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Chapter 591 Crush! Flat push!

"Damn! Was he penetrated so hard?"

Although Tianmu Sima did not have a view of the Yuzhou Qiaocheng battlefield, when he received the news of the firefight, he quickly moved the map to Qiaocheng.

He has been dealing with Feng Yu Tong Ao for a long time, and he has been a victim of their night battles. Of course, he knows that if these night owls choose to set fire in the early morning, it means they will cause trouble.

But he really didn't expect that just at 12 o'clock, in less than a minute, it felt like in the blink of an eye, the main city of Ferry, which was originally part of the bloody fog, would be permanently cleared and turned into a fallen state.

Although he didn't know how many garrisons the Bloody Mist had piled up on it, he thought there would be a lot of them. After all, this was the capital of Yuzhou and the gateway to the base camp of the Bloody Mist, so how could they be easily thrown away.

But now he still lost it, and he lost it so quickly, even he, who had been prepared for it, felt a little incredible.

"Phew! It's cold, there's no chance at all."

The reason why Tianmu Sima pays attention to the battle in Qiaocheng is actually the reason why the Prime Minister of Bloody Mist approached him not long ago and wanted him to take the remaining activists in the alliance to join the wandering army and help them fight.

Since the fall of the Feng Yu Tong Ao Alliance, half of the members of the Tianmu Alliance have chosen to lie down. The remaining half either continue to explode every day, fight guerrilla warfare with the Feng Yu Tong Ao and Feng Ru Pan members who entered Bingzhou, or have joined the wandering army. It became a mess.

Under such circumstances, their canopy will naturally have nothing to do with rewards. However, if they can turn into a wandering army to help Bloody Mist win the battle, it will be no problem to form a separate empire.

Tianmu Sima knows that many people in the alliance don't care about separatism and conquest at all, but there are always people who need it. As an alliance leader, he must seek benefits for the brothers in the alliance. Whether others want it or not is other people's business. Whether he gives this condition is another matter. Something happened.

Therefore, Tianmu Sima was a little excited about the bloody mist plan, but he still had to discuss it with the management and did not agree immediately.

"Now it seems that there is no need to agree." With a sigh, Tianmu Sima looked at the occupied main city that blocked the road and shook his head silently.

If the bloody mist can defend Qiao City, even if it is at a disadvantage but as long as it does not collapse, he is willing to bring active members to the wandering army to help.

With the mobility of the wandering army and the ability to support fighting through battle, coupled with the regular army in the bloody mist, they can completely move back to a disadvantage.

But now Qiaocheng's defensive portal has been directly blocked by Fengyu. The next battlefield can be completely expected to be a draw without any suspense. After all, it is early in the morning, and next is Fengyu's home court.

Once Qiao City is lost, even if the bloody mist can still maintain a stalemate, it is completely meaningless. Even if they go to help, it will only delay the opponent's death time.

Instead of doing this, it is better to ignore it and wait for the bloody mist to collapse. When the other party is unwilling, they will definitely switch to the wandering army. In this way, with the other party taking the lead, they can also drink soup after switching to the wandering army.

Otherwise, if the other party continues to hold on, maybe they finally reach some kind of agreement with them, then they will become abandoners without any benefits.



A wave of concentrated fire penetrated the main city of Fukou where the main force of 300 teams was stationed. In the entire bloody fog, everyone staring at the battlefield was stunned.

No one expected that they thought that even if they were defeated, they would be able to hold off until they opened up a strong defense line. They were so vulnerable and the huge gap directly caused the entire Blood Mist members to completely lose their voices. Whether it was the alliance channel or the management channel, there was dead silence.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, Alliance Channel.

[Member] Bloody Yunhai: Am I dreaming? .

[Member] Level 8 Gust: How many of the main force were shot in this wave from the opposite side? It was so fierce [I can’t laugh or cry].

[Member] Xuese丨Qingyan: [Battle Report] This is such a shame, even with the blessing, I was killed [question mark face].

[Member] Blood丨Confused: The fortress behind the main city is stationed at a high speed, and the other side is about to rush in.

[Member] Xue Se丨 Yunhai: You are a bit over the top, I feel like there are a lot more people than usual. Why are there so many people fighting at night today? .

【Member】Xuese丨Canghai: I’ll wipe it! I said that the other side felt like he was taking medicine today. I just read the news on the forum and the other side, Mr. Ning, threw money again. A fortress cost 10 yuan, and 50 sub-cities were reduced to 100 yuan for the main city [dumbfounded].

[Member] Bloody Yunhai: Damn it!

[Member] Xuese丨Qingyan: The opponent can’t afford it, is there such a thing? [Cold Sweat].

[Member] Level 8 Gust: There is no way to compare. There are already more people on the opposite side fighting at night. If we do this, Qiao City will be in danger tonight.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: This is so careless.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: What does it have to do with carelessness? Mr. Ning spent money on the other side of the wind and rain, and directly crushed us with the number of people.

