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Chapter 59 Race against time

With doubts in his heart, Ning Xiu naturally wanted to find out everything.

He immediately followed the red land of Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia at Wulin Pass and began to investigate carefully.

After a moment, Ning Xiu's expression condensed and he focused his gaze on a player's main city that had been captured by Jun Lin Tianxia.

This captured player did not join the alliance and was in the opposition, with a power value of over 8,000 points.

He is definitely a very well developed player at this stage.

When all the information in front of him was gathered and flowed into Ning Xiu's mind, his first reaction was that this was an airport.

"Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion, is it an airport prepared for Yangzhou Junlin?"

Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, Ning Xiu feels that his guess is close to ten.

Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion not only rebelled, but also prepared an airport for Yangzhou to dominate the world.

Yangzhou has already pushed Jingzhou to the same level. If the target is Jingzhou, there is no need for an airport.

So it is obvious that the purpose of Jingzhou's airport arrangement is to allow Yangzhou Junlin to fly to Yizhou Pass.

Clicking on the big map, Ning Xiu set his target on the city that Qunying Pavilion had already occupied in Jingzhou.

After searching for a while, he saw the fallen player's fortress next to Level 3 City Linwu, which instantly confirmed his guess.

"Is the first stop Fei Linwu? Then the next target should be Level 3 Chengfu Yi."

He glanced at the Qunying Pavilion in Jingzhou, the cities closest to the Yizhou pass, and then looked at the distance from Linwu to Fuyi.

Ning Xiu basically determined Yangzhou's goal, which was Jingyi Level 5, Chong'an.

Although everything so far is based on his intuition and experience.

But Ning Xiu did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to look for the main city of the player near the Chong'an Pass in Yizhou who had been together through thick and thin.

It didn't take long for him to find an alliance member, a swimming dog, more than 20 blocks south of the level.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Are you there?

The dog that can swim is a veteran player of the Three Kingdoms.

Although it has always started with 128, with two more livers than other players.

As long as he goes to the new area and is among the top 100 in power during the land reclamation stage, he will definitely have a place.

In the early morning, many players had already logged off and fell asleep after finishing the free half-price draw, but for the swimming dog, the daily routine had just begun.

A level 5 land was shot from a long distance, and the troops were on their way back. Some bored swimming dogs were ready to go to the World Channel for a wave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an email popped up on the game interface.

"Whoever sends emails in the middle of the night can't be advertising."

He was surprised for a moment, and when he clicked on the email, he was a little surprised.

Because the person who sent him the email was actually his alliance leader, Mr. Shenhaoning.

[E-mail] Swimming Dog: Here, boss, is there something wrong?

After receiving the reply, Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: "I have a task for you. Now immediately pave the way to the re-installation level. The sooner the better. I will give you a red envelope after completing the task.

When the leader asked him to pave the way, the swimming dog was ready to agree immediately.

After all, he was very comfortable in the alliance that stood together through thick and thin.

The people in the alliance are nice to talk to, and the alliance leader is generous and allows members to work and serve them on a monthly basis. Large red envelopes often come through the group.

It doesn't matter if he contributes to the alliance now, not to mention that there are extra red envelopes, so of course he has no objection.

[E-mail] Swimming dog: Boss, don’t worry, I promise to get it done as soon as possible.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Thank you for your hard work.

After arranging people to pave the way and reinstall the checkpoint, Ning Xiu opened the alliance management channel, typed and asked: "Who is still there?"

First Love: What’s wrong?

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: What's going on?

Governor Liuyuan:? ?

Gangster: Just getting ready to sleep, what's wrong, boss?

Wei Wuxian: Huh?

"Damn it, these people don't even sleep at night!"

Ning Xiu always went to bed after drawing cards at night, so he didn't know much about the management schedule of the alliance.

He thought it would be good to have one or two online at this time, but he didn't expect that all of them would come out in a flash.

Ning Gongzi: Since we are all here, I won’t talk nonsense. I suspect that Jingzhou has rebelled.

When the Governor of Liuyuan heard Ning Xiu's words, he was slightly startled while sitting in front of the computer eating instant noodles. Then he quickly put the instant noodles aside and typed and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Mr. Ning: Go and see Wulin Pass for yourselves. Even if Jingzhou cannot defeat Yangzhou, there is not a single red land in the pass that is free of war. How do you explain it?

Look here [1294X560], an airport with a power value of more than 8,000 is still in opposition.

[1293X454] This is his fortress in Linwu, the level 3 city of Qunying Pavilion. I won’t say any more, I think you can all guess it.

Gangster: This damn Jingzhou, it’s really faster to fall out than to read a book.

First love: They all say that Jingzhou is just a loser, and it really is unreliable. Fortunately, the alliance leader found out, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss.

Ning Gongzi: Yangzhou’s goal should be to reinstall level 5. I have already arranged for people to pave the way.

As soon as the shop arrives, you will send an email to the entire alliance and let the people in the alliance build a fortress group.

Chu Lian: No problem. Anyway, I don’t have classes tomorrow so I can stay up all night, but it’s late at night and there may not be many people online.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: It’s okay. We are flying from Wulin to Chong’an from Yangzhou, and we will definitely have to make a layover on the way. We definitely have enough time.

Wei Wuxian: The battlefield in Liangzhou has not yet ended, and Bingzhou has spread to Yangping Pass. Now Yangzhou is here again, are we so popular?

Governor Liuyuan: How to deal with it in Jingzhou?

Mr. Ning: Let Jingzhou go for now. There is no need to contact them again. When we get through this disaster, I will hammer them to death.

Governor Liuyuan: Why don’t you fight for it? Maybe we can win him over.

Mr. Ning: No need, it’s enough to deal with this kind of thing once. ���

At 3:30 in the morning, the swimming dog successfully paved the way to the Chong'an checkpoint, and spread several pieces of land around it to facilitate the enclave of allies.

[E-mail] Commander’s first love: The whole alliance is online, the level 5 level is restored [1044X297], and the fortress is immediately established.

Each person has two level 3 fortresses as a guarantee, and the main force of Spartan demolition is ready. After the fortress is built, troops will be mobilized immediately.

Alliance channel through thick and thin.

Shangguan Yingjun: Fei Chongan? Do you want to break the barrier and help Jing?

Huang Xiaoxiao: You can fly as long as you want, there is so much nonsense.

Nao Nao: Haha, Xiaoxiao is so crazy now that even the boss Shangguan dares to give in. Aren’t you afraid of his Little Three Emperors?

Shangguan Yingjun: Correction, I have evolved and now use the super invincible Han Bow. ���

When the members of Yizhou Stand Together Online, the enclave resets the level.

Yangzhou dominates the world, unaware that their intentions have been discovered.

The Pioneer Regiment has just flown to the Linwu transfer station in the level 3 city and is building a transfer fortress group.

I came back late from the grave sweep, and the update is late. I'm sorry, I won't ask for votes today, I still want to be embarrassed.

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