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Chapter 332: Life is endless and liver-explosion continues

early morning.

Zhan丨Xiao Kong was woken up by the alarm clock and slowly opened his eyes, although he was not completely awake yet.

But he was still confused, so he skillfully grabbed the mobile phone placed by the bedside and logged into the game.

"Oh no! So many battle reports?"

I just entered the game and haven't had time to scan through the dozens of emails piled up.

Zhan丨Xiao Kong saw a bunch of battle reports at the bottom of the game interface, and he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

He has one fortress in the back row of Guandu in Jizhou and two fortresses in Guandu of Yanzhou.

There are now more than a dozen battle reports. It is obvious that it cannot be him. The main force stationed in the main city of the ferry was wiped out so easily.

Quickly click on the map, and when the map jumps to Guandu, you will see red fields and dense fortresses everywhere.

The two fortress groups of their alliance have long since disappeared without a trace, and several main cities blocked the pass. It has also turned yellow.

Everything in front of him clearly told him that they were pushed flat last night.

Although it has long been known in the heart that their Qingzhou Alliance is not the opponent that has been reborn through thick and thin.

But in one night, he pushed them flat and broke through two lines of defense.

At present, troops have actually arrived at Jiyang City, a level 5 city south of Guandu, Yanzhou. Is this a bit exaggerated? .

Zhan丨Xiao Kong was not the only one who had the same idea. At this time, as members of the Qingzhou Alliance came online one after another, the battle situation displayed in front of them completely confused them and at the same time, their mentality exploded.

Overnight, not only were the fortresses at the ferry pushed away by the wind and rain, but Guandu was also taken.

They also pushed away the fortress group on the Guandu side of Yanzhou, and now they rushed all the way to the level 5 city of Jiyang.

"Don't these people sleep?" -

World Channel.

[Cao Cao] Battle丨Aman: Awesome, I just want to ask, the big guys who have been together through thick and thin, how are your livers? .

[Cao Cao] Immortal Old Man: No wonder we can’t defeat them. They are playing games with their lives. If you can’t offend them, you can’t offend them.

[Ma Teng] Jin Ma Chao: It’s really awesome. He was still in Bingzhou at noon yesterday.

Now I have directly pushed it to Jiyang, Yanzhou. With such execution and enthusiasm, I wonder if you are afraid of it.

[Cao Cao] An Muxi: Everyone in Li Guo, take care of your health and don't die suddenly. The whole region will be mourning when the time comes [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Liu Yan] White-robed General: If you fight, fight, and keep your mouth full of virtue.

[Cao Cao] An Muxi: Wow! The number one licking dog appeared, and I discovered that nothing in this game is better than recognizing a father.

[Liu Biao] Yun Yu: Tsk! You can do this double standard.

If you form an alliance with the Wind and Rain Alliance, you will recognize your father. So what do you call the War Alliance, and you cling tightly to the Night Alliance without opening a zone? Recognize your mother? .

[Liu Yan] One chicken is worth a thousand: Poof! Recognize mom [covers mouth and laughs]. -

[Week] Zhan丨Wuwenxiong [E-mail: Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Everyone comes to the world, what’s the point of talking about it? The one who can laugh to the end is the winner after the fight has just begun.

[744X905] A reserve fortress continues to be built at the ferry below the level 5 city Jiyang.

The brothers who blocked the road have already opened and held on, at least until the afternoon, and it will be difficult to get through the storm.

In addition, in Level 7 Chengdong County, reserve fortresses continue to pile up, as well as the ferry and two checkpoints at the back. Everyone quickly builds fortresses according to the alliance standards. -

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Although we have come in through thick and thin, as long as they can't find the airport and can't fly out of Dongjun, they can only advance step by step.

Our main force was all destroyed last night. We cannot hold the level 5 city of Jiyang, and we will delay it for a while at most.

But at the ferry below Jiyang, I have arranged for my brothers to move to the city and set up a stronghold.

Counting the time we lasted, it was enough for us to recover.

In addition, I have also arranged the main city in the east county of the level 7 city, as well as the ferry on the east side of the east county, as well as the later levels.

When the roads in the main city are blocked, plus our main force, even if we stand together through thick and thin, even if we are strong, we can't imagine going from Bingzhou to Yanzhou in one day like yesterday.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Well, since we can't fight head-on, we can only adopt this method.

We must keep an eye on Dongjun. Our brothers here can move the city as fast as they can.

For those who cannot move to the city, the land should be released, and the fortress should be released. When you are done, remember the number of people, and each person will be compensated with one month's cards.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: OK.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Samsara sent me an email. Today they will organize people from Jizhou to push it over from Ziyang.

Attacking from the rear of Guandu helps us share the pressure of staying together through thick and thin, so that we can feel more relaxed.

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: Jizhou’s strength may not even be able to withstand a regiment that is in the same boat through thick and thin [Cold Sweat].

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Okay, if you can share some of the burden, it's fine, but I still have to communicate with the Night Alliance to see what to do next.

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨 Xiao Kong: Well, I think we can win over Liangzhou. Whether they attack Yizhou or Yongzhou, they can help effectively contain their energy.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Well, I will communicate this matter with Ye Meng.

Under the current circumstances, we should really consider using Xuzhou’s quota for fishing. -

[Tang Dynasty] Night丨Jinyi Night Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: What should we do with this situation now? Should we continue to push forward, blow up the general's palace and enter Yizhou, or should we return to Yuzhou and break through the border to Yanzhou to help? .

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: This is indeed a difficult problem. After returning to Yuzhou, all our efforts were in vain.

Don't go back. If today, like yesterday, the Zhan Alliance was killed by a wave of people who came to our level through thick and thin, then we would be passive.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: I just communicated with the Zhan Alliance. They are very well prepared and can delay it for at least 2 days.

We must seize the time now, first overthrow the general's mansion, and then break through the border and enter Yizhou.

As long as they enter Yizhou and approach the Yongzhou pass, the main force who have gone to Yanzhou to fight through thick and thin will naturally return to the defense, and the dilemma of the alliance will naturally be solved.

The best defense is offense. If we follow their rhythm and run to Yanzhou for support, we will be in danger of being flanked.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Well, there is nothing wrong with the idea, but can Zhanmeng and the others hold them back for two days? Rely on what? .

[Monarch] Night: The terrain in Yanzhou is complex. They have deployed 3 lines of defense. In addition, they will use the main city to hold on. I am not sure about 2 days, but one day should be no problem.

In front of us now is the Yizhou Baidi Pass.

We can fight from Bingzhou to Yanzhou in one day through thick and thin. Can't we break in from Baidi and fight to Yongzhou Pass? .

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Well, there's nothing wrong.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: In addition, I have already contacted Ma Teng in Liangzhou.

They will attack from Xiabian Pass. When the Yongzhou mainland is threatened, they will naturally not have so much energy to focus on Yanzhou.

As long as we move the battlefield out of Yanzhou and ensure the safety of our hometown, the rest is reckless.

Turning passivity into initiative, this is our rhythm. Being led by a new district alliance, I can't afford to lose that person.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: That's it, there's nothing wrong with this. Xiaoyue sent an email asking the brothers to attack the Yizhou General's Mansion with all their strength.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: I understand.

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