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Chapter 260 Who is the prey?

Although due to the collision with the state, the main Gao Zhan force of a regiment was transferred through thick and thin and went to Jizhou with the returning Tianxiu regiment.

But its overall strength has not been reduced much. What it lacks is Ning Xiu and a few other big men.

But even without them, Wealth and Wind has also made some additions in terms of big bosses. For example, after the end of the S2 season, the leader and deputy leader of the 99 district who transferred to the district, you and Shendu.

In addition, the left-behind Man Hong, Erotic God, Zhen Ji, Diao Chan and other Gao Hong members who have stayed together through thick and thin may be a little weaker in terms of high combat, but the foundation is still there.

And: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Unlucky Bear: Wow, the first shot from the other side hit me. I look like a soft persimmon [crying].

Zui Xiaoyao: Maybe your name is a bit confusing [cover your mouth and laugh].

Meow-chan: Hum! The opponent's momentum is very strong. There are so many red lines coming at once. They don't want to explore the way.

Tingfeng Nostalgia: Maybe this is self-confidence. -

After 17:00, following an email from the commander, the invincible players in Youzhou immediately transferred their teams from the Lingqiu Fortress above.

Then, non-stop, they launched an attack on the Bingzhou Fengyu Tongzhou Fortress position.

After all, Leading the Three Kingdoms is still a war game. Whether it is early land reclamation or city development, in the final analysis, it is paving the way for fighting.

Isn't it just to show off on the battlefield and make a battle report that makes others shout 666?

Durian is a returning individual player in the S2 season. As a small transparent player who made up the five teams in the main city during the season of conquest.

After he came back, he also enjoyed a wave of boss treatment, and was very comfortable being licked.

Although he knew in his heart that he was just a color pen, at least he lived a happy life in Area 03.

It is precisely because of this that in the S3 season, he continued to follow the large forces in District 03 and landed in Youzhou. The days of opening up wasteland, chatting and spanking were indeed comfortable.

Of course, for players who are used to the fast pace of the Conquest Season, farming will become boring after a long time.

And in the S season, when his team can show off as long as it doesn't meet the big boss, Durian is even more itchy.

So as soon as he was ready, he immediately attacked him. Not long after he was released, he was already beaten hard by him.

The Magic Blade team composed of 5-star Shu Gong Zhuge Liang, 5-star Lu Meng, and 5-star Han Ling Emperor pulled over, as well as his team of little hooligans who transformed from wasteland to wasteland.

After receiving the commander's email, he immediately picked up speed and rushed towards the fortress group in Bingzhou who had stood together through thick and thin.

You: Zhan丨The invincible alliance.

Spend money to make an appointment: I'll go, but the durian boss just goes up to you?

Durian: It doesn't matter. The strength of my two teams is so strong that even if they meet Mr. Ning, they can beat them [picking their noses].

Xiaoli Fengyun: Well, Mr. Ning is in Jizhou [Cold Sweat].

Durian: Let me use an analogy [cover your mouth and laugh].

Since he wanted to show off his battle report, he certainly wouldn't be reckless, so don't look at him and just do it without exploring the way.

But before he went on the expedition, he specifically looked at the power value of the red land and chose a slightly biased position.

"The fortresses of the top bosses on the opposite side are all in the middle. If you avoid them, as long as they are garrisoned, you can get a steady supply of meat."

Watching the countdown to the march above the heads of the two teams, Durian's eyes were filled with anticipation. -

And: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Mao Xiaomiao: [338X954] The person opposite is so annoying, he even beat me when I was standing next to him [Contempt].

Zhen Ji: Isn’t my main force stationed [picking nose].

Mao Xiaomiao: I saw it, thank you Sister Zhenji, I just hate this person.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, isn't it just because of my low power value, so I changed the circle and cursed him [at this time].

Ma Xiaobu: Even though he runs so fast, when he meets Sister Zhenji, he is the one delivering food.

Soy Sauce: They are the cavalry exploring the path. I think they are quite fast.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: Do you look down on the cavalry? Although this speed is fast, it is far from the cavalry. I guess this guy is a big shot.

Chen Dada: Here we are, [呲ya] will be revealed immediately. -


When the march countdown above the team ended, the rogue team's battle report with the tie effect immediately popped up on the game interface.

"Damn! It must be Gong Lu paddling again, uncle, it's so unreliable."

Thinking of his own little gangster, Gong Lu, who often paddled in the camp, Durian suddenly uttered something unhappily, quickly clicked on the battle report, and then looked confused. -

And: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Zhen Ji: [Battle Report], the Governor is such a badass, I should have known how to use the sword, and in 13 red seconds, I can't drop a whiteboard bow rogue [vomiting].

Mysterious and funny: He has less than 2,000 troops left, which is no different than seconds [Cold Sweat].

Diao Chan: I told you to play with the sword, but you are in a hurry to transform into a governor [cover your mouth and laugh].

Erotic God: [Battle Report] The Governor is still okay. I like this kind of team with the same color and title.

It’s up to you: [Battle Report] What kind of rotten team is on the other side? They’re going to touch me [Question Mark Face].

