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Chapter 301 Storm Domination

X512: Personal power rankings.

No. 1: Wind丨006.

No. 2: Wind丨007.

No. 3: Rain丨001.

No. 4: Rain丨002.

No. 7: Wind丨011.

No. 8: Wind丨012.

No. 9: Wind丨013.

No. 10: Rain丨006.

World Channel.

[Liu Yan] A chicken as a rider: Awesome, the power rankings are so exciting [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Gongsun Zan] Chief: Damn it! On the entire list, there are a lot of "glares" that begin with wind and rain.

[Liu Biao] Mario: At the beginning, the list is meaningless now. If you look at it tonight or tomorrow, you will know who is strong and who is weak [pick your nose].

【Cao Cao】War丨Aman: Tsk tsk! This kind of thing is to directly recruit reserve troops to clear the ground, which is very annoying [covers mouth and laughs].

[Ma Teng] Tianya丨囧月: Yes, this area will be very lively visually.

[Yuan Shao] Wei Wu丨Long Nian: Feng Yu is the new district alliance, right? It looks pretty strong visually.

[Ma Teng] Tian Ya丨 Killing the Moon: [Pick your nose] by Wei Wu, the brother upstairs.

[Yuan Shao] Wei Wu丨Long Nian: It used to be, but I was eliminated, so the account owner gave up and I took over [picking my nose].

Although the zone has only been open for an hour, the rankings at this time are of little significance.

After all, all the lands being farmed are level 3, and the difference can only be seen after opening 4 or 5 in batches.

But even so, when a full third of the top 300 in the entire personal power rankings are names starting with the word "wind and rain" on the list.

It also makes people who pay attention to the situation have different thoughts. -

[Liu Yan] General Mansion Management Channel.

[Deputy Leader] Shenwei: It’s okay to be in the same boat through thick and thin. The one they started with Wind and Rain couldn’t be the full-red group created by Young Master Ning, right? .

[Leader] Beiliang: Well, judging from the numbers at the back, they should all be the newly changed names.

[Deputy Leader] Kamui: Tsk! It's good to have money. With two full-red teams here, they are probably number one in terms of paper strength alone.

[Leader] Beiliang: Yes, even for the Night Alliance, there is only one red group by visual inspection.

[Deputy Leader] Shenwei: I hope Fengyu will maintain this momentum.

In this case, we can also lie down for once. The mentality of being hammered in recent seasons is really a bit broken [cold sweat].

[Leader] Beiliang: It’s hard to say. After all, they are a new alliance, and their strength on paper is not equal to their combat effectiveness. -

[Cao Cao] Battle丨Wu Wen Dong [Email: Commander] Battle丨Along: The brothers who join the alliance will clear the land quickly.

Brothers who don’t have the physical strength and conscription to go to the field voluntarily, they are all old brothers, I won’t talk nonsense, there are two lines of tears from relatives who are not regulating the land reclamation, hold on tight and don’t overturn.

Zhan丨Wuwen Dongxi management channel.

[Commander] Battle丨Aaron: We are in the same boat through thick and thin, the enemy is coming fiercely, and we will be in the limelight when we open the zone.

[Leader] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Haha! I wish they were in the limelight.

The higher you climb, the more painful your fall becomes. Ye Meng is not a simple character. -


After scanning the power rankings and closing the rankings, the leader of the Night Alliance, Ye Mu, chuckled.

As the leader of a T2-level alliance, Ye Mu has been exposed to this game since the launch of the beta test of the Three Kingdoms.

After more than two years, under his leadership, Ye Meng has gone through many battles from being beaten at the beginning, to gaining a firm foothold, and now they are beating others.

Although it is a game, Ye Mu has always believed that if you want to win, you need to do a lot of homework.

Only by understanding the enemy's strengths and weaknesses and knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible.

Therefore, before opening the district, he went through various channels to learn about the situation through thick and thin, and finally came to the conclusion that it was very difficult to deal with.

With the leader and financial backer Shenhao Ning Gongzi, who is guaranteed hundreds of thousands of military expenses every season, we can stand together through thick and thin, at least in terms of welfare.

In this regard, even as a T2-level alliance, they cannot compare at all.

At the same time, there are many high-level battles in the alliance, and they are very good at night battles.

After entering the preparation area, I got two more accounts with full red groups. All the above represent the strength of staying together through thick and thin, and there has been a qualitative leap.

Of course, such strength cannot crush the Night Alliance.

In terms of account quality, although there is a gap between the two sides, it is not big.

Moreover, compared to those who have just entered the Conquest Season and are full of newbies, all the members of their Night League are veterans who have been in the Conquest Season for a long time and have rich experience.

Conquering the season fights is all about combat experience and rhythm. It doesn't matter if you have strong combat effectiveness on paper. Unless it creates a crushing situation, it doesn't matter.

Leading the Three Kingdoms has been in beta for so long, and there is currently only one alliance that can play all the way from the new zone to the season of conquest and rise.

The rest were either disbanded or integrated because they could not adapt to the rhythm of the Conquest Season. -

The two most time-consuming stages of leading the Three Kingdoms are the land reclamation period and the fighting period.

Especially during the land reclamation period, compared to fighting and killing groups and taking a break, the land reclamation period is just staring at the game interface, a cycle of dots, dazes, dazes, and dots.

