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Chapter 646 Haha! It's all misunderstanding

"If we can reach a non-aggression treaty with Yanyu, in a few days we will be able to get rid of the warring Fengyu and the Holy Alliance in terms of development.

As the two giants of the two major camps in the region, if they want to win the final victory, they must decide the outcome, so I am not afraid that they will shake hands and make peace after fighting for a few days.

Once the storm is at a disadvantage, Yanyu Mengjiangnan must go north to support them no matter what. After all, if the storm cools down, they will not be spared, and it will also be their chance to turn against the enemy, so that they will be dragged into the quagmire of war.

When these two companies join forces, even the Holy League will definitely not be able to withstand it. There is no other choice but to seek foreign aid. Well, Tianmen Shanshui of the Youji Alliance may become its helper. After all, the Holy League is still alone. If it can win If so, there would still be a spot for the separate divisions that could be used as a bargaining chip, but on the other hand, Wen Yu Meng Jiangnan has been bound to Yanyu Mengjiangnan since the opening of the district.

In this way, aren't the strengths of both sides almost balanced? "Shaking his head, the Shu Han official said to himself: "It seems that we still need to guide a wave to see if the troubled world of Xiliang camp can be used as a troublemaker. "

Tapping his fingers on the computer desk, after deducing and analyzing various possible situations, the Shuhan official clicked on the friend interface and found the leader of the League of Yanyumeng Jiangnan. The name of Yanyumeng Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief and began to edit emails to the other party.

If he wants to follow the script he has set, the first step is to get rid of the neighbor Yanyu Mengjiangnan. Otherwise, if the other party is restrained, there will be no possibility of the script he deduced and set up.



Yanyu Jiangnan sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, looking at the email content on the game screen of her tablet computer in surprise.

"The old silver coin leader of Shu Han?"

He sat up straight and leaned forward to confirm again. Seeing that it was indeed an email from an official of the Shu Han Dynasty, Yanyu Jiangnan did not reply to the email immediately. Instead, he leaned on the sofa and thought about the reason why the other party came to find him. .

As a former ally and now an enemy, Yanyu Jiangnan didn't know much about the Shu Han officials, but he was familiar with them. The impression left on him was that they were too late to gain anything, and he couldn't believe that they would come here out of boredom. He chats.

"Is it because we are planning to take Bowang Pass?" After pondering for a while, Yanyu Jiangnan considered this possibility, but then secretly said: "They are still far away from Bowang, and we can't stop them even if we take Bowang, why are they looking for me? You mean, are you preparing for a blowjob?"

After thinking for a moment in his mind, Yanyu Jiangnan moved his hands. He had decided that if the other party was going to come to him for a blowjob, then he would let the other party know the gap in oral escape level between him and himself.

[Zhou] Yanyu Meng Jiangnan [Email: Monarch] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, go somewhere to cool down.

The hatred between the two parties has long been made clear, so there is no need to be polite to the other party in Yanyu Jiangnan's reply.

【Business】Shu Han丨Tage Xing【Email: Monarch】Shu Han丨Official: Haha! It’s cooler here in Gangnam, so I came here [smile].

"Humph! It's that smiling expression again. If I didn't know what kind of person you are, I would be fooled by you." Looking at the smiling expression behind the other person's words, Yanyu Jiangnan looked very disdainful with a cold face.

[E-mail] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: My internet connection is not good here. I am ready to play the game. Goodbye if everything is fine? .

Of course, the Shu Han official did not believe the lies of Yanyu Jiangnan, but he was the one looking for the other party this time, and of course he could not let the topic end like this. Seeing the other party's attitude, he immediately said: "You know the basics of the game, it's nonsense, why don't you go straight to the topic. "


Looking at the contents of the newly sent email, Yanyu Jiangnan narrowed his eyes slightly. He guessed that the other party would not come to him for no reason, but he never expected that the other party actually came to them for cooperation.

"This person is really thick-skinned. Most people really can't do such a thing."

After glancing at the content of the email, Yanyu Jiangnan was not in a hurry to reply. After thinking for a long time, he said: "What else can I say in one breath? It's just a fox, so don't just talk about it."


"There's a show!"

Even though he had already been confident that Yanyu Jiangnan would agree, when he saw the email he replied to, the Shuhan official felt relieved and immediately responded.

[E-mail] Shuhan丨官人: I understand that people don’t speak secretly. With the pressure of Wealth and the Holy Alliance, our two families are destined to only be supporting roles. I don’t think I will be willing to be a green leaf in Jiangnan.

Therefore, instead of our two families going to war and getting stuck in the quagmire of war, it is better to secretly reach a non-aggression treaty, hide our heads and develop our own strength, and wait for the Holy Alliance and Fengyun to suffer both losses, and we will reap the benefits.

You, Yanyu Mengjiangnan, can turn against guests and occupy a dominant position in the Wealth and Wind Alliance, and we, Shu Han, can also wait for the price and gain more benefits. Isn't it the best of both worlds? .

If it is our two families who can succeed in the end, then we will have revenge and grievances, all based on our strength. What do you think, Brother Jiangnan? .


Yanyu Jiangnan had to admit that the other party was really good at hiding his words. If he hadn't been stabbed in the back by the other party, he would probably agree without hesitation now.

Although they set a goal at the beginning of the season to defeat each other even without rewards, as they said, no one is willing to be a green leaf, especially in a scenario like the X718 server that has attracted much attention in the World Cup. .

Especially the last sentence, which says that there will be revenge and grievance in the end, obviously also makes it clear that the temporary cooperation between the two parties is only for the common benefit.

"The old silver coin is indeed the same as before, haha." With a chuckle, Yanyu Jiangnan replied: "What you said makes sense, but to be honest, I don't trust the credibility of your Shu Han people."

[Email] Shu Han丨Official: Haha! It's all a misunderstanding.

"Every sentence is just a misunderstanding, a shameless thing."

Yanyu Jiangnan almost laughed angrily at the latest reply email. She suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "You can cooperate if you want. I'll just say it. Cooperation is possible, but to express sincerity, the three northern counties of Jingzhou will belong to us, and you, Shu Han, can't even own a piece of land." have."

[Email] Shu Han丨Official: This is boring, brother. Xiangyang is the capital of Jingzhou. How can I give it to you? Nanyang is the gateway of our Jingyi coalition, so it is impossible to give it to you.

[E-mail] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: You are really insincere, then Jiang Xia Lao, your people are not allowed to approach Jiang Xia.

[E-mail] Shu Han丨Official: No problem. Besides, these three counties are now in the hands of NPC Liu Biao, so we can’t defeat them [dumbfounded].

[E-mail] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: Then it’s settled. Once your people appear in Jiangxia, it means you have unilaterally broken the treaty. Is that okay? .

[E-mail] Shuhan丨官人: Yes, but let me tell you in advance that if we remain motionless for a long time, it will definitely arouse speculation from the Wind and Rain and the Holy Alliance, so we will still have to pretend to fight in the next few days.

[E-mail] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: Yes, the location will be Jingling in Xiangyang, which is right in the middle of Nanyang and Jiangxia. When the time comes, we will decide according to the situation.

[E-mail] Shuhan丨Official: OK, that’s it. If you have any questions, please contact me.


After closing the email, Yanyu Jiangnan stared at the Jingzhou map for a moment, smiled silently, and whispered: "You need time to grow and develop, and we need it too, but you still want us to act according to your Shuhan script, then you Shuhan official I’m afraid people think too much.”

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