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Chapter 455: Play well, we are watching you

[Lang: Night Battle in All Directions] Juyi management channel.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: It's almost time, Xiaoyue sends an email to let the brothers fly.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: It's just early in the morning, why don't you wait a moment, I'm afraid those night owls who are still in the same boat haven't slept yet.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: Yes, it only takes an hour for us to shoot from here to the other side of the enclave. Just wait, there is enough time.

[Member] Ye丨MU: Have other gatherings moved? .

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: I don’t know. Although we have set a time to start the enclave at 12 o’clock, those people may not set off on time. And to be honest, considering the distance from our side to Pengcheng, even if it is a little later When we set off, we will definitely be the last to arrive first.

[Member] Ye丨MU: Okay, let’s stop ink. It’s early in the morning, even if there are many night owls, how many people can be online without preparation.

Even if it is discovered, how many people can be summoned to defend Xuzhou at this point? There is no problem in taking the state capital. All we need to be prepared for is their counterattack tomorrow.

But as long as we are fast enough and clear out all the fortresses near them after taking the state capital, it will basically be stable. It will be too late for them to enclave and build fortresses.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Okay, then Xiaoyue will call the brothers to set off, and don’t even think about informing other gatherings.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: OK.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: Received. -

As the email command was sent out, various camps lurking motionless at the foot of the mountains shot out purple lines one after another, shooting towards Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou, and several enclaves nearby.

After glancing at the densely packed camp, Ye Mu's spirit was shaken. He was quite confident about taking Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou, this time.

After this period of integration and cultivation, all the elite members of the Night Alliance have been packed into the three gatherings. The wandering army composed of 150 people started to launch raids in the middle of the night and early in the morning. So what if they are prepared through thick and thin. ? .

This wave of attacks on Xuzhou Pengcheng was solely carried out by the Night League. In addition to the fact that the Night League had many elites, it was also because the management of the Night League did not want to cooperate with the War League and those scattered individuals.

Their previous cooperation experience told them that this group of salted fish individuals was simply unreliable. Instead of pinning their hopes on them, it was better to go it alone. They had enough numbers anyway.

The Ye Meng was responsible for Pengcheng, Xuzhou, and the Zhan Meng and Sanren Juyi sent troops directly from the border of Youzhou to attack the Jizhou capital.

Compared with the Ye League, which had only three Juyi, there were six Juyi who attacked the capital of Jizhou, with nearly 200 people. It can be said that there is strength in numbers.

Of course, the above data are the results of the management statistics of each Juyi. As for how many people will come in the end, no one knows. -

"There's no movement yet." He controlled the mouse and scanned around the state capitals of major maps. Seeing that it was still calm, Ning Xiu yawned helplessly and stared at the game screen idly, unable to do anything. Indeed It makes people sleepy easily.

Glancing at the time on the game interface, he saw that it was already past one in the morning. According to his estimation, if the wandering army really wanted to take action, it would be almost time.


After pulling the mouse back to Pengcheng, Ning Xiu gradually expanded the scope and began to explore the surroundings. After a moment, he was suddenly stunned, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. He saw several pieces of purple land behind the mountains 20 blocks northwest of Pengcheng.

He controlled the mouse and clicked on the purple land to check. Seeing that the information above showed the word "Juyi" starting with the word "夜", his intuition told Ning Xiu that this should be the opponent's enclave and airport.

"It's really prudent. The airport is so far away." After a chuckle, Ning Xiu immediately said to the management on the management channel: "[1033X1155] The wandering army here in Xuzhou is here. It seems that they are from the Night League. You guys Look around other state capitals, expand the scope and see if there are any enclave airports.”

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[Taiwei] First love: [359X1008] Found it, the second target on the opposite side is visually estimated to be Yecheng, the capital of Jizhou.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Damn, these guys are so cowardly. They conduct a sneak attack in the middle of the night, and the airport is arranged so far away.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: There is nothing wrong with being cautious. With the speed at which the wandering army is moving the fortress, we only need to arrange for a few members to move to the camp, and they will soon be able to spread it under the city. By then, there will be a large-scale relocation of the fortress. Come here and you will be able to form a fighting force in an instant.

[Taiwei] First love: It should be only Yecheng and Pengcheng. There are no enclaves and airports near other state capitals.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Should we call on the brothers to go over and fight with them now, or are we waiting? .

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Wait a minute. If we rush out now, I'm afraid these gangsters will change their target. Who knows if they have any backup plan?

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: OK, let’s start taking action in an hour. It just so happens that it will take time for brothers from other regiments to mobilize troops to support us.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Yes.

[Scene] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Attention everyone, Jiuxiao, Shenxiao, and Yunxiao, the three regiments immediately mobilized troops to Pengcheng Fortress, Chixiao, Lingxiao, and the remaining members mobilized troops to Jizhou Yecheng Fortress. -

[Lang: Night Battle in All Directions: Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: [1031X1155] The brothers who have landed quickly set up the fortress. After the fortress is completed, they move to the camp and head towards Pengchengpu.

[Wang: Night Battle in All Directions] Alliance management channel.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: There was no reaction from the other side.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: It’s normal. Who the hell is staring at the map in the middle of the night?

[Member] Ye丨MU: Well, let’s proceed as planned. The first wave of fortresses will be built and the road will be paved. The other fortresses will be mobilized first and troops will be mobilized. They will not move to the city for the time being. They will wait for a while to move forward and then move to the city.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Yes.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: The Alliance is also in place, and everything is normal now.

[Member] Ye丨 Crow: Judging from the current situation, this wave is done [Qiya]. -

After 2 o'clock in the morning, with the completion of the fortress of the first wave of members of the Wandering Army, the location of the fortress instantly turned into camps. Then the vanguard brigade of the Wandering Army, who could not wait, immediately began to move the team towards the two state capitals.

I have to admit that with the Night Alliance taking the lead, the Rangers are somewhat organized and cohesive. At least the last wave of Rangers who came to participate were pretty good in terms of execution and enthusiasm.

When a group of wandering soldiers were in high spirits and stared at their men paving the way towards the state capital, they didn't know that everything they did was under the watchful eye of hundreds of pairs of eyes.

Ning Xiu glanced at the time on the game interface and saw that it was already around 2:30 in the morning. The wandering army had gradually spread to the edge fortress near the city. He immediately felt that the time to take action was almost here.

[Scene] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: It’s almost done, let’s get started, brothers.

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