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Chapter 454 Countdown to 24 hours

Compared with the coldness of other times at the end of the season, today's X512 zone server is unusually lively. Whether it is the world channel or the Honshu state channel, you can see players chatting and gossiping.

Today is the last day of competition for the X512 zone server. At 12 noon tomorrow, the data of all players will be transferred to the preparation zone after the update.

It's 12 noon, 24 hours before the end of the season.

Ning Xiu logged into the game, collected taxes, and then controlled his team to go to Puyang Fortress, the capital of Yanzhou. In this wave, he not only dispatched all five main teams, but also three teams of Manhong Cavalry copycat teams that had reached level 40.

And Puyang is not his destination. His team will go through several transfers from Puyang Fortress to Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou.

The reason for going to Pengcheng was naturally to prevent the wandering army from robbing the state capital. As a monarch who has stood by each other through thick and thin, he could do it at other times, but at this critical moment, in the final battle at the end of the season, of course he had to show his face.

As for why he went to Xuzhou, besides the fact that Ning Xiu felt that Xuzhou, a place they had conquered not long ago, would most likely become the target of the wandering army's attack, he couldn't go anywhere else except here.

Different from the members of the alliance, the capitals on the entire map basically have fortresses. As a paddling party that has gradually become less popular since the middle and late seasons of the season, Ning Xiu has fortresses in several resource states and capitals, and only Qingxu Jingyang. Four states now have state capitals.

On the Xiangyang side of Jingzhou, there were already members of Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan who were guarding it to the death. His regiment was not stationed on the Yangzhou side, and it was the place with the fewest stray troops since the beginning of the season. As long as purple appeared in dozens of squares around the state capital, The land will be surrendered immediately, leaving no soil for them to survive.

On the side of Qingzhou Prefecture, there are not only a large number of fortresses that have stood together through thick and thin, but many members have even moved the main city to the side. It is completely a frontier base camp. So after thinking about it, he finally felt that Xuzhou's defense was relatively weak.

The person responsible for defending Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou, is Fengtuan, one of the two Manhong groups who have been in the same boat through thick and thin. Together with Ning Xiu, there are exactly 51 people. Not counting other teams, each person has five main players and more than 250 main players. Raid is perfectly adequate.

Throughout the afternoon, the X512 server seemed very calm. Ning Xiu searched several times near the major state capitals, but did not see the wandering army. This not only did not make him feel relieved, but also made him feel more headache.

He didn't think that the wandering army led by Ye Meng and Zhan Meng would accept defeat calmly and honestly receive the reward of the Youzhou capital.

Because as an old T2 league, losing to a new league that has just entered the season of conquest is definitely not a glorious thing. Transforming into a wandering army is their last stubbornness.

If we can grab a few more state capitals at the end, we can save some face anyway. For these veteran alliances that have been around for a long time in the Conquest Season, rewards and other things are really not as important as fame and face.

"It seems that these guys won't move during the day." After glancing around the Xuzhou capital again, and seeing that everything was calm, Ning Xiu decided to go offline and take a rest. After all, he was going to have a liver attack at night. -

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: The brothers who are online quickly arrived at the designated defensive position according to the email from their captain. In addition, it is stated again that no one is allowed to speak on the world channel and state channel.

After 20 o'clock in the evening, each group reached the designated defensive position one after another, and then either went offline to chat in the penguin group, or argued in the alliance channel. No matter it was the world channel or the state channel, no one bubbled up.

When Ning Xiu logged into the game, it was almost early in the morning. After going online, he glanced at the alliance channel, which became increasingly lively and even his eyes could not keep up with the refresh rate. He felt very satisfied.

It is undeniable that a large part of the execution and activity of Welfare through thick and thin is supported by various benefits, but in addition, the sense of belonging to the alliance also accounts for a large part.

In relation to this, many alliances that have just entered the season of conquest cannot be compared, because the composition of their alliances is not as pure as Feng Yutong.

Ning Xiu feels that the retention rate of the members of the same boat is definitely the best in the entire Three Kingdoms. Although the old people who have been with them since the S1 season in the league do not account for half, they definitely account for one-third. This is already a lot. Amazing.

After all, under normal circumstances, even if you conquer all the way from the S1 season, by the time of the conquest season, it is already amazing that you can leave a group of old people, and even most alliances can't even get together a group.

After peeking at the alliance channel for a moment, Ning Xiu clicked on the management channel. At this time, the entire management team had basically gathered together, and the lively chat was no less lively than the alliance channel.

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Why hasn’t that guy Lao Ning come up yet? Chen Xiang hasn’t come either. Isn’t he already lying on the bed [picking his nose].

[Prime Minister] Liu Yuan: [Cold Sweat].

[General of the Upper Army] Ji Zuo Fire Attack: It doesn’t matter whether the boss comes or not, what kind of trouble can a bunch of clowns make.

[Captain] First Love: From what I understand, the boss is either really asleep, or he is peeking at the screen [Cold Sweat].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Well, that guy is a peeping tom.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: [Smile].

[Taiwei] First Love: [covering mouth and laughing] I’ll just say I’m peeking at the screen.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Haha.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Don’t delay the business by chatting. It’s almost early in the morning. If the wandering army makes any moves, they should act quickly. After all, it will take time for them to move over and raise troops from the fortress.

Ning Xiu did not guess wrong. At this time, the wandering army had indeed begun to take action. As the time reached 12 o'clock in the morning, the various gatherings of the wandering army, which had been prepared for a long time, began to use long-range shots hidden in inconspicuous enclaves. enclave. -

Xuzhou Hecheng is located in the northwest of Xuzhou, within the territory of Pengcheng, the state capital. At this time, on a mountain range in the north of Hecheng, if you look at it from the perspective of the wandering army, you can see that the bottom of the mountain range is already covered with dense wanderings. Military camp.

This is the headquarters of the three Ye League members. After the system gave the settlement announcement, the two Ye League members gathered their forces here.

And because as long as no troops are sent out from the camp and no nearby land is occupied, the Wandering Army camp at the foot of the mountain will not be visible to normal players, so no one notices that this place has long been dominated by the Wandering Army.

As long as no player bothers to build a fortress nearby, all the members of the Night Alliance who are invisible without vision need not worry about being discovered.

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