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Chapter 259 Sweeping Qingzhou

15:00, Yanzhou Dongping battlefield.

With a numerical advantage and completely overwhelming execution and account quality, Jizhou Fengyu used Ning Xiu and other Manhong bosses as sharp knives.

In just two hours, Qingzhou was completely defeated.

While the main force of the Qingzhou War Alliance was completely damaged, more than half of the entire Dongping County Fortress Group was directly eaten away, leaving only a few remnant soldiers hanging on.

Qing: Zhan丨Zhantiandoudi Alliance Channel.

Baima Congyi: What a shame, we have been fighting for so long, what are those people in Jizhou doing? They are keeping healthy while we fight together [question mark face].

Ye Gucheng: [Battle Report] It was indeed too miserable. The first wave of my garrison was destroyed by the enemy. I was seriously injured while lying in the fortress. Before it was over, they were shot again. The fortress was demolished and the team was sent home. [ Dumbfounded].

Lao Li: Brothers, don't worry, the Jizhou Alliance has already set up a fortress in Wangdu.

The branch alliance has also enclaved and is preparing to attack Qinghe, the capital of Jizhou Fengyu.

We did a great job this time and successfully dragged the main force of Jizhou Fengyu here.

Spend money to make an appointment: Yes, as long as you can win, you can say anything.

Baima Congyi: I hope they can give me some help. -

The game is like this. When you are having fun and comfortable, you can talk about anything. Once you are beaten and defeated, everyone will be in a bad mood.

Even though they know that this is to contribute to the collective victory, complaints are always inevitable. Not to mention ordinary players in the alliance, even Commander Lao Li feels a little unhappy.

According to the script before they came, both sides attacked at the same time to share the pressure. Now, fortunately, Jizhou Fengyu directly attacked the entire alliance and swept them away in a few hours, leaving no game experience at all.

Although no one wants to see an accident, the battle plan this time was planned two days ago.

If there are still problems after such a long time, it is the problem of Jizhou management itself.

Qing: Zhan丨Zhantiandudi management channel.

[Commander] Lao Li: The Dongping side basically collapsed. Many seriously injured brothers were still in the fortress, so they were pushed and beaten home.

According to this progress, our backup fortress in Dongping may not be able to stand up.

[Deputy Leader] Fu Sheng Ruomeng: The gap is too big. What we are holding is a wooden stick and the other is holding a spear. It’s a waste.

[Leader] Qing Ge: Then let brothers build a fortress in the level 4 city.

[Commander] Lao Li: We can only go there, but you still have to communicate with the Jizhou Alliance.

If they don't exert force, it will be useless for us to come back eight hundred times. After a few times of doing this, the people in the alliance will lose their hearts and lose the ability to execute. After all, everyone is not sick and will rush to find a hammer.

[Leader] Qing Ge: Yes, I will communicate. -

Ji: Jizhou wind and rain management channel.

[Commander] Nine: The Qingzhou War Alliance collapsed, and I think a wave of brothers were left to clean up their remaining fortresses.

Others can be transferred to the Qinghe side. The two branches of the Jizhou Alliance are building fortresses there, and at the same time, their main alliance is also building a fortress group in Wangdu.

After hearing this, Ning Xiu clicked on the big map and moved to Qinghe County. When he saw the two branches of the Jizhou War Alliance, they got a piece of red land 5 to 10 blocks away from the city respectively.

"It's almost embarrassing. Who gave me the confidence?"

After muttering softly, Ning Xiu moved to Level 4 City Wangdu and pulled the map in the direction of Guangping County.

Then he saw a member of his alliance less than 10 blocks away.

Although Wangdu, a level 4 city, is a city within Yecheng, it is located in the southwest corner of Yecheng, right on the border of Guangping County.

To stop the war and build a fortress here, it is obvious that they are evil and never forget their base camp.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Mr. Ning: [431X916] First send an email to all the brothers in the alliance to set up a fortress in the Monarch City in the south of Zhennan.

The main teams of the 1st and 2nd Regiments, which were previously responsible for the main attack mission, immediately returned to their hometowns to replenish their troops. After the enclave team landed, they shot over to garrison from a distance.

The remaining teams will cooperate with the demolition and clearing of the remaining soldiers and fortresses of the Qingzhou War Alliance here.

The third regiment mobilized troops to Qinghe and was responsible for taking care of the two branches of the Jizhou War Alliance.

[Commander] 9: There is only one regiment on the Qinghe side. Isn’t it too few? .

[Vice-Leader] Ning Gongzi: Quite a few. In the case of a collision with the state, how high can the execution ability of the two poorly developed sub-alliances be?

Moreover, they haven't raised the fortress yet, and they still need to mobilize troops when they are done, which is enough to clear them out.

[Official] Ji Zuo Huogong: Yes, just those stinky fish and rotten shrimps, let alone the fortress that didn't rise, they would destroy it in minutes even if it did.

Their main allies were all lying dead, not to mention the salted fish who had been eliminated.

[Commander] Nine: Okay.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Mr. Ning: Our wave not only pushed back the Qingzhou Alliance’s position, but also destroyed their backup fortress.

After this wave of friction, they want to slow down until night at least. They will make adjustments based on their positions. We will take this opportunity to deal with the Jizhou Alliance first.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Isn’t Wangdu very close to Shiyi? We can ask Liu Kuai and the others to come over in separate waves and attack the Jizhou War Alliance together.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: No, although we are separated into a group, which makes our number smaller than theirs, it is enough to defeat them.

