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Chapter 622: Weaknesses of standing together through thick and thin

The pace of land development in the X718 server is very fast. In just 3 hours, it has entered the outbreak zone of level 5 land. Let alone the scenario for ordinary players, even if there is a scenario for T1 level, it is impossible to do it so fast. .

Even as a member of the Ceiling Overlord, Sheng Laobai felt that the pace of land reclamation in this script was so fast. You must know that even if they had played against the Martial Alliance, who was also the Ceiling Overlord, the pace on the first day was not so fast.

At that time, the opening 5 outbreak period was at 17:00, which was 5 hours after the opening of the zone, a full 2 ​​hours slower than this wave of 718 vertical and horizontal season.

"Sure enough, only when you are under pressure can you be motivated." After glancing at the lively discussions within the alliance, Sheng Laobai was not surprised.

Although Standing Together is not as powerful as the two ceiling alliances they once fought against, their strength is not much inferior. Compared with the other two overlords who have become an old couple with them, their new daughter-in-law can naturally arouse the members of the alliance. of freshness and motivation.

Not to mention the other members, even the gold boss Sheng, who has always opened up wasteland in the alliance, is also working hard to open up wasteland this time. You must know that Sheng Laobai has been in the Holy Alliance for so long, and this is the first time to see this financial leader. On the first day of pioneering, he was able to climb to such a high position on the ranking list.

Although it is now just over 3 hours before the server opens, Sheng Laobai has to admit that among so many scripts recently, Wind and Rain is the only one, apart from the other two overlord alliances, that has gone from the opening of the zone to the present. , an alliance whose pace of land reclamation is comparable to theirs.

"Although I don't know what the opponent's stamina is, we still need to make arrangements in advance to get rid of the opponent in terms of development." After a moment of silence, Saint Laobai cut the screen and came to manage the penguin group.

[Saint丨The mountains and rivers belong to the same core and manage the penguin colony].

[Management] Sheng丨Storyteller: Good guy, this situation is a bit fierce. I just counted them. They accounted for more than 40 of the top 100. They are almost the same as us.

[Management] Saint Zhuge: [Screenshot] It’s pretty awesome. Except for the other two, we haven’t used it in the early stage of the zone for a long time. We were suppressed in the league list, tsk tsk.

[Management] Sheng丨Storyteller: My day, I just didn’t watch for a while, and we were overtaken by them? .

[Group Leader] Sheng丨Aman: The opponent’s experience is about the same as ours, only a few blocks of land apart.

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: I remember there are two account control groups on the opposite side. They can keep up with our rhythm this time. It should be that these liver emperors are gaining experience.

[Group Leader] Sheng丨Aman: It's possible, but Fengyu's online rate and activity have always been very high, and the cohesion is very high and united. I've learned about it and visually observed that they haven't recruited anyone since entering the Conquest Season. .

[Management] Holy Storyteller: Mr. Ning is so willing to spend money, how can he not have cohesion [Cold Sweat].

[Management] Sheng丨Laobai: The opponent obviously wants to compete with us this season. I think we can prepare in advance and have fun this season.

[Management] Saint Zhuge: Shout, Lao Bai is actually popping up in the group today, tsk tsk.

[Group Leader] Sheng丨Aman: What are your thoughts? [Pick your nose].

[Management] Sheng丨Old Bai: Rhythm, use rhythm to bring down the same boat.

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Let’s talk.

[Management] Sheng丨Laobai: The combat effectiveness on paper is not bad. Even if it is not as good as us, it is better than the T1 level. In addition, they have a professional studio number control team and stable personnel, so the combat effectiveness is not weak. This We can tell from the fact that land reclamation can bite us.

But one of their weaknesses is their lack of experience.

I have specifically learned about the performance of Together Through Storm after entering the Conquest Season. From opening up wastelands to conquering cities and then starting wars, their performance was not particularly outstanding.

Whether it was against the T2-level Night League in the first season, or compared with the Bloody Mist last season, his performance was very ordinary. If not for the Bloody Mist last season, he would have been fighting against the world for more than half a month. , seriously affecting the development, and then being taken advantage of by the wind and rain that developed, it is really not certain who will win in the end.

Standing together through thick and thin has two advantages, execution and night fighting ability. Whether it is the Night Alliance or the Bloody Mist, they are actually slowly being dragged to death by the other party.

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Well, after all, the opponent has two 24-hour online number control groups. Let alone the ordinary T-level alliance, there are few opponents even in the T1 level. In the final analysis, this is still a game.

[Management] Sheng丨Laobai: Yes, but our league has many DL anchors and many account-controlling liver emperors, so their two advantages are not advantages in front of us.

[Management] Saint丨Aman: What are the shortcomings [question mark face].

[Management] Sheng丨Laobai: The shortcoming I just mentioned is that the personnel are inexperienced. This is not only the ordinary members, but also their management.