Unlucky Bear: [Battle Report] This is a separatist area after all, so the requirements shouldn’t be too high.

Ma Xiaobu: I suspect that you are showing off your lineup in disguise.

Nao Nao: There are various high-red and full-red Dudu teams and French sword teams. I suddenly feel that my team is so hot [crying].

Wang Quanquan: [Battle Report] Compared with the big guys, I am too embarrassed to show off my battle report with a few red stars.

Mo Jia: Then why do you keep saying [picking your nose]? -

Beat the gongs and drums before going out, and be disgraced when you return home. This is the first wave of Youzhou's invincible attack.

Although they took advantage of the initiative to attack and consumed a wave of Bingzhou Fengyu's main team, they saw a series of failed battle reports in the alliance.

Not to mention Youzhou's invincible management, even ordinary members are a little confused.

After all, in their minds, after Bingzhou broke through the storm, there would definitely not be many teams coming to garrison, and maybe they would all be martial arts babies.

But obviously, when they thought they were hunters, they didn't know that they were the prey, and they were the kind that delivered goods to their door.

You: Battle丨Invincible [E-mail: Commander] I want to stay at home: Don’t be reckless, read the battle report above, use Spartan to explore the way, stop the withdrawal that can be withdrawn first, and don’t send military honors.

You: Zhan丨Invincible management channel.

[Commander] I want to stay at home: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] [Battle Report], isn’t it that all the high-fighting bosses on the opposite side are fighting against each other in Jizhou?

The boss who has been with them through thick and thin is a wholesaler from the vegetable market [question mark face].

[Deputy Leader] I’m taking off: People are in hundreds of districts, don’t use ordinary districts like ours to measure it.

Moreover, they have experienced a wave of returning teams for two consecutive seasons. It is normal for them to compete with many big players.

[Leader] Jinse: Let the brothers explore the way and read the battle report before their fortress is up and unable to move.

How many teams can be defeated and how many fortresses can be demolished? Otherwise, judging from the first wave of battle reports, we are afraid that we will be hammered when we are done.

[Official] SKY: Didn’t they ask us to bring the two sub-alliances in to stop the war? .

[Leader] Jinse: People have been arranged and they will be in place tomorrow at the latest. -

In a battlefield fight, the passive garrison side will definitely suffer. After all, the garrison cannot recover wounded soldiers and cannot retreat at will.

As soon as you withdraw your defense line, loopholes will appear, and the fortress will be demolished, allowing the opponent to open a gap and rush in.

Especially in the same boat, they came from a long distance from Shiyi, and it took more than an hour to go back and forth.

Before the fortress was built, it was a one-and-done deal.

And: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Commander] First Love: Watch out for the brothers who are stationed, if there are still soldiers stationed nearby.

If the team's battle damage is relatively large, you can go back and recover in seconds. Don't annihilate the team directly, which will be completely useless.

Of course, if there is no one around you, then you can carry it for as long as you can. -

And: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Bu Liangren: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] I tied the two teams, I will withdraw first, Xiaoyao boss is left to you.

Zui Xiaoyao: Go quickly, I think you are standing on top of me, blocking me from enjoying the martial arts [picking my nose].

Chen Dada: Let’s go in peace. Xiaoyao and I are the two of us who guard this piece of wood.

Wei Wuxian: Don’t set up a BUFF, be careful if a group comes directly [cover your mouth and laugh].

Zui Xiaoyao: [330X947] Damn it! You are the one with the crow’s mouth, Gungun.

Wei Qingdeng: This is obviously because the other side read the battle report and found that there is meat here, so here comes the gun and meat.

Erotic as God: I'm damn drunk, no one came over me [glares].

It’s up to you: Same, I’m speechless, I can’t move yet, I’m so annoyed [Ghost].

Shendu: [Battle Report] Hey! I have meat to eat.

God: [Battle Report] I’m going home [Bye bye]. -

Youzhou is invincible. Although the offensive side has the advantage on the battlefield, there are too few generals and bosses in the battle.

In the next hour's attack, Dao also opened several holes with the help of concentrated fire and successfully broke in, but he also paid a bloody price.

Because of the reckless concentration, the main team lost even more than the same team through thick and thin, but everything was worth it. This is the thinking of the Youzhou management. -

And: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Commander] First love: Don’t move the front row station, and mobilize troops as quickly as the fortress is established.

Wash all the points and mobilize the troops, and after finishing the task, there will be a large number of red envelopes in the alliance to compensate, it's crazy.

At 18:00 in the evening, the fortress group that stood together through thick and thin in Bingzhou finally took shape.

Many players who had been stationed passively and were beaten, and who had been holding back their anger, immediately sent their teams back to the Shiyi Fortress Group, and then moved forward to the front line.

Because the distance between the two places is not far, you can usually reach the battlefield in about 30 minutes after washing points and speeding up.

It only takes about 20 minutes for all the famous bosses in the team to accelerate. -

You: The battle is invincible. [E-mail: Commander] I want to house: [330X933] A hole has been opened here.

Sparta had already explored and garrisoned them, so they rushed in quickly to bloom, and the other fortresses occupying the front row kept up.

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