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Chapter 623 Active and Passive

After understanding the purpose of his first love, Ning Xiu did not rush to speak, but opened the big map and came to the Yanzhou checkpoint, Guandu.

The map of Heroes is very complicated. Take the Qingzhou Alliance Army as an example. Their territory includes the Qingzhou mainland, the three northeastern counties of Yanzhou, and the two northern counties of Xuzhou.

However, although the territory is complex and close together, it does not mean that the fight can be started directly, because there are buffer zones and checkpoints in the middle of the territory of each coalition army and even the princes.

Take Yanzhou as an example. The three counties of Dongping, Jibei, and Taishan in Yanzhou belong to the Qingzhou Alliance, while the remaining territory is directly neutral and ownerless.

In Dongping and Taishan counties belonging to the Qingzhou coalition, and the other two counties bordering Yanzhou, each has a level 9 checkpoint. This is the western gateway of the Qingzhou coalition. If players from other camps want to attack from this direction and cannot pass through the occupied enclave, they can You can only win the level, otherwise you won't be able to enter at all.

Players from other camps must win the checkpoints before they can enter, but players from the Qingzhou Alliance do not need to occupy the checkpoints and can directly use the checkpoints to pass. The reason is that these two levels naturally belong to the Qingzhou Alliance.

The levels of Heroes can be divided into three types based on the colors on the map. The first level, which displays yellow, is a level belonging to the coalition. This type of level does not need to be attacked. Players from the camp can directly pass the level enclave.

The second type is white, which is an unowned and neutral level that can be attacked by players from any camp.

The third type is red. Except for this camp, the levels occupied by other camps and princes' forces all belong to this color.

Except for the three counties in Yanzhou that originally belonged to the Qingzhou Alliance, the other territories in Yanzhou seemed to be unowned land, but in fact they were the back garden development areas of the Qingzhou Alliance.

Because players from other camps want to fight over, they still need to pass through the two levels of Guandu and Wuchao. Among them, Wuchao is also a yellow level and belongs to the Qingzhou Alliance. In the early stage, they stayed together through thick and thin without sending a single soldier, and others could not enter. The only one is this What needs to be paid attention to in the direction is the Guandu level, which is in a neutral and ownerless state.

This kind of white level connecting the borderlands near other camps is only level 7. It may be very safe in the early stage of other scripts, but in the X718 script, it is obviously not qualified to be a roadblock.

The one we need to guard against is the Holy Alliance. Although it is located in the Bingzhou coalition, its territory is the same as Qingzhou, and it does not only include the Bingzhou area.

Although Guangping County in Jizhou does not directly belong to its camp, its status is the same as those unowned lands in Yanzhou. It is the back garden of the Holy Alliance, and Guangping in Jizhou is connected to the Guandu Pass.

Therefore, it is obvious that the Holy League will either not take action against them, but once it takes action, it will inevitably advance from the direction of Guangping and enter Yanzhou via Guandu.

Now that the Holy Alliance's route is clear, the rest can be easily arranged. In Ning Xiu's opinion, it is nothing more than a choice between active and passive.

If they take the initiative, they will naturally arrive at Guandu first, then break through the border and enter Guangping, Jizhou, and set the battlefield here to seize the initiative.

If you are passive, you will rely on the small advantage brought by the early stage of the level 7 level, use a small number of troops to defend the level and hold the opponent back, and develop your defense.

Both options have their own advantages, and Ning Xiu doesn't want to decide on a specific plan for the time being, because the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one knows how it will develop next, not to mention that part of it is still part of Youji Tianmen's territory.

Although Tianmen is relatively weak, it is still a T1-level alliance. According to the results of previous contacts, it is typical that it is just a loser waiting for a price. No one knows whether it will come to disrupt the situation.

"No matter what, it's never wrong to be more prepared." With the decision made in his heart, Ning Xiu of course edited an email with his thoughts and sent it to his first love.

[Qing: In opposition] Mr. Ning: Arrange a few brothers who are in Yanzhou to pave the way to Guandu.

[Qing: In the Opposition] Chu Lian: Well, if we start sweeping the city, we should give priority to the Yanzhou side. We should finish the Yanzhou side as soon as possible. After the founding of the country, it can be included in the national land protection.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: The early points of contention are undoubtedly our neutral area in Yanzhou and the neutral area in Guangping, Jizhou. There are level 9 checkpoints in the three counties of Yanzhou, which can be used as city relocation points to increase the main alliance’s combat power. Gather here.

[Email] First Love: If we start paving the way now, will it irritate the Holy Alliance? .

[Email] Mr. Ning: If you don’t stimulate them, won’t they come? We have an alliance with Yanyu, and the Shu Han side must have hooked up with the Holy Alliance.

With the Shu Han acting as their southern barrier and the troubled times in the west daring to move, they will come to attack us regardless of whether we provoke the Holy Alliance or not.

[E-mail] Chu Lian: Yes, but don’t you know, boss, Shu Han seems to have rejected the Holy Alliance’s alliance proposal.


Ning Xiu really didn't know the news. After he and Yan Yu reached a consensus on joining forces, he stopped paying attention to it, because in his opinion, the strength of his family and Yan Yu could not be underestimated if they joined forces. Even the Holy Alliance must win over Shu Han. cooperate.

Otherwise, it’s not that he underestimates the ceiling of the Holy League. If the opponent wants to force them to join forces with a T1 alliance, then he can definitely beat the opponent to find the north.

Although the T1 Alliance is not as good as them and the Holy Alliance, it is also the top alliance of the Three Kingdoms. Its combat power is not to be boasted at all. It just does not have a ceiling overlord alliance and is comprehensive in all aspects.

At the beginning of the new scenario, everyone is at their peak in terms of enthusiasm and activity. Under such circumstances, even if the Holy Alliance is strong as a whole, but without the strength to gather together, once they jointly attack in the early and mid-term, they will definitely be in trouble. No benefit.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Shu Han will join forces, which can not only protect the safety of Yongzhou in the south from being disturbed, but also allow Shu Han to contain the Yanyu Meng Jiangnan of the Yangzhou coalition and deal with them one-on-one.

But Shu Han Ta Ge Xing actually rejected the Holy Alliance. What does this T1-level alliance want to do? Is it really like the previous rumors that the other party only entered the script to cause trouble for Yanyu Mengjiangnan and fight with the other party? .

Ning Xiu shook his head, unsure for a moment whether the other party really just wanted revenge, or whether he had his own agenda.

Anyway, no matter what they do, Yanyu Mengjiangnan is guarding behind them. In the early stage, they only need to keep an eye on the Holy Alliance and the Tianmen of the Youji Alliance.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Don’t worry about anything else, just follow our pace.

[Email] First Love: Ugh! I'm afraid I have to mention the pace of this season. The Holy League's speed of sweeping cities and developing is not slow. If we fall behind in this aspect, we will fall behind step by step once the war starts.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Then follow the rhythm of their holy alliance and have a fight with them.

[E-mail] Chu Lian: Okay, then I will discuss the details with the six-yuan boss and the others. If there is any situation, I will contact the boss.

[Email] Mr. Ning: [OK].

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