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Chapter 597 Thousands of Miles to Help

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] manages the channel.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: You two go to bed. I will move here later. When the Duke and others get up, I will ask them to control the number for us.

[Commander] Bloody Romance: I'm not sleepy. You can go to sleep. I won't sleep until noon.

[Deputy Leader] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Okay, I can’t hold on anymore so I’ll withdraw first, and I’ll leave the number to you.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Go ahead. This side is safe for now. When the Zhengzhan side notices, our fortress will be up.

[Deputy Leader] Scarlet丨Old Cat: There are still too few people online here right now. It will probably take at least noon to get them all in place. During this period, we must guard against being turned over by them.

[Commander] Bloody Romance: Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if they come over. If we are far away, I will connect and sweep without releasing my card. They can’t even think about coming over.

After hearing this, the bloody old cat did put down his worries. Although the Rangers had been cut off by the official, they no longer had a particularly big advantage when facing the regular army with overflowing reserves in the later stages of the game. It can disgust people to death.

It only takes 10 minutes for the wandering army to give up the land. An old bandit can completely surround his small turtle shell camp with a circle of war-free territory.

Give up immediately after passing the exemption, and take time to send out a team to sweep again while giving up. In this way, after the land has just been abandoned, the sweep team sent will become an offensive team, reoccupy the land, and enter the battle-free state.

Although during the 10 minutes when the land is given up, the opponent can completely break this move as long as there is enough time to focus the attack.

But not to mention that the premise is that the opponent has a fortress nearby and has a geographical advantage. Even if it is really stuck, multiple teams will be needed to beat the opponent in seconds. Otherwise, if there are too few teams, they will only send reserve troops to the wandering army.

Moreover, even if multiple teams break through this line of defense within seconds, there will be several lines of defense that are free of battle. If you continue to use the same routine next time, you must station garrison on the occupied free land.

And once the garrison is released, let alone spreading the team, can you break through a new line of defense again in this wave of concentrated fire?

The wandering army at a close distance can completely use Spartan to explore the way, and rely on the advantage of close range to dispatch restraint teams, turning your garrison into reserve troops.

Therefore, unless the regular army completely defeats the wandering army in terms of account quality and experience, it is completely unrealistic for a regular army to single-handedly solve a wandering army with the same level of account quality. The best option is to use its own main city. Defense, or swing.


Because he was worried about what would happen after the Bloody Mist turned into the Wandering Army, Zhan Zhan Wuwei went to bed late but got up earlier than usual. He even took a day off in order to have more time to deal with the new situation on the battlefield today.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, after the sleepy Zheng Zhan Wuwei opened his eyes, he immediately took the tablet next to the bedside table and logged into the game.

"I'm going, I came so quickly."

After logging into the game, he clicked on a bunch of emails and scanned for a moment. Only then did Zheng Wuwei realize that the Scarlet Wandering Army had arrived much faster than he expected. Following the coordinates of an email, he jumped to the Wandering Army's airdrop, and what caught his eye was It is densely packed war-free land.

[Sui] Conquer the world and manage the channel through alliances.

【Monarch】Conquest丨Wuwei: I'm coming.

[Sikong] Battle丨Yuyou: Damn it, finally one is here. Now I have to command the wandering army and the frontal battlefield, so I am almost exhausted.

【Monarch】Conquest丨Wuwei: Where is the mistress, isn’t he on night watch?

[Sikong] Zhengzhan丨Yuyou: I didn’t see anyone, so I guess I fell asleep.

[Monarch] Conquest | Fearless: When did the bloody side come? .

[Sikong] Battle丨Yuyou: I saw their war-free areas when I got up at 6 o'clock. Now 5 of them have been moved. As for how many fortresses are still under construction, I don't know without a view.

【Monarch】Conquest丨Fearless: Can't you break through? .

[Sikong] Battle丨Yuyou: I can't get through. The opposite camp is here, and the card avoidance started 10 blocks away. Although I have pushed over now, the land card on the opposite side has been placed so that I can't get close. After all, we still have to deal with the Dragon Alliance.

In order to reduce the pressure on the Wandering Army, the Dragon Alliance would set up a wave of fire after a while, or they would come to Bosparta, which was very disgusting.

Zhengzhan Wuwei clearly understands that this is the disadvantage of a small number of people. Although their account quality and combat effectiveness are stronger, the disadvantage of their number determines that they cannot divide their troops. Once they divide their troops, they will face the tactics of a sea of ​​people.

However, although the Scarlet Wandering Army has arrived, their support can be in place today, so he immediately reassured: "I already arranged the airport for Fengyu last night, and they said that the personnel will be in place by the afternoon at the latest, so it is not a big problem. .”

