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Chapter 592 Closing the Mountain

"Phew! I can finally rest and lie down for a few days."

In the game room, Ning Xiu controlled a group of cavalry. After getting stuck, he fired the last wave before the village was about to disappear. He threw away the mouse in his hand, rubbed his brows tiredly and let out a sigh of relief.

"I really don't know why you like copycats so much. Here's the tea I made for you." The door opened and Chen Xiang walked in with a cup of steaming hot tea and said somewhat speechlessly.


Never try to reason with a woman, especially when your excuse is not perfect enough and cannot be explained, so he wisely chose not to explain.

Chen Xiang just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction that her boyfriend didn't deserve to go shopping by herself on weekends, but instead stayed at home to browse copycats. She had no intention of pursuing her. As a smart woman, she didn't want to affect the two of them because of some trivial matters. The relationship between people, not to mention the other person's hobby, has existed since she knew the other person.

"Today, the number of Scarlet Alliance members has dropped by nearly 100. Liu Yuan and the others said that they might turn into a wandering army." Seeing Ning Xiu's silence, Chen Xiang said softly while opening the Three Kingdoms login game.

"It should be that the opposite side has not resisted much since we destroyed the capital a few days ago. It should be saving resources and building buildings. Now that we have done enough cottage farming in the two days on the weekend, we have almost turned into a wandering army." Ning Xiu said about This result is not surprising.

At this time, almost a week had passed since they pushed the Bloody Mist in Qiaocheng. Since taking Qiaocheng, Bloody's resistance on the battlefield has gradually declined. When they divided their forces and entered Yangzhou, they joined the Huangmeng and the Qinglin Regiment. obvious.

It was not until the three families surrounded the capital and destroyed it that this resistance gradually disappeared. Apparently from that time on, Bloody Mist had already made plans to turn into a wandering army.

In fact, to be honest, Ning Xiu understood that whether it was the Bloody Mist or the Bingzhou Skyrim, this kind of T-level alliance really looked down upon the rewards of separatist rule. The reason why he switched to the Rangers was ultimately because of two words: "unaccepted".

Even if they lose on the frontal battlefield, they still want to continue the battle. At least they can not only save some face, but also make their opponents uncomfortable.

Making opponents uncomfortable is the greatest source of happiness for them, and it is also the meaning of existence after becoming a wandering army.

At this time, it has been nearly two months since the launch of the Contest for Hegemony regional server, and in at most one month, the season is about to end. With the frontal battlefield basically a foregone conclusion, the number of wandering armies has also begun to grow exponentially.

However, before the Bloody Mist was transformed into the Rangers on a large scale, the main members of the Rangers were still Sangan and some members of Bingzhou Tianmu, and they fought independently.

But it can be foreseen that as the bloody mist turns into a wandering army, the wandering army with a leader will begin an organized and laid-out attack, and the place where it is most likely to appear is the Liangzhou battlefield.

Yes, there is still one battle on the frontal battlefield that is not over at this time, and that is the Liangzhou battlefield.

Although the Liangzhou Dragon League was inevitably affected by the collapse of the Bloody Mist, Liangzhou in its native land was still inextricably linked to the war against the world. Even though they fought through thick and thin from Bingzhou and entered Yongzhou through Xiowuguan, there was no resistance at all and they were single-minded. Guard your own Liangzhou.

As a former ally who is about to merge with Bloody Mist, Ning Xiu believes that after Bloody Mist turns into a wandering army, he will definitely gather his strength to go to Liangzhou as soon as possible to help the Dragon Alliance conquer the world and turn Liangzhou into a wandering army. To build the military base camp, first hold the state capital in your hands.

After making some calculations in his mind, Ning Xiu sat up straight and opened the management channel, intending to discuss a plan for the wandering army with everyone in advance.

Although the Scarlet regular army couldn't defeat them, and even if they turned into the wandering army, they wouldn't be able to make any big splash, but he had to admit that relying on the mobility of the wandering army and the blessing of the small turtle shell, if the Bloody, Tianmu and Dragon Alliance's The elites have all turned into wandering troops, and if they avoid their attacks, the allies in their own camp will definitely suffer.

And when that time comes, they will definitely have to stand together through thick and thin, the leader, to come to the rescue, so instead of rescuing the situation when the problem comes, it is better to nip it in the bud.


Sit up straight, click on the alliance management channel, and glance at the chat time to see that it is noon. Ning Xiu is not surprised. After all, it is the end of the season and the number one enemy of the Bloody Mist has been solved again. It is inevitable to swim.

After cutting the screen to manage the penguin group @, everyone was online before Ning Xiu could wait long.

【Ning】Manage the channel through thick and thin.

[Taiwei] First love: I just finished eating, the boss has something to do [smile].

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Look, the child is scared. Are you afraid that your boss will find out that you masturbate during work hours? [covers mouth and laughs].

[Taiwei] First Love: Go to hell [Speechless].

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: What are you doing [question mark face].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Bloody's side has turned to the wandering army, and it is very likely that they will go to support the Liangzhou battlefield, so I will discuss it with you.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: We have basically finished sweeping the big cities in Yangzhou right away, and Xuzhou and Bingzhou are almost the same. We really need to help a wave of Yizhou veterans to end the battle as soon as possible.

[General of the Upper Army] Jizuo Huogong: Although the blood has been solved, we are still very busy. Sili's city was confiscated and Luoyang was not attacked, and there is also the city of Yongzhou. If we need support, let the two number control regiments go. Other regiments dispersed to close the city.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: I'm afraid two regiments are not enough. Although the battle situation has improved after we solved the bloody problem, there are still many people lying dead, otherwise they would not be in a stalemate with the Dragon Alliance until now.

And since Bloody has chosen to become a wandering army, it cannot be just the people around No. 100, and after he becomes a wandering army, whether it is individual people from other states or people who are not lying in the sky, they will follow suit. It is foreseeable that the number of wandering troops will inevitably increase sharply, so in order to avoid getting into a stalemate, it is either not necessary to go or to go, but to deal with it in one wave.

[Taiwei] First Love: Then let’s go to 4 regiments, plus the two regiments of Fengyu, Jiuxiao and Lingxiao, and the remaining regiments will arrange their own arrangements to capture the city per state.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Yes, in addition, we must also prepare in advance to deal with the wandering army. Notify everyone in the alliance, with Sili as the center, to build large fortresses and transfer stations in advance near all state capitals, and at the same time divide our main cities into Near the city, wherever there are mountains, fortresses and watchtowers are built.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Shout! Are you planning to close the mountain to prevent the wandering army from surviving? .

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Since they are opponents, there is no need to leave a way to survive. If they stay calm, it is not impossible to give up a state capital in the end, but if they are still ready to play tricks, then let them all starve to death.

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