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Chapter 236 The world is in chaos


"You didn't resist? Do you want to preserve your strength?"

Ning Xiu was a little surprised as he easily captured the city. Based on his behavior in the past few days, he immediately guessed the opponent's subsequent plans.

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Lao Ning Combat Team] channel.

Ning Gongzi: Well, the guy on the other side didn’t resist, probably because he wanted to preserve his strength. Let’s dig into his territory first, and then we’ll move on to his main city when we’re done.

Smile: OK, it just so happens that I don’t have any level 5 land over there, haha.

Zhang Xiaoliu: I am growing according to the order [squints and smiles].

Rough Man: The main force should save some energy, otherwise he will be in trouble if he gets demolished later [picking his nose].

Mr. Ning: It’s okay. We will demolish and gather fire in a moment, and send a main team to suppress the battle in front. -

Inikisaki Kisame had a good plan, but he didn't expect that Ning Xiu and others didn't follow his script at all.

Zhang Xiaoliu didn't care about wasting energy at all, not even sparing the level 4 land next to him.

The battle reports kept popping up one after another, which made Inikisaki Kisame look ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's too much to not even let go of level 4 lands. You really think I'm a soft persimmon."

Ji: War丨End wars with war [Email: Member] Kisame Kisaki: Boss, leave a way out. I am just a migrant worker. Don’t treat me like this. Give me some gaming experience. -

Ning Xiu was actually not surprised that Kisame Kisame would send him an email. However, in his imagination, the other party turned into a water dragon to spray him, but in the end, it was the other party who subdued him.

Of course, it is not uncommon for Xu and Wei to wait for the opportunity and take revenge in the Three Kingdoms, so Ning Xiu does not intend to hold back on the other party.

As the saying goes, to be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

After all, there are a lot of level 6 lands at the door of this guy. When they turn yellow, he can fly over and take advantage of them. -

"Ma Dan, labor and capital will rise again, just wait, Mr. Guapining."

At 19 o'clock in the evening, Ning Xiu felt refreshed as he watched the dried persimmon Kisame of his neighbor, with whom he had been entangled since the district was opened, turn yellow.

The opponent has a lot of land above, and as it is captured, it has room to grow, which may save a lot of time in paving the way. -

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Lao Ning Combat Team] channel.

The man below you: Do you want to be the one below you too? .

Mr. Ning: He was almost killed by me, so there is no need to waste energy on him.

Zhang Xiaoliu: I see there are some level 4 lands next to his main city. Boss Ning, do you want them? Don’t you want me to turn them over when I’m done?


Mr. Ning: Well, if you don’t mind wasting your energy, just take it when you’re done.

Ranghan: Then everything is fine here. My team will go back. I want to go back and deal with my neighbor.

Mr. Ning: Do you want to help? .

Mang Han: No, there are people from the alliance nearby. Just ask him to support the demolition when the time comes. You should quickly develop a wave of transformation.

Mr. Ning: OK. -

After everything was done, everyone dispersed naturally. Ning Xiu glanced at the rogue team who only had 20 points of physical strength left, and immediately sighed.

If he hadn't hit the state, his current main team would have already risen in level.

After controlling the rogue team to recruit troops while recovering their physical strength, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the 2nd team to farm with the demolition team, striving to reach the barracks to level 10 as soon as possible, and then cultivated resources to upgrade to 8 points and transform. -

System: The general trend of the world, the world is in chaos.

As soon as he finished everything and was about to take a break during the recruitment period, Ning Xiu saw a cutscene flash across the game screen, and then a very familiar line appeared.

"The chaos in the world is over. Now we can use SP Xu Shu."

After casually receiving hundreds of tiger talismans from the World Chaos reward, Ning Xiu quickly clicked on the recruitment column and immediately saw the newly appeared World Chaos card pack.

I want to compare the previous Tianxia card packs that have not changed in thousands of years. In the Tianxia Chaos card pack, in addition to those old acquaintances 5-star cards, there is also a new face, that is the SP5 star Shu Xu Shu.

As a character who has always been quite popular in the novels and film and television dramas of the Three Kingdoms, it did not appear until the S3 season, which is really a bit late.

Of course, in order to compensate for his late debut, the Three Kingdoms officials also made some compensation for him, which greatly improved his appearance in the game.

Against the background of the snow falling all over the sky, a handsome man in ancient costume, holding a sword in his arms and looking indifferent, is indeed very attractive to the face-conscious party.

Ning Xiu is no exception. Among the three kingdoms, he actually prefers the painting styles of Wu and Wei from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Zhao Yun and Xu Shu of Shu are also good, but forget it about Pang Tong. -

Although he appeared late, SP Xu Shu is a 5-star general worth playing. Whether it is Shu Qi or Shu Zhi, he plays an important role.

As a pursuit-type general, his own tactics are very similar to those of 4-star Xiao Xu Shu. After a normal attack, he is 100% able to launch a strategic attack.

There is a chance that the enemy will then go berserk, and after the battle ends, the strategic attack damage can be superimposed 6 times.

Of course, such a powerful tactic cannot be unlimited, so its attack distance is only 1 point. Except for being in the forward position, grabbing the enemy's forward after entering the battle, and beating them up, there is no other enemy at all.