If you have carefully understood the performance of these two scripts in the Conquest Season, you can see that their rhythm is actually very chaotic. The reason why they can win is entirely dependent on their strong cohesion and night battle strength.

[Management] Saint Zhuge: There are so many twists and turns, what do you want to say [Cold Sweat].

[Management] Sheng丨Old Bai: We are a strong alliance through thick and thin, especially after we have determined our opponent.

【Management】Saint丨Storyteller: Then what? .

[Management] Sheng丨Lao Bai: The rhythm of the game is very chaotic.

【Management】Sheng丨Aman: If you fart, you can finish it all in one go.

[Management] Sheng丨Old Bai: Isn’t what I said clear enough? You people are pig-brained, I am ashamed to be in your company [Cold Sweat].

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Well, you mean, disrupting the rhythm of staying together through thick and thin? .

[Management] Sheng丨Old Bai: No, we should let the Wind and Rain in the Boat enter our rhythm. The development rhythm of our Holy League is full of firepower. Even the Martial League can only eat ashes below. If the Wind and Rain in the Boat dare to forcefully follow our rhythm, , maybe your own development will collapse by then.

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Yes, full firepower will have no impact on us. After all, everyone is used to this rhythm, but we have no experience in fighting against a ceiling alliance like us.

If they try to keep up with our pace, it will easily affect their early development. If they don't keep up, as the gap between us increases, we will have an overwhelming advantage once the war starts.

In this way, from now until the war starts, I will use 50,000 yuan as a benefit for the brothers in the alliance. Whether it is to rush the rankings or sweep the city, I will reward those who deserve it.

[Management] Saint Zhuge: 666, the boss is grand [baring teeth].

[Group Leader] Sheng丨Aman: With the support of the boss, it’s okay.

[Management] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: It’s a small matter. Finally, we have a new opponent. This season, brothers just need to work hard, control military expenses, and have a full gaming experience.


Naturally, Ning Xiu didn't know that the Holy Alliance would attach such great importance to them staying together through thick and thin, and had already formulated a plan for them.

When he returned to the game room at 15 o'clock, he saw that Ma Chao from the camp had trained troops 5 times and reached level 16 and a half. He bought 3 government orders to bring the government orders back to 14 yuan, and then controlled Ma Chao again to train 5 troops at level 5. Second-rate.

Including the time for recovery, after 2 hours of training, when his camp Ma Chao reaches level 20, he will still have a piece of political order left.

After some consideration, Ning Xiu removed Ma Dai from the first team. After buying 9 yuan of political orders in the camp store, he controlled him to go to level 5 to train troops three times.

In this way, after the leveling of the three land reclamation generals is completed, Ning Xiu estimates that his land reclamation team will be 20, 13, and 13 by then. The total strength will reach 4,600, plus the awakened Ma Chao. Unless long-range shots are encountered, Guo Jia team and other abnormal lineups have level 5 lands, otherwise they should be able to start clearing lands at low losses.

After getting everything done, Ningxi clicked on the single player rankings, and sure enough, he could no longer be found in the top 50. Even though he had already won a level 5 land, his power value was only over 400. In the final analysis, it was all about possession. There is too little land.

But he didn't care about it. The guys who were climbing up the rankings were all new faces. They obviously climbed to the front by farming level 4 lands and increasing their power value. When these guys with level 5, the training was over. Once they start to exert their strength, these younger brothers will directly become the bottom.

The land reclamation team only has so much energy, so as long as they don't waste their energy, they don't have to worry about being thrown out.

After briefly glancing at the personal rankings, Ning Xiu opened the alliance rankings. At this time, the level of the Together Through Storm Alliance has soared to level 5, temporarily ranking first, which is almost the same as the experience of the Holy Alliance behind it, from 3rd to 3rd. 10. They are all level 4, but the experience is different.

After having peace of mind, Ning Xiu had nothing to do for the time being, and was ready to watch a movie to kill time, but he didn't want to receive a private message from his first love as soon as he clicked on the video website.


This season can be said to be the most comfortable season for land reclamation since Chu Lian played the Three Kingdoms. The land reclamation team with a million-level red account, hundreds of thousands of jade talismans on the account, and full of red and full tactics is simply not the former former The three teams with full red accounts can be compared.

After all, the first three teams that were full of reds might not be much different in a fight, but they were useless for land reclamation. In addition, although there were jade talismans on their numbers, they couldn't feel as comfortable as they do now.

In addition, his job is to play games and race against time. Even in such a big area where everyone is famous, the speed of opening 5 is enough to rank in the top 10.

Of course, after having fun, Chu Lian, who enters sage mode, will naturally not forget his own job. As a commander, his main energy is not to charge into battle during land reclamation and fights.

Especially this wave was against the Holy Alliance, the ceiling overlord, which put some pressure on him, because as the commander of the alliance, after two seasons, he was very clear about his own strengths and weaknesses.

No matter how much he is capable of doing, since he was unsure when formulating a development battle plan when facing an opponent like the Holy Alliance, he decided to discuss it with his boss.

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