The Liukuai side also wants to attack Youzhou, don't let them disperse their forces.

[Official] Mr. Ma: [Ghost]. -

The collapse speed of the Qingzhou Alliance was beyond many people's expectations. Naturally, the two alliances that were most affected were the Jizhou and Youzhou alliances.

Although they have never had any doubts about Jizhou Fengyu's ability to overturn the main alliance in District 02 in terms of combat effectiveness.

But the Qingzhou Alliance, a major alliance that had grown steadily since its launch and ranked sixth in the alliance rankings, was overthrown in just a few hours. They were still a little confused.

Ever since the war in the north began, Han Qing, the leader of the Quan Yu Tianxia alliance, would click on the map whenever he had nothing to do, and judge the strengths and weaknesses of both sides on the battlefield through the red areas of both sides.

"Is it because the Qingzhou War Alliance is too watery, or is it the wind and rain in Jizhou that are too strong?"

After staring at the red ground on the Dongping County battlefield for a moment, Han Qing clicked on the big map and remained silent.

According to his original plan, he wanted to wait and see before taking action, but plans often failed to keep up with changes.

He originally thought that with the alliance of the three states of Youji and Qing, even if the Bingzhou Alliance from District 1500 had arrived to support them, the two sides would at least be able to fight for a few days.

But obviously, the screenwriter changed the script, which made his plan fail. The Qingzhou Alliance, ranked sixth in the alliance rankings, went from the beginning of the war to the collapse, according to visual inspection, it only took a few hours.

Once the Qingzhou War Alliance collapsed, the Jizhou War Alliance without a major support was obviously unable to survive on its own.

As for the Youzhou Alliance, Bingzhou is with them through thick and thin, so they will be restricted to Changshan County for the time being.

"The Qingzhou Alliance is a collection of conquests and separatist regimes. The members will certainly not be very resilient. Now they have been bulldozed in the first wave. I hope they can survive." After glancing at the Qingzhou map, Han Qing turned it off. map.

Yang: Yu丨Quan Yutianxia management channel.

[Leader] Han Qing: Liangbai, is the airport in Jingzhou that you were asked to contact prepared ready? .

[Deputy Leader] A bowl of cool white: I have found someone, but I haven’t left the field yet.

[Leader] Han Qing: Hurry up and let them go to the field. In addition, Baoyu arranges for the eunuch to have them spread out to Runan. It would be better if they can spread out to Xuchang. After all, the entire alliance will build a fortress.

[Commander] Eat Abalone: ​​What's going on, are you going to Yizhou? .

[Leader] Han Qing: Yes, I thought it could still grow for two days, but who knew that the alliance would not be strong enough.

So we can only move quickly, otherwise they will collapse and we will have nothing to play with.

[Commander] Eat Abalone: ​​OK, I’ll arrange the people right away. I’ve long been tired of farming.

[Leader] Han Qing: Liang Bai will notify the branch alliance and ask them to send over all the developed Gao Zhan.

[Deputy Leader] A bowl of cool white: Yes. -

At 17:00 in the afternoon, the fortress group southwest of Changshan County in Jizhou and Changshan County was successfully constructed.

Below it, the Bingzhou Wind and Rain Together Fortress Group, about ten blocks away, has not yet been completed.

You: The battle is invincible. [E-mail: Commander] I’m here to tell you: [336X946] All brothers, hurry up and mobilize your troops.

At the target, the fortress group under construction in Bingzhou is under construction. The connecting ground has been paved and can be demolished.

You: Zhan丨Invincible Alliance Channel.

Durian: Bring on the brothers, we can finally fight.

Master Greedy: There must be a garrison on the opposite side. Old men, don’t forget to check it out before going up.

Skeleton: They suffered heavy losses in breaking through level 7, and they don’t have much of the main force left. Just cover your head and get the martial arts medal [picking your nose].

I want to stay here: Remember to leave a mouthful of soup for me, my infantry moves slowly [呲呲]. -

Contrary to the optimism of his own commander, the alliance leader Jinse, who was invincible in Youzhou, felt a little unsure at this time.

Although some of them were affected by the Qingzhou War Alliance and being directly pushed for several hours, the most important thing was when he opened the Shiyi checkpoint before.

I discovered that over there, there were actually two Bingzhou alliances that stood together through thick and thin.

Because of this, compared to his previous optimism, he felt a little unsure at this time.

I don't know what the battle damage of the opponent's attack on the city is. If the battle damage is serious, then there must not be many garrisoned fortresses here at this time.

And if they are all fully garrisoned, it will prove that all his previous speculations will be overturned, and it will also prove that their current situation is very likely to overturn.

"The Qingzhou League has overturned. If we overturn this time, it will be a huge show." -

And: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Commander] First love: The fortress group on the opposite side has formed, and we will definitely rush over and demolish the fortress group we are building next.

After a while, our forts are grouped together, and the garrison of the first and second regiments should not move yet.

All three regiments returned in seconds and immediately mobilized troops to replace our brothers stationed there.

We are all veterans of fighting, so I won’t talk nonsense. Boss Ning and the others have already overthrown the Qingzhou Alliance.

My requirements are not high, just work hard to defeat the Youzhou Alliance.

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