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Chapter 456 Beginning and Ending

For any organization in the game that wants to improve the cohesion and execution capabilities of its members when engaging in activities, the simplest and most effective way is for the management to take the lead and set an example.

As one of the leaders of the Night Alliance's Red Regiment and a member of the core management team, after turning into a wandering army, Ye Crow unsurprisingly became the leader of the Night Alliance's night battles.

If Prime Minister Ye Luoyue is the helmsman and Commander Ye Xiaoyue is the herald, then he is the number one executor in Juyi.

So of course he was also the first wave of Juyi members to land in Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou. After the camp moved here, he has been controlling several teams to help pave the way.


Leaning on the chair, when a new battle report popped up on the game interface, Night Crow habitually clicked on the team on the game interface. As the screen jumped, he habitually recalled the team in seconds, preparing for the next wave to continue paving the way for the relay. At this time, he was slightly stunned.

He frowned slightly and clicked on the battle report again with some uncertainty. When he saw the obvious word "not fighting" on the battle report, he quickly moved the screen to the target of his action just now. What he saw was not what he had occupied. land, but a red war-free land.

"A person who stays together through thick and thin?"

Although he was already prepared in his heart, Ye Wu felt a little heavy when he saw that the member with the name Wealth and Wind was indeed stuck in his wave of free battles. What's more, he also noticed the person who was stuck in his wave. It is the signature Man Hong Tuan and Feng Tuan who are in the same boat through thick and thin.

In this season, as the leader of the Night League's ace Red Team, Ye Crow believes that among his opponents, no one understands this ace's strength better than him, which is like a machine and operates 24 hours a day.

It was precisely because of this understanding that his heart became heavier, because he knew that as an ace combat force operating 24 hours a day, he would never act alone, so the situation in front of him clearly told him that those who appeared opposite them would be It’s a group full of reds.

If other members of the group appeared, he might think that it was the personal behavior of the nearby members of the group. But when the opponent's group appeared here, his only thought was that their actions had been exposed, and they were waiting for help. -

[Wang: Night Fighting in All Directions] Gather together, alliance management channel.

[Member] Ye丨 Crow: [1045X1160] Feng Tuan is with us through thick and thin.

Ye Crow's words silenced the originally active management channel, and even made many managers who were already sleepy wake up instantly.

Naturally, everyone knows that Feng Tuan has been together through thick and thin, and similarly, no one is unclear about the significance of its appearance here.

Similarly, because they knew this, the management was a little confused and at a loss for a while, because they did not have the confidence to break through other people's defenses and win Pengcheng despite being prepared through thick and thin.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Are you sure it's a wind group? .

When he asked this question, Ye Luoyue felt a little bit shabby himself, because there was no need to ask such a question. He only needed to click on the coordinates to jump to the screen and know everything. But he still asked, Don't want to see it.

[Member] Ye丨 Crow: Yes, and it has already moved towards us.


Sighing softly, Ye Luoyue clicked on the coordinates to jump to the screen. She immediately saw that on the west side of Pengcheng, facing their forward position, the front of the connecting land was surrounded by red war-free land.

And like a puzzle that suddenly appeared, it spread towards them piece by piece at an extremely fast speed. Although he had no vision, his eyes seemed to see the dead Pengcheng suddenly come to life. Countless red lines and troops were coming. Coming towards them.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Xiaoyue sent an email and asked all the brothers who were in the fortress to move to the city. Now that they are discovered, let's do it.

We are three Juyi people here this time. Even if the two night fighting groups on the opposite side are all in place, we still have the most people.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: OK.

After Ye Luoyue finished his instructions, he saw that the atmosphere in the management channel was still quiet. He was not surprised by this, because even if they had the upper hand in numbers, they still might not be able to defeat two full-red groups who were in the same boat through thick and thin. .

So what if I bite it off in the end? This is their last chance. It's less than 10 hours before settlement. Can it be too late? .

If they could spend an hour pushing each other, then everything would be possible, but if they could push each other equally, they wouldn't become a wandering army, using sneak attacks in the early morning and middle of the night.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: [370X1013] If there is a chance, the Yutuan who are in the same boat through thick and thin are in Yecheng, Jizhou, and they are the only Fengtuan in Pengcheng.

[Member] Ye丨Crow: Phew! This is easy to fight.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Well, then tell the brothers to act quickly.

Ye Luoyue said this with an ugly face, controlled the mouse to pull up the screen and looked at the huge fortress group near Pengcheng, which had stood together through thick and thin. Ye Luoyue was silent for a moment with a disappointed smile on her face.

Because he knew that if a miracle didn't happen, their operation would have come to an end early.

Their attack targets were the Jizhou Prefecture and Xuzhou Prefecture, and by coincidence, the two ace combat forces who had stood together through thick and thin were stationed here respectively.

You can comfort yourself by the fact that a large number of group members are online in the early morning. After all, it is well known that the accounts of these two groups are operated by dedicated personnel 24 hours a day.

But doesn't the defensive position mean that their actions have been known to others? And now that we know their plan, how can we only send two regiments to defend? .

Ye Luoyue believes that as time goes by, more and more members will appear here. If it is other alliances, he can still expect that not many members of the other alliance will be online in the early morning.

But as an alliance that has been famous for its night battles since the S season, he did not think that the opponent would be short of personnel, so although the operation had just begun, the result was already determined by visual inspection.

He didn't tell the result, not only because he didn't want to damage morale, but also because he had the last bit of hope in his heart.

"Hope I'm wrong."

Ye Luoyue's hope did not appear. As time went by, when the members of the wandering army were in place and officially began to launch a large-scale attack on the fortresses on the edge of the two state capitals, those originally silent fortresses gradually came to life.

After the initial defense, when the time reached 3 o'clock in the morning, firepower was instantly gathered, and after destroying their forward garrison, the counterattack began.

The members of the Wandering Army, who had already lost their fighting spirit and patience with the large-scale appearance of the members of the same boat through thick and thin, collapsed under such an offensive.

"It ended before I even got over it. What a waste of emotion."

Ning Xiu silently glanced at the battlefield where the front line had been pushed flat. After backhanding the team back to the main city in seconds, he directly chose to log off.

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