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Chapter 333 Embarrassed? I have no face

When Ning Xiu logged into the game, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning. As the management team that stood together through thick and thin became more and more mature, he no longer had to keep an eye on it like he did during the S season.

"I'll go and push it directly to Jiyang, Yanzhou."

After taking some time to understand the situation of the night, Ning Xiu was somewhat surprised, although this was what he had expected.

Although the first battle was only with a T3-level alliance like the Qingzhou Alliance, they fought from Bingzhou to Jiyang, Yanzhou in one day.

In the first game of the season, Tongyanshan was still very eye-catching. As for Jizhou Yuan Shao, who was the first to play against them? Does that count as a fight? .

Not counting the expenses for the studio, Ning Xiu's expenses per season are close to one million. If he just wants to make money with the help of Ledou Three Kingdoms, then he doesn't need to do so much.

The reason why I spend energy and money on this is because I like this game and to enjoy the joy of victory.

Every man has a dream to fight on the battlefield, but obviously in reality these are simply impossible to realize.

So this dream was extended to the game, and Ning Xiu was no exception. -

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay in the same boat through thick and thin [Email: Yushi Dafu] Nine: [744X905] The opposite side is holding on, Jiyang went to the dock to form a fortress group, and the wind group was stationed.

[671X952] Yuan Shao of Jizhou built a fortress on the side of Ziyang, a level 3 city. The Jiuxiao Regiment sent troops there and pushed them away before noon.

[724X945] Finally, the alliance established a fortress in the checkpoint enclave east of Dongjun, connecting Puyang.

After glancing at the email, Ning Xiu opened the map of Yanzhou and took a look, then frowned slightly.

Because he discovered that Feng Yu Tong Ai chose a relatively farther path on the offensive route.

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: After entering Guandu and taking the checkpoint on the east side of Dongjun, you can directly enter Puyang. Why are you focusing on Jiyang? .

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Hehe! I knew you were going to ask.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: [Pick your nose].

[Yu Shi Dafu] 9: We discussed it before breaking Guandu last night.

Although after entering Guandu, if you take the level 7 checkpoint from the east side, you can directly enter the territory of Yanzhou Puyang, and then become a human and bloom directly, this is a bit unstable.

We are still in the early stages of the game. Once we extend the battle line too long, even if we are strong, our resources will not be able to keep up with the pace over time.

Moreover, although Jizhou Yuan Shao was pushed flatly by us, it does not mean that we beat them to death.

Before they have a firm foothold, they will definitely come up to harass them. Now there are a large number of their fortresses in Ziyang, north of Guandu.

In addition to Yuan Shao in Jizhou, of course the most important one is the Ye League in Yuzhou.

If we rush too fast and reach Puyang, the flowers will bloom directly.

That would definitely arouse Ye Meng's sensitive nerves, and the other party might break through the border directly from Yuzhou and enter Yanzhou.

In this way, when our foothold is not stable, we will face the siege of the Ye Meng, Zhan Meng, and Jizhou Yuan Shao.

So our idea is to use one day to completely push the Qingzhou Alliance out of Dongjun.

We will take the city here and build it into our forward base. When we are done, the brothers will move to the city. It will be convenient for fighting and other things.

This plan may make our offensive rhythm slower, but it will be more stable.

After all, our main opponent is the Night Alliance. Before going to war with them, we must make all the preparations we should.

Although Ning Xiu understood the plan formulated by Liuyuan and others, he felt that there were still some problems in it.

For example, the most direct question is how to deal with the situation if the Night League, like them, breaks through the border directly from Jingzhou to Yizhou in one day, and then arrives at Yongzhou City.

But he didn't say much. After all, since he chose to hand over the strategic layout of standing together through thick and thin to everyone, he had to give him full trust.

The first wave of things that others come up with are rejected by me, which is a bit shocking.

What's more, there is no perfect method in this world.

Even if something goes wrong then, Ning Xiu believes that the current situation can be dealt with, and if not, he can also deal with it.

As for what he can't handle? Ning Xiu still doesn't believe that there are problems that cannot be solved with money in the Three Kingdoms.

If it really can't be solved, it only proves that there is not enough money. -

Compared with the Yanzhou battlefield where the fighting situation was slightly slower, the Jingzhou battlefield started from the early morning with direct thunder and fire from the sky and the ground, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

Although Jingzhou Dongcheng asked for help, even if the Yizhou General Mansion joined forces with him, he was still beaten throughout the process.

From the start of the hammering in the early morning to now, in just 3 hours, they were directly pushed away from the fortress group on the south bank of the ferry.

We can only rely on the north bank of the level 5 city Yiling to open the main city and take a breather.

[Liang] General's Mansion [E-mail: Taiwei] White-robed General: We have 5 hours of repair time. Brothers, hurry up and replenish your troops. In addition, continue to pile up the fortress groups on both sides of the Baidi Pass.