Because of this performance, they are also called the beheading unit.

That is, every time there is a battle, the player's forward will be directly destroyed, so that the enemy players will be confused when they go back to recruit troops.

Because the central army and the main camp only need half an hour, but the forward needs to defend for more than 2 hours.

After glancing at the jade talisman that still cost more than 200,000 yuan, Ning Xiu immediately started to play with the Chaos card pack without hesitation.

At the same time, the TV announcements, which had been quiet for a long time, became lively again. -

Of course, it's not just the World Channel that's lively, the Jizhou channel is also very lively, but the people talking are basically the players from the fallen alliance in Area 02.

Since I can't beat you, then I'll play with the keys. How can you still dismantle my account if you are so awesome?

[Honshu] Wandering Pippi Pig: [287X1243] Brothers, be careful, the storm dog is here to bite again.

【Honshu】Seventeen years old: Well, the other side is a bit too much, just forget about hitting me, just hit me first and then hit me, that’s too cruel.

[Honshu] Li Bai: It doesn't matter, the land will be given to these orphans, scum [picking their noses].

[Honshu] Young Master Shi Wushuang: What’s going on? In the current S season, we all fight with our mouths. [Say hello].

【Honshu】Liu Che: Young Master, don’t waste your saliva on them. It’s so funny.

We have a hostile relationship. If I don’t destroy your land, will I allow you to develop? . -

Ji: Jizhou wind and rain management channel.

[Commander] Nine: Haha, we lost a group of people from their alliance today, and the other side is a little anxious.

[Official] Mr. Ma: It’s just a shame. If you fight, you’ll be a loser.

However, the main alliance on the opposite side also started to take action. I saw them enclave a player near me.

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: To be honest, I don’t think they can organize any effective counterattack in the early stage.

Unless they gather the Return Group and Jizhou's highly-executed Gao Zhan into the main alliance, they will be scattered and fight us with chicken feathers.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Ahem! In fact, to be honest, unless they also have people like Lao Ning who throw money away, how high can their execution be [covers mouth and laughs].

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: Well, although what Boss Ma said is a bit vulgar, it is the truth [Cold Sweat].

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Let me remind brothers, don’t forget to develop when you are defeated. Only by transforming early can we take advantage of our advantages. Otherwise, if we delay for a long time, it will be difficult to fight.

After all, unless we deal with their leader or they collapse, if they can stabilize their mentality, it will be useless even if we reduce all their people.

[Commander] Nine: Got it.

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: It is not easy for them to become the leader of their main alliance, but we can become the leader of their sub-alliance.

There are so many alliances, and I don’t believe that all alliance leaders are so cautious.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: We can do a wave.

[Commander] Nine: Okay, then I’ll email the brothers to find a location. It’s best to operate at night.

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: Yes, our world is our world at night [covers mouth and laughs]. -

Ji: War | End war with war management channel.

[Official] Jing Yufeng: The wind and rain in Jizhou is so disgusting that we are no longer targeting our main alliance, but are targeting our brothers from the sub-alliance.

The people on the branch alliance side are less active and underdeveloped, and the brothers in the nearby main alliance can't garrison and can only watch being reduced.

[Official] Seal: Alas! The main reason is that the opponent's execution ability is too high, and in addition, they are all high-combat bosses, which is too difficult to defeat.

[Official] Mr. Xu: It’s a bit hard to swallow. I read a wave of battle reports when I was helping Lan Shoujia play today. They were basically the red teams, and the quality was a bit high.

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: It's okay, they just have an advantage in the early stage. As long as we hold on, even if we are defeated, what will happen, we will still develop.

In addition, I have organized a wave here, preparing to attack Mr. Ma from their alliance.

[Commander] Shi Lan: In fact, our current problem is that we cannot gather our forces together. I think we still need to seize the time to develop and raise the alliance level.

[Official] Seal: How about eating a city? .

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: I can operate a wave, but there is no pressure to get a level 3 city.

[Commander] Shi Lan: Okay, then I will find a target and send out an alliance banner. When the time comes, the defenders will be handed over to Gao Zhan, and the others will support the demolition. It won’t delay anything.

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: OK. -

Time: 22:00 in the evening.

"Phew! Finally, Krypton has gained popularity, and there is no shortage of combat experience in the short term."

Leaning on the chair and looking at the red 5-star Xu Shu, Ning Xiu showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then threw it into the warehouse. After all, he didn't need it now.

In a wave of 200,000 jade talismans, only 2 Xu Shu came out. For this reason, Ning Xiu could only continue to spend money. In total, he spent nearly 400,000 jade talismans.

In addition to gaining a lot of other 5-stars, my combat experience has reached the upper limit again.

"Upgrade your level to upgrade your barracks. When you're done, get ready to open Lane 6 to branch out into the city."

Glancing at the rogue team who had recovered 60 points of physical strength, Ning Xiu did some calculations and found that after consuming them all, Sun Quan would be able to awaken at level 20.

When he no longer hesitated, he controlled it to rush towards the level 5 ground in front of the main city gate.

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