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Chapter 237: Gathering gold master’s wool?

It took some time, and after several waves of sweeps, Ning Xiu finally got Sun Quan from the rogue team to level 20 and successfully awakened.

Having learned how to fish in troubled waters, at this stage, the main force of its first team has finally officially taken shape.

"With a strength of 8,500, we can use block 6 to divide the city."

Glancing at the barracks that had been upgraded to level 5, Ning Xiu decided to wait until the conscription was over and then divide the city into warehouses to prepare for upgrading the main city to level 8.

Of course, the amount of land is currently limited, so to divide the city, you will definitely need to find a small account to demolish the city skin.

Of course, he could only ask his chief steward Liuyuan Grand Governor for this kind of matter. -

Ji: Jizhou Wind and Rain [Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Open a small account for six yuan, fly over and help me remove the city skin, I am going to divide the city [pick your nose].

After receiving Ning Xiu's email, Governor Liu Yuan glanced at the time at the top of the game and immediately replied: "Okay, it just so happens that I have to re-enter a small account and transfer the alliance leader."

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: How is your development going? .

[E-mail] Governor of Six Yuan: It’s not bad, it’s growing very fast without anyone bothering you. Didn’t you realize that our alliance’s power value has gradually caught up?

Hearing what he said, Ning Xiu quickly opened the alliance rankings and took a look. Even though he found that Bingzhou was in the same boat at this time, he was still ranked fourth.

But its power value is almost the same as that of the third-placed Jizhou Zhan丨Ending the War with War.

It is obvious that since the exemption, although it has only been a short day, it has had a huge impact on the main alliance of Jizhou District 02.

But obviously, it was not just the Zhan Alliance who were affected by this, Jizhou Fengyu was also greatly affected.

The second-placed team, Quan Yu Tian Xia, has also been rapidly narrowing the gap between the two sides. -

Compared with the daytime, in fact, the online peak period for Litu Three Kingdoms players is from evening to early morning at night.

At this time, players who go to work have already finished get off work, and players who go to school have also finished school. It is time to log in to the game and have a wave.

This is also the reason why most of the people who lead the Three Kingdoms to attack a city or break a barrier have always chosen to do so at night.

And it is precisely because of this situation that the war smoke in Jizhou at this time not only did not weaken, but became more intense compared to the daytime.

As one of the core characters in the team through thick and thin, Ma Gongzi is also a rookie who has only played for 2 seasons.

But sometimes, krypton gold can indeed make up for the shortcomings of many novice players.

Just like in this season's pioneering season, Mr. Ma's speed is not much worse than that of some veteran drivers.

He was even a little disappointed. After all, he originally thought that the difficulty of the land would increase in the new season.

Who knew that with his red generals and fighting skills, there would be no difficulty at all.

After the simple and boring war-free period is over, he can directly start beating people. This is an unprecedented experience for him.

Before he came into contact with this game, Mr. Ma always thought that this game was a game where you could beat your neighbors after you passed the novice stage.

But whether it is the S1 season or the S2 season, he will not have the opportunity to experience this kind of beating his neighbors.

Every time, his neighbors turned out to be his allies. If he wanted to fight, he could only wait for the state war to be over and do it step by step. There was no passion at all.

"It's still exciting this season. If you pass the exemption, you'll fight. Chongzhou Tai suits my taste."

Looking at his neighbor who had turned yellow, Mr. Ma felt very sad. At the same time, he glanced at the Alliance players who were about ten blocks away from his main city and had already flown over. He was eager for the other side to rush over and fight him.

Ji: Jizhou Wind and Rain [Nanpi County] Channel.

Jizuo Huogong: Lao Ma, do you really not need us to support you? .

Mr. Ma: No, Lao Wang and I can handle it enough.

Jiumen丨Lao Wang: The opposite side is not very efficient. The fortress is not even up yet. I am already paving the way. They overturned everything in the middle of the night.

Black Knight: Don't be careless, there will definitely be a garrison on the other side.

Mr. Ma: It doesn't matter, it suits my purpose to be stationed there.

Jizuo Huogong: OK, in that case, let's continue to be a slave tonight. When we're done, we'll gather a group of brothers tomorrow to take over Liaocheng.

In addition, those brothers who don’t stay up late at night can shout in the group and find brothers who fight at night to control their accounts.

Jiumen丨Lao Wang: There is a subsidy at night, why do you need someone else to control your account [cover your mouth and laugh].

Jizuo Fire Attack: Okay [Cold Sweat]. -

At 23:00 in the evening, Ning Xiu waited until the recruitment of the main team was over, and then immediately launched an attack on the level 6 land 2 blocks below the main city.


When the countdown to the main team's march ended, two battle reports popped up on the game interface, and a draw effect appeared at the same time.

"It's okay, the battle damage is acceptable."

After clicking on the battle report and taking a glance at it, Ning Xiu stopped paying too much attention.

After all, for a team like his that is full of reds and full of tactics, level 6 is really not that difficult.

That is to say, there are too few troops now. Otherwise, at this level, even at level 7, he would dare to attack without hesitation.