No one is not competitive, whether they are watching the countdown of the march on the land reclamation team, or watching the end time of the conscription every few minutes.

It's all for the sake of developing your team faster and transforming your team to kill everyone on the battlefield.

Many players have said that it doesn't matter if they are Buddhists and overturn in their game.

But except for those players who are really busy in reality, there is no so-called Buddhist system at all. This is just an excuse for themselves because their generals are not good at fighting.

If you are really Buddhist, you should just click twice and log out after landing.

When I remembered it, I came up a little bit and stayed in the game chatting and bragging that I was a Buddhist, but I was a chicken.

After Ning Xiu successfully scanned 3, he stayed in front of the computer. Apart from occasionally playing with his mobile phone, he kept staring at the game interface.

Although the start was delayed for more than ten minutes, because Ning Xiu went out and returned immediately after finishing the battle, the land clearing speed was very fast.

By 14:00 in the afternoon, it had successfully cleared the level 3 lands around its main city.

The level of the main wasteland reclamation team has reached level 8 and has been fully replenished with soldiers.

"We have 2,400 troops. It's time to hit the level 4 ground."

After glancing at the total strength of the team, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the cavalry and shot towards the level 4 land next to the main city, preparing to explore the road and hit the level 4 land. -

Compared with the level 4 land in the S season which is not too difficult, the level 4 land in the season of conquest is a stage where it is very easy to overturn.

Ning Xiu remembered that when he entered the Conquest Season for the first time, he was already considered a high-quality player when he started to open up wasteland.

But just driving on level 4 land, he flipped over five times, even more than driving on level 5 land.

Although he starts with 6 level 10 tactics now, except for Zhen Luo Man'er, Zhang Ji and Huangfu Song are all blank slates, which is why he is relatively weak.

"Alas! I'm used to opening up wasteland with red, but I'm really not used to using a whiteboard.

The official website is so screwed up, why don’t you make a season card pack and let me earn a lot of money. "

Sighing helplessly, Ning Xiu knew that this was the difference between old players and new players who had conquered the season.

Even if you are a monthly card party, as long as you have been involved in the Conquest Season for a long time, you will already have a basic land reclamation lineup, and you can even add a few red stars for good luck.

Players who have just entered the Conquest Season, even if they are rich, will have a very poor gaming experience before the World Card Pack is released.

If he had a bad face, he wouldn't even be able to form a mainstream land reclamation team. Compared to others, Ning Xiu was already very lucky.


"I'll go, Huawan Team?"

Looking through the battle report of the cavalry's exploration, when he saw that this level 4 stone was actually starred by 4-star Huawan, Ning Xiu chose to give up and change the target without even thinking about it.

The Huawan team is in a difficult level among the level 4 lands in the season of conquest. It, together with the Li Cui Guo Si team, Chen Gong team, and Shen Pei team, are definitely not the first to open or hit the ground.

"Zhuge Jin?"

After exploring several pieces of land next to the main city, Ning Xiu finally found a piece of land that was one block away from the main city with his favorite garrison team, Zhuge Jin Team.

Zhuge Jin's team and Sima Tong's team can be said to be the teams with the lowest difficulty among level 4 teams.

The rest, whether it is the Nanhua Laoxian Team or the Chopstick Brothers Team, although the difficulty is relatively low, they are very face-conscious. A black face will cause high damage in battle, and it is normal to roll over.

After finding the lineup he wanted, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the main team to open up wasteland and rushed towards the goal.

At level 8, the military commander has a troop strength of 2,400. This is a very important rhythm point for land reclamation.

Because at this time, after a wave of raids on level 3 lands, many players had basically very little physical strength left in their main land reclamation teams.

At this time, continuing to sweep up levels 3 to upgrade is obviously a drop in the bucket.

After all, every time you reach level 3, with just over 1,000 experience points, you have to grind 8 to 9 times before you can level up. This is a complete waste of energy.

When there is not much physical strength left, with 2100 troops or 2400 troops, find a simple level 4 land to attack.

Under normal circumstances, it is definitely impossible to beat, but as long as you can get a wave of experience, you will definitely make money without losing money.


When the time on the march countdown ended and the battle report popped up and the draw effect appeared on the level 4 ground, Ning Xiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

What he fears most is that his face will be blackened and he will be completely destroyed.

"I'll go, there's a chance."

When he clicked on the battle report, he saw that only about 1,000 of his 2,400 troops were left.

The defenders on the opposite side, with only a little over 2,000 troops left, immediately felt that their opportunity had come.

Although there were not many troops left at this time, the three generals were still alive and had not been killed.

In this case, Ning Xiu immediately joined two teams of Spartans. After learning the skills, he rushed to the level 4 land next to him.

"There are still more than 4 minutes. If you can recover in seconds, you can use the Cavalry Spartan to hit it 4 times. It should be almost stable."

Using Spartans to kill the defenders is a common practice for players during the land reclamation period. The reason why Ning Xiu chose the simplest lineup was actually because he wanted to successfully win this land.

"No, take it back."

When there were 3 minutes left in the countdown to the tie and the two Spartan teams were about to make their second trip, Ning Xiu suddenly felt something in his heart and directly chose to retreat, sending the main team back to the main city in seconds.

"I'm really stupid. There is such a simple group of defenders lying around. It's better to bump into it a few more times to upgrade the team."

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