"It's been so dark recently. Is it because I lost the sense of ritual when drawing cards?" Ning Xiu muttered to himself. Ning Xiu got up and went to the kitchen to get a plate. He put a few apples in it and arranged them in a "pin" shape.

Then he took an incense burner and lit the incense candles he bought before. Finally, he selected the Sutu Divine Comedy Good Luck in the player on his computer.

"Add triple BUFF and let me, Emperor Ou, possess you, brother Shitou."

Anyway, he was the only one in the family, so Ning Xiu didn't need to pay attention to his image. He put his hands together and made a few random gestures up, down, left, and right, and then clicked on 5 consecutive strokes with the mouse.

"Fuck, it's stuck."

What made Ning Xiu a little speechless was that as soon as he clicked on 5 consecutive draws, a white circle appeared on the game interface, indicating that the network card was stuck.

"It's such a show that my scalp is numb. I managed to win twice."

When Ning Xiu sighed a little tiredly, he just said something bad.

The network was restored, and at the same time, a purple light flashed on the card drawing interface.

A general card with a blue background appeared in front of him, and it turned out to be the 5-star Wei Zhangliao whom he had been close friends with before.

Happiness came so suddenly that Ning Xiu didn't react for a while.

Although the Chopper team was ridiculed as a nail clipper because there was no 5-star strategy in the season to attack them unprepared.

Now that Ning Xiu's card pool is deep, he doesn't need Zhang Liao to form a chopper.

But he couldn't hold back this man who was walking on the wind. It was his obsession all along, or it might have evolved into resentment.

How could Ning Xiu not be excited after having been thinking about it for so many days and finally being pulled out by him?

"Well, not bad. You can go to the branch city first and serve as the captain of the paving team."

After calming down, Ning Xiu made future work arrangements for Zhang Liao, who had just been recruited.

"Keep up the good work and let me go."

Zhang Liao was drawn directly in one wave, and Ning Xiu felt that his card drawing ceremony today was effective.

The speed immediately increased and he fired up the 5th company without hesitation.

"5 stars Wei Haozhao? Not bad, you can add a red star."

"Queen Mother He, a 5-star lady? Her looks are not bad, but her previous skin is gone. I don't know if she will show up again."

"Oops! Here comes another picture from the Emperor's uncle, okay, okay."

"Five-star Han Ling Emperor? Well, we can finally get three stars."

Today's draw limit is 300, and Ning Xiu feels that his card drawing status is particularly good.

Maybe it was the triple BUFF, or maybe it was his mentality. Whatever the reason, he finally became the European Emperor today.

The recent upper limit of 300 draws, and the number of 5-star cards obtained after drawing is basically around 12 to 15. Today, 21 5-star cards were directly given. Are you afraid? .

Among them, there are 4 core cards, including 1 5-star Wei Zhangliao, 1 5-star Shu Liu Bei, 1 5-star Shu Fazheng, and 1 5-star Wei Jiaxu.

The remaining 17 5-star cards are not all feed skill cards.

Among them, there are 2 5-star Wei Xunyou, 1 5-star group Jia Xu, and 5-star Shu Ma Yunlu.

"Hehe! It seems that it's not that Brother Shitou doesn't love me, it's that I'm not pious enough in drawing cards. Let's draw cards at this pace from now on."

Players from the Three Kingdoms are always happiest when they draw their favorite general, and Ning Xiu is no exception.

After sorting out the card pool, advance the 5-star cards that should be advanced, leaving a dozen full-red 4-star cards as backup, and use jade talismans to convert the rest into combat experience.

With sufficient experience in tactics, Ning Xiu directly raised the remaining two main players, Da Wei Cavalry and Shu Bu, to the full level of their tactics skills.

"Except for Xia Houyuan and Guan Mei, the main players of these three teams have graduated due to conflicting demands for tactics. The next step is to train the main players of the fourth team."

