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Chapter 453 The Second Wandering Army Congress

For players of the Three Kingdoms, the most difficult part is the end of the season. Compared with other games, the upper and lower limits of the playability of the Three Kingdoms are very different.

When you encounter a good opponent, the fight will be fierce from the start to the last minute before settlement, which will make you excited. Although it will hurt your liver a little, it is better than lying dead and drawing cards.

Players are screened and eliminated in every season of Three Kingdoms. Players who don't like this theme or can't adapt to the game mechanics will be gradually eliminated, and those who remain are basically true fans.

In such a player group, no one naturally likes to lie down. If the account quality is good, who would be willing to lie down.

Doesn’t the so-called lying down smell good? Except for a few players who really want to play collectible card games, the rest either don't have a good alliance group to follow, or the quality of their accounts is too poor, so they can only be independent players.

If the upper limit is high, the lower limit will naturally be lower. If you can't meet a good opponent, then apart from the excitement during land reclamation, the rest of the season will be completely mechanically attacking the city, and then fighting for a few days, and then farming. land.

In such a situation where there is no game experience, there are many players who give up. It is the most difficult for those militants and players who want the honor of martial arts.

The welfare mechanism of Welfare through thick and thin determines the pursuit of martial arts among players in the league. When the things they like can bring benefits to themselves, everyone is full of motivation.

Therefore, when a wave of announcements were made in the large group, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the members of the alliance completely exceeded the expectations of Ning Xiu and other management.

And while the members of Welfare and Suffering went online one after another to prepare for the war, the wandering army headed by the Night Alliance was also holding a mobilization meeting.

Luteu: In the X512 area server, the wandering army manages the penguin colony.

[Group Leader] Ye Luoyue: Now that everyone is here, I won’t talk nonsense. The season will end at noon the day after tomorrow, leaving us with only two days.

At present, Youzhou Prefecture has stayed together through thick and thin, obviously leaving our wandering army to us. But now I have counted, and the total number of wandering armies in various alliances exceeds 300, not counting those scattered brothers.

Therefore, one state capital cannot satisfy us at all. We need to win at least two state capitals in order to basically guarantee the rewards for our wandering army brothers.

[Member] Wudang Army: It’s not easy to take two state capitals. The General’s Mansion is guarding Yizhou, and they directly piled up fortresses within 30 squares near Chengdu. Let alone an alliance guarding it, even if there is no one Guarding and demolishing the fortress is enough for us.

Although the Xiangyang side of Jingzhou is not as exaggerated as the Chengdu side of Yizhou, Dongcheng Wenzhan has also circled the fortress recently, and there are also the fortresses of Feng Yu Tongzhou and General Mansion nearby, so the chance is not great.

The remaining state capitals are guarded by fortifications and main force groups that have stood firm through thick and thin, so there is really little hope for us to capture them.

After saying this, Wu Dangjun couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He had played with the Rangers a lot of times, but this was really the first time he had encountered an alliance like Wind and Rain, which he had been chasing after the Rangers all season.

In his original plan, he was thinking of recruiting a group of people under his command after transferring to the Wandering Army, and waiting to make a profit when the fight between the Night League and the Night League group was inextricable, but who knew that the Night League would lose so easily, so he All the little plans were in vain.

I thought that by joining forces with the Night League and others, we could get two to three state capitals by the end of the season, but the joint actions taken some time ago still failed to withstand the counterattack from the same boat.

They were well prepared before and were unable to defend the victory against the unprepared Feng Yu Tong Ao. What's more, Feng Yu Tong Ao has already tightened their methods on them. If they want to seize the state capital from others, it is really a tiger's mouth. Eat.

[Member] Leng Yan: No matter what, we will definitely have to work hard in the end. We must organize ourselves. Otherwise, if no one takes the lead, it will be really bad.

[Management] Ye丨Xiaoyue: So, didn’t this bring everyone here again?

[Member] Zhan丨Jackfruit: In addition to Youyi and Youyi, basically every state capital has a fortress. If we do it during the day, we will definitely not be able to do it, so we can only do it at night or early in the morning.

And the timing of the attack must be good. If the attack is too early, it will give them a chance to react. If they gather their strength and push us, we will not be able to defend it.

[Group Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Well, my idea is to start in the early morning. We have been quiet for a week or so. Without the goal, there are definitely not many online people who are standing together through thick and thin. Especially in the early morning, even their full red group may not be all Online, after all, why play games when you have nothing to do? .

[Member] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Don't be so naive. In the last two days, we all know that this is our last chance. I don't believe that the people in the same boat don't know this, and they will definitely be wary of us.

[Group Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: I know I will be on guard, but as long as they don’t know our attack time, it’s no problem. At midnight, can their alliance still be online? .

[Member] Zhan丨Jackfruit: In the middle of the night, what’s our online rate? How many people are willing to stay up late and fight? .

[Management] Ye丨Xiaoyue: This requires all managers to mobilize. After all, it is all for their own rewards. If you don’t want to wait to eat the results of other people’s efforts, then just go to bed.

[Member] Wudangjun: To be honest, if we do it in the middle of the night, it will be no problem to capture the state capital before dawn, and it will be basically stable if we guard it for a few hours, but the online rate here is really hard to say.

Ye Luoyue is naturally aware of this. He is quite reassured about his own side and the Alliance. When the time comes to mobilize a wave of personnel, the online rate will not be much different. After all, they are all working hard for themselves, but those who are scattered and other forces camp He was not very relieved when he formed Juyi.

But if you want to capture two state capitals, this group of people is indispensable. Otherwise, if they and the Alliance are responsible for one state capital, whether they can capture it or not is a question. After all, they have to face those beasts who are in the same boat through thick and thin.

[Member] Leng Yan: Everyone, please go back and mobilize as much as possible. This is your last chance to stay up all night.

[Member] Wudangjun: OK, please leave some people here in Youzhou Prefecture. I'm afraid that after everyone moves away, they will be stolen by Feng Yutongzhou.

[Group Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: It's not necessary. Although they have a fortress at Youzhou Pass, if they wanted to move, they wouldn't stay until now.

[Member] Wudangjun: Okay.

[Group Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Okay, since there is no problem, let’s discuss the time, assign personnel, and confirm the last two goals. -

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