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Chapter 302 Extreme Open Five

Ning Xiu was indeed stupid. What was the purpose of sending 2,400 soldiers to the level 4 land? It was not to gain experience and upgrade the generals of the land reclamation team.

At this time, around his main city, the closest and simplest garrison lineup was this team.

Once it is captured, it may be able to increase production and influence, but this will not be of any benefit to long-term development.

Instead of doing this, it is better to bump into it twice more and upgrade the land reclamation general by two levels.

When the time comes, not only is the stability of 4, it will also be able to take down the difficult lineups that are close to each other, saving long-range shots from overturning.

If you destroy all level 4 lands with a base strength of 6,000, you can get more than 5,000 experience points.

Although Ning Xiu's wave ended in a draw, he still gained more than 3,800 experience points, which was equivalent to brushing level 3 land 4 times.

Although the battle losses were high, after the troops were restored, the battle losses were actually close to 1,000. The most important thing was to save physical strength.

Li urged Guo Si to form a lineup, adding 2,500 points to various resources at the beginning, and adding a wave of resources to the Honor Store.

He does not feel that the resources of conscripting troops are wasted, but that it is a bit troublesome to recruit troops for a long time.

"Fortunately, the reserve troops didn't move much, otherwise they would have been lying there for nearly two hours."

After glancing at the vanguard with the most casualties, Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. -

After recruiting troops for the team, Ning Xiu turned off the computer and planned to see how everyone in the studio was clearing up wasteland.

After all, in the season of conquest, his personal combat ability has been infinitely reduced, and the overall strength of the team is king.

The two full-red group accounts he bought this time basically have all the general skills, especially the core ones who can open up wasteland and fight, and they are all full-red.

Before the start, he communicated with Liuyuan, Chulian and others that the two full-red groups would be their main force in the early stage of the game.

Therefore, as long as Huangfu Song is full of red, they will all use Huangfu Song to open up wasteland, transform the grandfather team, and prepare for the alliance to attack the city.

As for Huangfu Song, who is not very popular, he will use Zhang Jimei to open up wasteland and transform into a gangster team.

Of course, the specific operation depends on the operations of the members who control the accounts. After all, the actual operators have the most say.

Ning Xiu only needs to provide them with accounts and enough jade talismans to complete all the guarantees for land reclamation. -

"You all have your own pace in opening up wasteland, so I won't dictate. But I hope brothers don't act recklessly if they are not sure.

The accounts in everyone's hands are the top power of our alliance. The collapse of one account will be a huge loss to us in the early stage. I hope everyone will pay attention. "

"Don't worry, Mr. First Love. I, Liu, have opened up wasteland hundreds of times. Even if the car overturns, I can still build him a car."

"Ha ha!"

Ning Xiu quietly walked around the two villas and saw that everyone was seriously working on opening up wasteland.

Even during the recruitment, he always stayed in his group room, talking to the members next to him at most and not wandering around.

"Boss, are you out?"

Chu Lian warned the pioneer members, walked out of the room, and saw Ning Xiu standing outside the door, and immediately said hello.

"The conscripts are here, let's go out for a walk."

After replying with a chuckle, Ning Xiu looked at Chu Lian and said: "Although land reclamation is important, as long as it doesn't delay things.

In your free time, you can let everyone watch movies, live broadcasts, etc. We are not a company, so we don’t have to ask too high of everyone.

As long as you don't lose your chain when fighting in the wasteland. "

Ning Xiu was telling the truth. His studio was originally designed to provide money.

As long as these account-controlling brothers in the alliance complete their duties, he will not care what they do.

"Okay, I know."

For his first love, who always obeyed Ning Xiu's words, he would do whatever Ning Xiu said.

"Hmm, you must stay up late during the land reclamation period. Once the brothers are on track to land reclamation, let each group take turns."

"Okay, I will make arrangements in advance."

After chatting with his first love, Ning Xiu left the studio and returned to his villa.

I lay on the bed and rested for a while. When I saw that the time was almost up, I immediately logged into the game again. -

Time passed, and in the next period of time, Ning Xiu was recruiting troops and spending time in the level 4 ground next to him.

When the time came to 16 o'clock, 4 hours before the opening zone, he finally stopped hitting the ground.

The reason is very simple, that is, his land reclamation team penetrated the defenders who hit the ground.

"Oh, I'm just shy of level 10. I'm wearing it now. I'm really speechless."

After taking a look at the battle damage, Ning Xiu reluctantly sent his team back to the main city instantly.

His original plan was to bring all the team levels to level 10, even if he had two blank slates.

But with the help of 6 full-level tactics, we can start to stably open 4, but it is obvious that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

"Forget it, let's find two more simple level 4 lands. After finishing them, it will be almost enough to upgrade." -

[Email: In the Opposition] Mr. Ma: [Battle Report] Lao Ning, I overturned. It is too difficult to open up wasteland [Ghost].

As soon as Ning Xiu took control of his cavalry to explore the road, he received an email from Mr. Ma.