[Liang] General Mansion Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] White-robed General: Damn it, we and Ye Meng are not at the same level as players at all. Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan was on the side to help contain him, but he was still pushed.

[General Zhenguo] General Baima: You are talking nonsense. If we have the strength to compete with the Night Alliance, we can be beaten for several consecutive seasons.

Anyway, I'm used to being beaten, and so are my brothers, so there's no problem with our morale and mentality, but there's a problem with our strength [picking my nose].

[Monarch] Beiliang: Damn it, you are just adding insult to injury and adding salt to our wounds [Contempt].

Although they were hung up and beaten by Ye Meng early in the morning, the mentality of everyone in the General's Mansion was very good.

In addition to being used to being beaten and having antibodies, it is also because they have given themselves a clear position from the beginning.

[Prime Minister] Shenwei: I've already communicated with Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan.

If they want to get to Baidi from their current location, besides walking from the level 5 city Yiling, they can only take the riverside path to the west.

On the Yiling side, there is a group of fortresses where we are fighting against Jingzhou Dongcheng. Even if they push all the way, it is impossible to fight all the way to Baidi every 2 days.

At the current important location, I have arranged for brothers in the alliance to move to the city and build a fortress.

And if you want to take the riverside path, it will be even easier.

Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan was there, and a branch city was set up, which was directly connected to the defense. They could not take care of themselves if they were stuck.

[Monarch] Beiliang: Yes, if the Night League wants to attack Nanjun and break Jingzhou's territorial protection, it will take time to pave the way or build a fortress.

In addition, Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan relied on its local advantages to avoid traffic jams, and it was not that easy to think of Nanjun.

However, we still need to set up a fortress in Nan County to prevent any eventuality.

[Prime Minister] Shenwei: I have already made the alliance mark, and have already started enclaves.

[Monarch] Beiliang: That's it, then I can go to work with peace of mind. If you have anything to handle, you can handle it yourself. If you can't handle it, just call me [呲ya].

[Prime Minister] Kamui: Yeah. -

The location of the Yemeng Enclave is indeed not good, but there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, it would be nice to have an airport, otherwise they might still be in Jiangxia.

However, facing a situation like Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan and Yizhou General Mansion, they don't want to fight you to the death, but they hold your legs and make you unable to escape, which is a bit of a headache.

Especially the terrain on the south side of Jingzhou made them speechless.

[Tang Dynasty] Night丨Jinyi Night Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: What to do? With this blazing speed of advancement, it will take years and months of monkeys to reach Baidi, and we have to defeat Yizhou and march to Yongzhou.

The General's Mansion is too weak, and it's an old alliance. It's just at this level [question mark face].

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: They have been beaten for several seasons in a row. Those who deserve to be lost have already been lost. What cards do they want? .

[Captain] Ye丨Xiaoyue: So what should we do now? Should we wait until they are gone and continue to push from Yiling, or should we go west to Nanjun, take the city and destroy the territory to protect it.

I agreed in advance, and I carefully looked at the map on both sides. They didn't miss any of the locations that could block the road.

They all have their own branch cities and main cities, surrounded by fortresses. You and I will decide how to choose.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: No problem, just continue pushing from Yiling side. Fengyu side is also held back by the War Alliance. We have enough time.

Moreover, Liangzhou will attack the Xiabian Pass of Yongzhou at night. Compared with Yuzhou, which is absolutely safe, Yongzhou itself will soon be threatened.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: OK. -

Turn off the management channel and control the cavalry to prepare a fortress in the Yanzhou Jiyang enclave.

Ning Xiu returned to the main city and continued to control the main force of the third team to level up.

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: [522X328] The Liangzhou Sword League enclave in our Yongzhou Xiabian Pass. It seems that they were pulled over by the Night League.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he mobilized his troops to Shangluo Fortress, he received a private chat email with six yuan. After clicking it, he glanced at the content above, but he was not surprised.

After pushing out the Liangzhou Sword Alliance that was sent to them automatically, Ning Xiu guessed that the opponent would attack them sooner or later, and there was nothing they could do about it.

In the competition among heroes, only three camps have reward quotas. Since they have agreed to Jingzhou.

It's impossible to use this thing to fool others. You can lose in games, but you can't lose quality, otherwise an alliance will have a bad reputation sooner or later.

[Scene] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Just leave it to the branch alliance to deal with it.

[E-mail] Liuyuan: Well, I have already sent an email, just to let you know.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Just pay attention to this kind of thing. Why are you asking me to [pick your nose]?

[E-mail] Liuyuan: If you are the boss, who will come to you?

If I don't tell you anything, others will think I'm ignoring you [contempt].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Anyone who thinks this way must have something wrong with their brains.

[Email] Liuyuan: I think so too, but I have to admit that people with brain problems in this world are never short of [cold sweats].

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