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Chapter 598 A blow to the head

Today, the morale of the Liangzhou Dragon League, from the management to the ordinary members, is extremely high. The reason is naturally because their reinforcements have arrived.

Ever since they faced off against Zheng Zhan Tianxia, ​​despite the fact that they have been showing that they look down on Zheng Zhan Tian Xia, either exchanging insults with its members on the World Channel, or sending various greetings on the battle barrage, in fact, they knew in their hearts that they would be singled out to let Zheng Zhan Tian Xia They are no match against Zhengzhan Tianxia in a duel.

In other words, they are just bullying a sick tiger by using the blood-colored mist on their thighs to crush them. But a sick tiger is also a tiger. Once its condition improves, it will definitely tear them apart with lightning speed.

Unfortunately, staying together through thick and thin is the best medicine for conquering this sick tiger in the world. At this time, this sick tiger that was originally suppressed by them has gradually begun to improve. The management does not need to say anything about this situation. For a veteran who has been in the conquering season for a long time. Members can see this.

Therefore, when the elite wandering army transformed from the bloody mist came to the battlefield to support them immediately, everyone felt that the pressure was relieved and their motivation doubled.

Yes, Bloody Mist lost to Feng Yu Tong Ao and was defeated, but what does it matter? The defeat must be something they can't change. Before that, they only need to fight to the death and conquer the world, and then try their best to gain benefits.

No matter how bad the situation is, they can still switch to the wandering army. Those with the bloody mist can be the vanguard and get rewards no matter what. They deserve nothing less.

It is precisely because of this change in mentality from top to bottom that the Dragon League, which had doubled its power, began to switch from defense to offense. It not only helped the wandering troops who came to help land, reducing the pressure, but also suppressed the anger that had been suppressed by Zhan Tianxia in the past few days. Let it out.

[Scenery] Dragon Alliance [Mail: Taiwei] Dragon丨Subdued Dragon: [485X175] Except for the stationary ones, all active main forces will launch another wave of fire on time at 11 o'clock.

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance management channel.

[Lieutenant] Dragon丨Subdued Dragon: This wave of concentrated fire will be over in half an hour. I guess the garrison on the Zhanzhan side will be almost worn out. At that time, should we withdraw part of the garrison and gather our strength to attack? .

As long as they can break through their front row garrison, they can go in and bloom. There are only a few of them, but now they have some people to go and have fun with the wandering army. There are definitely not many main forces who can move.

At that time, you can attack east and west, with the main attack on the left side, and then test Sparta and demolition, plus a few feint attacks with the main force.

Being suppressed by the gradually resurrected Zhan Zhan Tianxia for several days in a row, Jiang Long, as the commander of the Dragon Alliance, was already very impatient, especially when Bloody Mist was beaten and turned into a wandering army, which made him fully understand that he would not be able to conquer this season. , so there is no longer any timidity in my heart, only a reckless thought.

[Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: Don't worry, it won't be too late to wait until the Wandering Army starts to take action. Although there are fewer people in the battle, the quality of the accounts is generally higher than ours. Except for the two core red groups, we can compete with them head-on. Most of the rest of the group went up as a drop-off.

Wait a little longer. After the wandering army has restrained them and divided their forces, we can gather our forces and advance forward. At that time, the two core regiments will take the front position, and the remaining regiments will follow up, thus maximizing the battlefield benefits.

[General Zhenguo] Long丨Feilong: If you ask me to say that in this situation, there is nothing to look forward and backward. No matter whether we can defeat the world, we will be cool when the storm comes. Instead of wasting resources here every day with them Be tough.

It's better to dedicate a small force to defend this side, while the rest go home to rest and prepare for the transfer to the wandering army. After all, with the bloody side there, it won't be a problem to get this script to separate the army.

However, the rewards for the Wandering Army's separatist army are limited after all. There will definitely be more monks and less flesh and blood. There is no point in fighting now. We can only let others take the first step to distance ourselves from the martial arts.

[Taiwei] Dragon丨Subduing the Dragon: There are not many brothers who are rare in the separatist army. In addition to liking fighting, I want to get more martial arts and get some honors to open up wasteland next season.

[General Zhenguo] Long丨Feilong: Whether they care or not is their business. Whether we do it or not is our business. If we don’t try our best to benefit our brothers in the alliance, what kind of management should we do? .

[Taiwei] Long丨Jianglong: What you said is true, but the blood here has just come over, and we suddenly withdrew here. Isn’t it uncomfortable? Don’t forget that we will form an alliance with them when we go out. .

[General Zhenguo] Long Feilong: Okay, I don’t care, I just want to say what I want to say, you two can decide what happens.

【Prime Minister】Long丨Chenlong: Stop talking...

Looking at the words of the alliance management, Chen Long quickly reminded him in the management channel that he believed that the other party understood the reason why he did this. After all, the alliance leader of the Bloody Mist controlled their alliance leader number. Who knew that guy was now Not diving.

If they really see it, the two families will definitely be estranged, and the one who will suffer will definitely be their Dragon Alliance. Even if one of them can't control it well, they might not be broken up by their opponents, but will be defeated for some reason. Breached from within.

He knew that after the bloody mist was destroyed, many people in his alliance had a great change in their attitude towards the bloody mist, and even had other opinions about the alliance that they had no opinions on before.

But let’s not talk about the benefits of joining a T1-level alliance like Bloody Mist. Just the fact that the leader’s account and reason are on their side makes the Dragon Alliance dare not take risks and regret it.

Backstabbing a T1 alliance has already made them notorious. After offending a stronger and more influential Bloody Mist, how can they, the Dragon Alliance, still survive in the world of conquering the Three Kingdoms?

[Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: The rest will be discussed later. Let’s resolve the battle first.

[Taiwei] Dragon丨Jianglong: [520X216] I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve, the wind and rain are coming, damn it.

【General Zhenguo】Long丨Feilong: Yes, cool.


"The real ghost is still here, damn!"

Jiang Liu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice while looking at the Land of Wind and Rain, which appeared in the southeast of his home less than 20 blocks away.

It makes sense to come to Liangzhou together through thick and thin. After all, in the current competition server, there is only one opponent left that they have not beaten, the Dragon League.

After finishing and settling the territory that is currently occupied, they will definitely come to help their allies conquer the world. They may even advance the time because they come to support the Dragon Alliance, but this is too soon.

When I set out, you also set out? .

Jiang Liu had to admit that the sudden arrival of the same boat brought many of his plans to the brink of ruin, which made him very irritable and annoyed.

After looking at the map silently for a moment, Jiang Liu's heart skipped a beat and he said solemnly, "Okay, let's decide the outcome in Liangzhou."

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