[General of the Upper Army] Scarlet丨Marquis: That evil pen must be an NT. It costs a lot of money.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Do you think people care about this little pocket money?

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Stop nagging and quickly call the brothers to garrison the front row fortress.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Well, don’t panic. We just lost the main city blocking the ferry. Not to mention that there are fortresses behind us. Even if these fortresses are pushed down, they still have to cross a ferry to reach the city. .

I have already asked the main city behind to hold on. If you all work hard tonight, there will be no problem in holding on.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: That’s right, let alone losing a ferry to block the main city. What if Qiao City is lost? Just find an opportunity to get it back. The city is here and it won’t escape. As long as If we stay stable, there will be no problem.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: I asked you to look for Tianmu, have you found it? .

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: I found it. He said that he would discuss it with the management of the alliance and give me an answer tomorrow.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: OK, keep an eye on me and don’t forget.


[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [1030X945] Rush, rush, gather fire and rush down the city, the main force gathers fire to sweep away, the demolition and Sparta will move later, don't waste your feelings, it's real swordsmanship Dry.

The ferry blocked the road and the main city was captured, which directly opened a hole in the bloody fog of Qiao City's defense line. In addition, most of its main troops were piled on the main city, and all of them were seriously injured in this wave.

This situation directly caused the Blood Mist Qiao City defense line to fall into a defensive vacuum except for a few parts that could still move.

Although this time is only 10 minutes, it is completely enough for the two sides who are almost cheek by jowl on the other side of the ferry.

There was no need for First Love to send an email notification. The members who had been waiting for a long time formed a team spontaneously, or consciously followed Kashu according to the marching speed of their allies, and launched a fan-shaped attack on the bloody mist position with the main city of Ferry as the center.

In just 10 minutes, when the main force of Blood Mist Online was relieved of their serious injuries, and they hurriedly replenished the main force through the reserve barracks, and planned to garrison, they found that their outer fortress of Qiao City had been chewed to pieces. They could only disperse and serve as firefighters.

But whether it was local operations or a defense line built in advance, there was no way to make up for the gap in numbers between the two sides at this point.

Bloody Mist originally had fewer people fighting at night, and only about one group was active. But now including the two number control groups, the number of people fighting at night is at least five times more than that. Such a gap once there is no card, no need to hold on, etc. After being immune to defense methods, there is only the fate of being pushed flatly.

System: [Tang Dynasty] Bloody Mist launches the national policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country.


At 1 o'clock in the morning, we worked together through thick and thin to completely clean up the peripheral fortresses of Qiaocheng's Bloody Mist.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, we gathered fire together through thick and thin, and took a long shot to capture the main city blocked by the road at the last ferry in the south of Qiaocheng.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, we worked together through wind and rain to clear away the fortresses and red areas to the south and east of Qiaocheng, and began to advance towards the north of Qiaocheng across the peripheral rivers.

By 5 o'clock in the morning, within ten blocks of the entire Qiaocheng area, there was no land or a fortress in Blood Mist. This was due to the national policy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field.

And as they were completely pushed aside, the entire bloody fog became more and more deserted. Even some liver emperors who were usually active were now invisible. Using the excuse of midnight, they were able to log off the recruitment with peace of mind. As for what will happen in the future, what will happen in the future. talk about it later.


Jiang Liu's eyes were bloodshot, and he watched helplessly as his last stronghold was pushed away. After a moment of silence, he sighed in his heart.

Leading the Three Kingdoms is a team game. Even if he was unwilling to do so at this time, he knew that they were in the same boat through thick and thin and this raid had defeated them.

It is true that one battlefield cannot determine the outcome, but it can destroy the confidence of an alliance. Jiang Liu can clearly feel at this time that under the originally disadvantageous situation, today's wave of equal push has made many people's mentality explode. .

Qiaocheng was definitely gone, and he could only hope to use the strong wall to clear the field to gain some breathing time so that they could reorganize their defense and look for opportunities to counterattack.


The respite Jiang Liu expected did not come. At noon the next day, they took Qiaocheng, the capital of Yuzhou. Then, with Qiaocheng as the center, the troops divided into two groups and began to sweep across.

Advancing directly from Qiaocheng to Hulao Pass in the west, all the members of the Bloody Mist were knocked out of the box by the three lights.

All the way from Qiaocheng to the southeast, after passing through Huainan, they directly sent troops to the Yangzhou pass, and it took only one day to directly attack Yangzhou.

In less than 3 days, the entire Bloody Mist completely collapsed. The number of active people was getting smaller and smaller, and more and more corpses were lying on the ground. When the Desolate League and the Qinglin Regiment in the Xu Yang War Zone cooperated, the Desolate League The main attack attracted all the blood's main forces to support them. After the Qinglin Regiment made a surprise attack in the early morning to win the checkpoint and enter Yangzhou, the blood mist completely defeated GG.

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