Ning Xiu was a little surprised when he clicked on Mr. Ma's battle report and saw that it was actually a 5-star Shu Yanyan, a 5-star Manhong Qun Zhenluo, and a 5-star Shumanhongguan screen pioneer.

I was surprised that the opponent actually drew Yan Yan. This team was also very stable in opening up wasteland, but it was obvious that Mr. Ma was a little inflated.

As soon as he saw that the defender was the Chen Gong team in the battle report, Ning Xiu knew that this guy must have gone straight up without exploring the path, or he had explored the path, but it was too swollen.

Yongzhou: Ning丨Stay in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Aren’t you going to explore the way? .

[Email: In the field] Mr. Ma: [Battle report] Well, I just took a piece of 4. I thought the battle damage was acceptable, so I shot the piece of 4 next to the main city.

I thought there was no problem, but who knew it turned over.

Season of Conquest is so stupid. I wonder when I have ever rolled over a car on level 4 since I started playing this game. It’s so fucked [I can’t laugh or cry].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: I told you before, so you should be steady and don’t be reckless.

Fortunately, even though your team was destroyed, you still earned thousands of experience points, so it’s not a loss.

If you are short of resources, just buy it directly from the Honor Store.

By the way, when recruiting troops, don’t recruit reserve troops directly.

[Email] Mr. Ma: Uh, I've broken into a [cold sweat].

[Email] Mr. Ning: Awesome [thumbs up].

[Email] Mr. Ma: I’m going to find a big guy to fix my car [Ghost].

[Email] Mr. Ning: Come on, just drive it honestly.

If you don't experience a wave, you will never open up wasteland. As long as you stay steady and use your general's fighting skills, it is actually not difficult.

[Email] Mr. Ma: Okay.


At 17:00 in the afternoon, as Ning Xiu's main land reclamation team rose to level 10, the strength reached 3,000.

His losses from attacking level 4 lands immediately began to decrease until all generals reached level 11 and his strength reached 3,300.

As long as you avoid the most difficult groups of defenders, you can basically sweep level 4 with low damage. -

At 20 o'clock in the evening, Ning Xiu logged into the game after taking a rest. Seeing that there were still a few minutes until the end of the conscription, he immediately opened the ranking list.

At this time, the personal power rankings have not changed much. Most of them are still on the list with the names of two red teams who have been in the same boat through thick and thin.

But in addition, Night League has more and more players on the list, and they even occupy 3 of the top 10 players.

Players from the Zhan Alliance and General Mansion also began to take advantage of their veteran players, and more and more people appeared on the rankings.

"As expected, we can do well in the Conquest Season. No one is a loser."

The pace of the S season is slow. As long as the generals are good enough and have strong fighting skills, even if they open up wasteland and stretch their hips in the early stage, they will still be the father in the later stages of the fight.

But the Conquest Season is completely different from the S Season. The overall situation is often decided within half a month or more than 20 days after the zone is opened.

Although there will be battles later, few can make a comeback.

Therefore, many veteran players of Conquest Season say that the main players of the three teams in Conquest Season determine the outcome.

It is because of this little time that even a local tycoon can form the main force of the third team, which is already very good.

For many ordinary players, even after just two teams, the season is over.

"It's 20 o'clock now. After farming level 4 lands for a while, let's try to hit level 5 lands.

Try to open a $5 before going to bed, otherwise you may not be able to keep up with the rhythm. "

After seeing that the team's recruitment was over, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the main land reclamation team and rushed towards the level 4 land that had been explored. At the same time, he also began to control the cavalry and began to explore the level 5 land around the main city.

Level 5 land is a watershed, especially in the Conquest Season. As long as you can get the first level 5 land, you will be on the fast track.

For ordinary players, if they want to win the first level 5 land under normal circumstances, they need at least 4,500 troops.

If you want to fight, 4200 can also go for a wave, but even with the lowest difficulty lineup, the chance of overturning is still 70%.

As for the boss who is full of red and full of tactics, starting from 3200 troops, he has gradually and tentatively hit the level 5 land.

But they can only do it, earn a wave of experience from a draw, and if they want to win the level 5 land, they need at least 3,600 troops.

Of course, Three Kingdoms is a game that depends on your appearance, and there are many people who open the limit of 5, but to a large extent, it is due to good luck.

Ning Xiu Huangfusong and Zhang Ji were blank slates, but even so, he was ready to hit a wave of level 5 lands as soon as he was done.

Only in this way can the general's level be quickly improved and he can win the level 5 land on the first night of the opening of the zone, otherwise he will fall out of the first echelon of the wasteland.

In the Season of Conquest, many alliances recruit people. In addition to the requirements for the redness of the general lineup, they often also require 24 hours and 3 awakenings.

The reason is that compared to the 48 hours in the novice stage of S Season, the physical strength is halved, and in the Conquest Season, this state only lasts 24 hours.

If you couldn't successfully sweep level 5 lands 24 hours ago, it would be impossible to awaken 3 times a day in 24 hours.

Of course, it will definitely be difficult for ordinary players to reach this standard.

However, a single awakening within 36 hours is the normal standard. If no general awakens within 48 hours, it is either because the general is too incompetent or has too many overturns.

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