Because Liangzhou has been defeated, Ning Xiu has not gone to the front line these two days, and has been paddling and leveling up.

At this time, his main team Wu Gong and Lu Meng were already at level 45, and the remaining Sun Quan and Zhou Yu were also at level 44.

The Great Wei cavalry Cao Cao and Xia Houyuan were at level 43, Xun Yu, who entered the battle later, was at level 42, and Shu Bu, who received special attention, also successfully reached level 40.

Being able to graduate the main force of the third team in such a short period of time is entirely due to his powerful generals and tactics, and the battle losses during leveling and skin brushing are relatively low.

Otherwise, the resources alone would be enough for him to drink a pot.

The main players of several teams have just finished painting the city and are recovering their strength to recruit troops.

Seeing that he had enough resources, Ning Xiu clicked on the first-level recruitment station and upgraded it to level 8, and then habitually clicked on the big map.

He just glanced at the battlefield near Xiping, Liangzhou and stopped paying attention.

The current Liangzhou Alliance has supreme imperial power, although it is still organizing resistance.

But the number of people was not only small, but also scattered, and they simply could not withstand the soldiers who were in the same boat through thick and thin.

The Yi Bo Yuntian of the Liangzhou Alliance and the Han Alliance of Bingzhou at the Guyuan Pass are on the Iron Cavalry Wushuang battlefield.

Because he had no field of vision, Ning Xiu could only judge the pros and cons based on the red ground situation of both sides carefully.

The development of the situation did not exceed his expectations. With Bingzhou's full firepower, Yi Bo Yuntian's defense line had been completely destroyed.

The only way to delay time is by occupying card slots, but the effect is minimal.

"Well, a 648 is worth it."

Although at the current speed, Bingzhou can be rolled out to Yangping Pass tomorrow.

But at this time, the checkpoint had already been occupied by the Yizhou Second League Baiyi Crossing the River, and a group of fortresses was built in front of the checkpoint.

Even if Bingzhou is strong, it will take a lot of time to clear out the white clothes blocking the way.

After checking the conditions of the two battlefields, Ning Xiu turned his attention to the Jingyang Wulin Pass battlefield that he had been paying close attention to.


After carefully looking at the pass fortresses and red fields, Ning Xiu suddenly discovered that there were very few red fields left in Jingzhou on the entire battlefield, and there were red fields everywhere in Yangzhou.

"Has it been pushed flat?" Thinking of this possibility, Ning Xiu couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Then he quickly followed the red land of Yangzhou on the map and looked around.

“The surrounding red lands that are free of war all belong to Junlin, and not a single person from the Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion was seen.

Even if the main force is crippled, Demolition and Sparta should take action, right? "

The abnormality at Wulin Pass gave Ning Xiu a bad premonition.

Past game experience told him that there was something wrong with the Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion, and they might even have defected to Yangzhou.

In the Three Kingdoms, the relationship between player alliances is very complicated.

I was still fighting life and death on the battlefield in the morning, and I couldn't wait to have a chance to touch the game from its development to the present.

In the afternoon, we might turn enemies into friends, and become brothers and sisters with whom we talk happily.

Agreement between alliances. There is not much binding power.

If it is the major leagues that developed later, they may pay more attention to their own credibility.

But in the new zone, especially in the S1 season, falling out is just a matter of an email.

This is also the reason why Ning Xiu has always made a habit of checking various levels on the map every day, because he is too aware of the poor management of these alliances in the new area.

But even if he knew in his heart that these people were unreliable, what could he do?

Just like Jingzhou, didn't Ning Xiu think that the other party would betray him? Of course he had thought about it, but it was useless no matter how much he thought about it.

Even if someone betrays you, you can still beat them through the screen.

Therefore, if you want others to be on their side, you can only show enough sincerity and trust.

As for whether the other party will betray them in the end, betray them and play dirty tricks, they can only leave it to fate and be cautious and on their own.

Please collect and recommend.

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