[Sikong] Zhan Zhan丨Yuyou: Damn it, the storm is coming, why didn’t I know? .

【Monarch】Conquest丨Wuwei: You seemed to have fallen asleep at that time.

[Sikong] Zhanzhan丨Yuyou: OK, since the wind and rain are coming, it will be fine. Let’s just spend time with them first, haha.


After giving his own management a reassurance, Zhengzhan Wuwei turned off the management channel, clicked on the coordinates marked on the game interface, and the mobile game screen jumped to it.

This was the airdrop point after he arranged the airport for Feng Yu Tong Ao last night. Although he knew that Feng Yu Tong Ao's execution ability would definitely not delay, Zheng Wuwei still wanted to see the progress of his ally. After all, this battle was very important to them. .


The screen jumped, and when the coordinates of the follower on the game interface of Zhan Zhan Wuwei moved to the airdrop he marked, what came into view was a dense group of fortresses, the number of which was definitely more than 100.

At the same time, although he had no vision and could not see the specific situation, he could see that the nearby war-free land was gradually increasing. At the same time, along the nearby pipeline, a row of war-free land extended to the north, and the extension speed was very fast. It was obvious that this The other party is paving the way.

In the entire Liangzhou, the current conquest of the world has also destroyed the territorial protection of Xiping County, so the maximum airport he can give to Feng Yu Shou can only be in the north of Xiping County, close to the border of Wuwei area.

He originally thought that since they said they would arrive in the afternoon, the best they could do now was to just fly here and set up the fortress. Who knew they were so fast? Not only had the fortress been set up, but even the team had moved over and started paving the way for the front line.

"Good guy, this execution and this speed." Even so far this season, Feng Yu Tong Ao's execution and speed have long been known to everyone, but Zheng Wuwei has witnessed this speed for the first time, and he was relieved and full of emotions at the same time. envious.

After all, if their family had such execution ability and speed, they would not be in this situation now. To fight back-stabbing dogs, they would have to rely on allies.


The first to arrive in Liangzhou were naturally Feng Yu's two number control regiments, followed by the Chixiao regiment. These three regiments originally had fortress land in Yongzhou, Bingzhou.

After receiving the news, we relied on the members of the Chixiao Regiment near Yongzhou to capture the airport, and flew directly to Xiping. After landing at 3 o'clock in the morning, we immediately started using civilian support to raise the fortress. The fortress was already up before 7 o'clock, and now the team has They are also starting to arrive one after another, and the fastest road paving eunuch vehicles have begun to operate.

As the leader of the two control regiments and the commander-in-chief of this rescue mission to Liangzhou, Chu Lian has been studying the map of Zhiyang battlefield since he got up in the morning.

"The Dragon Alliance has blocked all the passages to Wuwei. Even if they bypass their defense line and want to break through from other places, the opponent can take advantage of the geographical advantage and deploy their defenses immediately. Therefore, it is not worthwhile. Instead of wasting time, it is better to break through head-on.

There are a total of three ferries leading to the west bank near Zhiyang. There are too many main city fortresses opposite the other two, so it seems that we can only take a detour from the right and go around them, which will be able to easily deal with the Scarlet Wandering Army. "

Yes, for the defeated Bloody Mist, even if they turned to the wandering army with a small turtle shell and strong mobility, First Love still didn't take it to heart.

In addition to the fact that they will come with four groups to crush each other in this wave, the most important thing is that this is not the once bloody Yuzhou base camp or Yangzhou itself, and they have no geographical advantage.

Without the rolling fortresses and the disgusting tactics of holding on to separate cities, the more than 100 wandering troops could only fight them with the help of small turtle shells.

As for toughness, under the premise of crushing the opponent in numbers and crushing the opponent in the night battle, he didn't think the opponent could cause much trouble to them. At best, it would just waste a little more time.

Moreover, although Blood has 100 people, they can only be divided into two Juyi because of the upper limit of 50 Juyi. When Juyi cannot guard each other, they only need to face No. 50 people at a time. According to the manpower of 4 In terms of the main force, that is the main force of 200 teams.

The main force of the 200 team faced their 4 regiments with the main force of 5 teams. If they go head-on, the result can be imagined.

It is true that the Rangers can plunder reserves by defeating their opponents, but the upper limit of reserves is only 12,000. Compared with them building a large fortress and training reserves day and night in nine branch cities to support them, how can they take advantage of this.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [507X222] At the target location, the team is in place and there are cavalry. They help the eunuch's car to pave the road quickly. Along the way, there are fortresses and military camps in the wild. Those who have the physical strength help to lay the ground in place and cut down the durability. Try to pave the way before noon. arrive.

For other groups whose mission is in Liangzhou, those who have not come should hurry up. Before 12 noon, each group leader will check and report the list of those who have paddled.

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