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Chapter 452 Before the decisive battle

In the following days, Ning Xiu spent only more than 2 hours a day on the game, except for two full-day online games on weekends and copycat games.

The spare time is either spent shopping with Chen Xiang and watching TV series, or staying in the studio. At the same time, he occasionally goes out to eat, drink, have fun and relax.

Although his studio salary is good, he invests more than 10 hours a day in games. In addition to playing games, he sleeps, eats and plays on the computer. No one can handle it for a long time.

Many people who have never experienced the life of a homebody think that they have nothing to worry about eating and drinking, they have computers and mobile phones, and they can stay at home for several months without going downstairs. But only those who have experienced it know that under normal circumstances, you still need to relax, otherwise you will go out for a long time. Once I went there, I felt like I was floating when I walked.

Of course, although the focus is on reality, Ning Xiu also pays attention to the battle situation in the game every day. As a leader of the alliance, he can ignore the specific operations of the alliance, but he still needs to be aware of the overall situation.

Only by having more experience, and having a clear understanding of the various routines and situations of the Three Kingdoms, can we deal with them calmly when encountering similar situations in future seasons.

This morning, after breakfast, Ning Xiu did not continue to play fish, but logged into the game very early in the morning. The reason was naturally that the season was about to end, and the battle with the Rangers had also reached its most critical moment. time. -

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu glanced at the transfer time in the upper left corner of the game interface, then opened the map and moved to Jingzhou Xiangyang.

At this time, half a month had passed since the wandering army of the Ye League had captured Xiangyang, and Xiangyang, the capital of Jingzhou, had also changed hands several times.

The night before half a month ago, just one day after the League Juyi captured Xiangyang, they were directly pushed back by the two Manchu regiments who came together through thick and thin, together with the General Mansion who took the initiative to support, and the local players in Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan, and Chasing the wandering army all the way, they beat them all out of Jingzhou.

But the Rangers are completely useless. Unless they collapse, it will be very easy to make a comeback as long as they have enough resources.

In the first wave of operations by the Wandering Army, after Jingzhou Xiangyang and Liangzhou Wuwei were taken back one after another, they set their sights on the three states of Xu Qingji.

With the help of excellent mobility and gradual integration, the combat effectiveness of the Wandering Army has also begun to come into play. They will infiltrate wherever there is an opportunity. If they are destroyed by the group, they will be in Xu Jingliang Youji. In this way, there are many players lying dead. Dazhou sucked blood for a while, and then gathered to start something.

It has to be said that the integrated wandering army is really difficult to deal with. Except for the guerrillas all over the map, who are also green-eyed and fighting for Wu Xun, the general's palace can't keep up, let alone Jingzhou Dongcheng. .

Therefore, during the battle between General Mansion and Jingzhou Dongcheng, apart from guarding the capital of the state, they became completely spectators. In the last few days of the X512 district server season, it was just an alliance and the wandering army fighting each other through thick and thin, until more than a week ago The settlement announcement appeared, and the wandering army suddenly became quiet. -

"Huh? Has it been cleared?"

Moved the map to Xiangyang, glanced around Xiangyang, and saw that the wave of purple land that appeared yesterday had disappeared, Ning Xiu frowned unconsciously.

At this time, there are only two days left before the end of the season and the transition to the preparation area. After the wandering army appeared near Xiangyang yesterday, Ning Xiu thought that these guys who had been quiet for about a week would definitely fight for the last time, so he went early I logged into the game to check the battle status, but now there is no movement. This is a bit unscientific.

Although after some discussions, Feng Yu Tong Zhou did not get involved in Youzhou and left Youzhou to the wandering army, but Ning Xiu felt that with the urinal nature of the Ye League and Zhan League people, I am afraid that a Youzhou capital cannot satisfy them. appetite.

After all, there are quite a lot of wandering troops in the X512 district server. There are only so many quotas in a state capital, and a night alliance probably accounts for almost all of them. Are the remaining war alliance and individual players working in vain? .

"In the last two days, if they were to take action, it would have been in the middle of the night."

At this time, except for Yizhou and Youzhou, the entire map's state capitals had fortresses that stood together through thick and thin, and the seven Manchu regiments had all dispersed to garrison on one side.

If the wandering army moves during the day, the regiments stationed close to each other can completely support each other. They have no chance at all, so they can only take action in the middle of the night.

After all, at that time, apart from Feng Tuan and Yu Tuan, the two full-red groups who were online 24 hours a day, the rest of the group was just a wave of night owls. As long as they avoided the state capital where these two groups were stationed, they could capture the state capital. Grab it.

"If this is really a raid, I'm afraid it's the last day." After pondering for a moment, Ning Xiu clicked on the alliance management channel.

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Are you all here? .

[Taiwei] First love: I am here.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Yeah.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: It’s the last two days. When you’re done, go to the group and say hello, so that everyone can get online as soon as they have time, or hang up. This is the last time for the wandering army to cause trouble, so pay more attention.

[Taiwei] Chu Lian: Well, if they are all Sanren or Xianyu League, then maybe they will calm down if we give them the Youzhou capital, but both the Night League and the Zhan League have turned to the Wandering Army, saying that they will not torment me. Do not believe.

Since they were beaten away last time, they have been quiet for close to Yizhou time. I think these guys must be preparing to rob the state capital at the last moment.

During the day, we have dedicated people keeping an eye on various state capitals, and the various regiments can also support each other. Even if they want to attack, they can't do it, so if we do it, it will definitely be in the middle of the night.

I think they have the greatest chance of taking action in the early morning of tomorrow, because as long as they attack the state capital at that time, they will basically be stable if they persist for one morning.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Well, it’s pretty much what I’m thinking about.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Although our alliance has high execution and online rate, it is the end of the season, especially in the past week, and especially in the past week, there has been no movement in the Ranger Army. The members of the alliance have no martial arts, and the online rate has already plummeted.

So if you want to be on guard against them, you need to notify the group leaders in advance. However, the only ones we have online 24 hours a day are wind balls and rain balls. If someone really wants to attack in the middle of the night, we won't be able to prevent them.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Yes, unless we ask all the brothers in the alliance to stay up late and watch.

[Taiwei] Chu Lian: I think it’s okay. Anyway, it’s only going to last once. If there is any trouble, brothers will ask them to give their number to the group leader, and the group leader will find someone to control the number.

[Prime Minister] Liu Yuan: Yes.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Okay, then you can notify me. If there are not enough manpower, tell me. We spend money to find professional people to control the accounts. We can't burden our brothers.

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