Since there was nothing unexpected about winning the level 6 land, Ning Xiu immediately replaced the demolition team and replaced it with the cavalry and began to occupy the land around the level 6 land to prepare for his first branch city.

"According to my current resource output, if I develop a wave of development, it will take about two days to transform 8 books.

If you want to shorten the time, it seems that you can only wait until you light up the warehouse, save two days of martial arts and try your luck to explode the warehouse. In this way, you can upgrade less warehouses and reduce resource consumption. "

Because it was a collision, Ning Xiu had to start planning carefully to complete the transformation of his team as soon as possible, because only in this way could he unleash his combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, even if he is full of red, his role in group fights will be very limited. After all, there are physical limitations. -

After 12 o'clock in the evening, the chaos in Jizhou was significantly alleviated. After all, the novices' battle-free period had passed and their physical strength for each expedition had been restored.

In this case, many players just have nothing to do after they have refreshed their physical strength. In this case, they can only choose to go offline and sleep.

Of course, for Jizhou Fengyu players, their nightlife has just begun.

After all, if you can lose a player from area 02 at night, you will earn 128 yuan. If you add in the 128 subsidized breakfast money, you will earn more than 200 yuan.

Although there are many tycoons in the Three Kingdoms, there are more ordinary players. They can earn one-third of 648 in one night and sleep like a feather. -

Lead a group of penguins in the 1500 area.

Young Master Shi Wushuang: Is there any brother here in Hejian who needs help controlling the account at night? If you are alone, I will give you a monthly card [squinting smile].

Liu Che: You're thinking of picking your nose.

Erha Demolition Team: Hehe! I have opened two alt accounts and have already set up a fortress in my main city. When the time comes, I will form a few teams of hot chickens to demolish them and cooperate with my main account to defeat [Qiya].

Elastodon: Are there any brothers from Guangping County who cooperate with each other for a long time at night and end up [picking their noses]?

Old Chinese medicine doctor: You guys, you don’t work hard when you are forming a group during the day, and you are all alive at night. This is because you don’t have enough points in the group [cold sweat].

Nine: It's okay. Let's all work together during the day. At night, you can work hard to make extra money. It depends on your own ability [dumbfounded]. -

The power of money is beyond your imagination. In order to get more bounty benefits, Jizhou Fengyu's veteran driver not only insisted on doing the basic operation of "I won't sleep unless the moon sleeps".

All kinds of clever tricks were used to kill the players in Area 02.

As long as they are people in the main alliance and sub-alliances of Jizhou District 02, they are their targets, especially those who are not developed and are soft persimmons, who are their favorite targets to bully. -

After finishing the division of the city, Ning Xiu chewed another piece of level 6 land after the conscription was over, and then swept a wave of level 5 lands at the door. After using up his energy, he was ready to go to bed.

But before that, he still came to the management channel, ready to learn about the current progress of the people.

Ji: Jizhou wind and rain management channel.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Ning Gongzi: How is the current progress of being captured? .

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: Very good. The people in Area 02 want to organize a counterattack, but there is not much progress.

Our people are attacking everywhere. It is impossible for them to gather people together. After all, their hometown cannot be saved. Anyone who follows him will fall prey to others.

The current alliance level limits their advantage. In a one-on-one situation, our main alliance has more people than them, so they can't afford to play.

[Deputy Leader] Mr. Ning: Okay, by the way, we have found the leader of their alliance.

[Commander] Nine: I found one, but the other party was very careful. There was already a circle of their fortress nearby, so it was difficult to attack.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Mr. Ning: They have so many alliances, but they only found one [question mark face].

[Commander] Nine: Well, actually, the benefits you gave Boss Ning have mobilized the enthusiasm of the brothers in the alliance.

But precisely because of this situation, many people actually don’t care much about collective action.

After all, if you gather together and become one person, there are so many people and 128 people can only share how much. They form a small group to act, and of course they make a lot of money [dumbfounded]. -

In fact, Jiu had discovered this shortcoming a long time ago, but he just didn't know how to say it. After all, if what he said spread, it would definitely offend people in the alliance.

But as the commander of Jizhou Fengyu, he still decided to speak out these words. This was not only related to whether they could succeed in attacking the state, but also was very important to his impression in Ning Xiu's heart.

Rather than offending other people, he didn't want to lose points in the eyes of Ning Xiu, a big benefactor. He could figure out with his toes which of the two parties was more beneficial to him.

It's not like Ning Xiu has never heard of the situation of collecting the wool of a wealthy person in order to earn benefits. To be honest, if Jiu hadn't reminded him, he really wouldn't have paid attention to this.

Although the members of the alliance act in small groups, they will also have a heavy blow to Area 02, but if the collective action is too weak, then what is the difference between them and a loose sand. -

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Let’s do this. During the period of Bangzhou, every brother who participates in collective actions will be rewarded with 128.

At the same time, I put a bounty on the leader of the opposite alliance, 648 yuan for the sub-alliance leader, and 2,000 yuan for the main alliance leader.

Since they want welfare, then I will give it to them. How much they can get depends on their ability.


[Official] Jizuo Huogong: Well, if Boss Ning really offers so much money, he can actually consider buying off the people on the other side.

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