1500, as a hundred districts, has another big financial backer like Ning Gongzi. In the S2 season, he successfully won one versus two in a row. It is very topical. Baiyi Feifei will naturally not miss such material.

But the current situation is a bit embarrassing. She didn't expect that Mr. Ning didn't recognize her.

Of course, Ning Xiu didn't know Baiyi Feifei. Although he was an old-fashioned player, he had very little contact with post bars and live broadcasts.

In addition to not having time, I am not very interested. After all, it is well known that keyboard warriors are everywhere.


Baiyi Feifei: That's right, I am an anchor and historian of the Three Kingdoms category. I came to see Mr. Ning this time because I want you to participate in a program called "Litu Three Kingdoms Zongheng Talk".

Well, to sum it up simply, we invite the management of the three districts of the S2468 server to review the season process from S1 to S2 in each of your districts and summarize the experience.

When the other party explained it like this, Ning Xiu understood it immediately, but he had no interest in this kind of thing, let alone went to the live broadcast room to connect the microphone.

Ning Gongzi: Well, I am a shy person and I stutter when there are many people. You can go to our deputy leader Liuyuan Grand Governor and he will cooperate with you.

Baiyi Feifei: It’s just a matter of connecting wheat, no need to show your face [Cold Sweat].

Mr. Ning: I won’t go.

Feifei in white:. -

After rejecting the other party's invitation, Ning Xiu originally thought that the matter was over, but it was obvious that he had overthought it. Not long after, he received a private message of six yuan.


Liuyuan: Aren’t you going to go talk to that man who is just a man? .

Mr. Ning: Just go.

Liuyuan: I can go. District 02 will take the lead in dividing the states tomorrow. Then you can draw lots and argue.

Mr. Ning:.

Liu Yuan: Are you going? .

Mr. Ning: Okay.

Liuyuan: Don’t worry, I’ll let Dugu and Chuxin accompany you. Besides, the rest are all acquaintances. [covers mouth and laughs].

Mr. Ning: Call me the old horse too.

Six Yuan: OK.


"Alas! Since I can't escape, I'll take someone on my back, and then I'll let Lao Ma stand in front to block my gun."

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