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Chapter 647 Dragon-slaying battle?

Yanyu Jiangnan would never underestimate the old silver coins who played tactics in the Three Kingdoms. After all, he himself was one of them, and there was no need to build an archway.

Because of his understanding, he would not believe even a single punctuation mark in the words of the Shuhan officials. Maybe he would have believed it before, but since the two families turned against each other, there was absolutely no chance.

The Shu Han officials, who are unprofitable and can't afford to be early, must have some small intentions to come to them for cooperation. As for the reason, it is actually not difficult to guess. The other party has just made it very clear, but it is also hidden. something.

"No wonder Shuhan rejected the Holy Alliance's invitation to join forces at the beginning. It turned out that he was planning to go it alone." Combined with the previous information about Shuhan's Song Festival, Yanyu Jiangnan guessed the opponent's goal for this season, and also roughly understood its origin. Find the reason why they join forces.

It's just that they are afraid that they will start fighting early and drag them into the quagmire of war. They will lose time to develop and accumulate strength and lose the opportunity to become fishermen.

The non-aggression pact mentioned by the other party, or even the proposal to jointly perform a double act, seems to be very beneficial to both parties, and they will have enough time to develop and strengthen themselves, but is this really the case? .

Don't forget, their misty and rain dreaming of Jiangnan is different from the lonely people of Shu Han who sing and sing. They have an ally who stays together through thick and thin.

Now Feng Yu Tong Ao has started fighting with the Holy Alliance, and since the two sides have started fighting, it is absolutely impossible to stop unless one side is cool.

Under such circumstances, once Fengyu falls into a disadvantage, Yanyu Mengjiangnan, as allies and neighbors of the Qingzhou Alliance, must not sit still and wait for death, whether it is because of their alliance or their own considerations.

And once they go to support them, not only will they be dragged into the quagmire of war, but their local strength will also be greatly weakened. Who will benefit the most in this case? Undoubtedly, it is the Shu Han singing songs.

Without their restraint, and since the Xiliang Allied Forces are not as powerful as their opponents, no one will be able to restrain the Jingyi Allied Forces where Shuhan Ta Gexing is located.

Yanyu Jiangnan gradually saw through these things when the other party proposed cooperation, but in the end he agreed to the other party's proposal to join forces. The reason was naturally that they really needed time to accumulate strength and did not want to start a war with the other party now.

But at the same time, Yanyu Jiangnan will never be stupid enough to live in peace with the opponent. They must start a war against Shuhan Tagexing before they are in the same boat and fall into a disadvantage against the Holy Alliance.

In addition to dragging the opponent into the quagmire of war and preventing them from playing the rhythm of building high walls and hoarding food, only taking the initiative to attack can keep the battlefield away from their own homeland. Once the war situation in the north becomes really impossible, nothing can be done.

With the help of these buffer zones, even if they go north to support, the strength left behind will be enough to delay the Shu Han's march for a period of time. As long as there is buffer time, everything can be solved.

After sorting out everything in his mind, Yanyu Jiangnan clicked on Penguin and privately chatted about the matter with his prime minister, Yanyu Ruge. In terms of tactics, he thought he could not reach the opponent's level.


As the Holy Alliance and the Wind and Rain Fight began, there was an undercurrent in the X718 server. Naturally, it was not just Shuhan Tagexing and his family who began to make their own plans.

Luanshi Liuli turned off the map, glanced at the blood-red Guandu Peninsula battlefield again, and switched the game interface back to his home city. While controlling the team to level up, he began to make mental calculations.

"A large-scale battle was launched so quickly. Judging from the statistics of both sides' troop strength and wounded soldiers in the battle, it was indeed the participation of the entire alliance that brought real firepower." After confirming the current battle situation in his mind, Chaos Liuli clicked on his own management Channel, he felt that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

As a T2-level alliance, apart from a few ceiling alliances among the Three Kingdoms, there are only a number of T1-level alliances that can overwhelm them.

Compared with the huge Conquest Season circle, the number of these major alliances is not large. After all, if a script is gathered together, there will be enough four to six alliances to settle in, just like their X718 zone server.

The total number of T1 level and three ceiling alliances in the leading circle is just over even numbers at most. A World Cup script like theirs can only fill two.

Therefore, among the large player groups and numerous alliances in the Three Kingdoms, the most common alliance is their T2-level alliance.

They are accustomed to the world of troubled times when the boss is the leader. Even though they know that they are just younger brothers in the entire X718 server, they are still ready to cause trouble. In their opinion, any reward is empty.

Whether they can have gaming experience is what they pursue. This is why they not only rejected the Holy Alliance's invitation, but also contacted the Youji Alliance and Tianmen Shanshui to join forces.

[Summer] Troubled Times丨Red Dust, Alliance Management Channel.

[Monarch] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Ladies, the head in Guandu is broken. I think we should take action and get some soup to drink.

[Taiwei] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: Where to go to cause trouble? .

[Prime Minister] Troubled Times丨People: It’s too early to start trouble now. We have just transformed and haven’t developed yet. What will happen if we don’t develop honestly? Look at the Yanyu of the Yangzhou Coalition and the Shu Han of the Jingyi Coalition. These two deadly enemies have not moved. Well, why are we jumping out in a hurry? Aren't we looking for a hammer? .

[Monarch] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: I didn’t say jump out and fight.

[Prime Minister] Troubled Times | Common People: Well, you can continue.

[Taiwei] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: Then where to go for soup? .

[Monarch] Troubled Times | Liuli: Eat Jincheng County, enter Yongzhou to eat Longxi, enter Bingzhou to eat Hexi.

[Taiwei] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: I'm going to tease the Holy Alliance now? ? ? ? .

Although Jincheng County in Liangzhou does not belong to the Xiliang camp in terms of power division, its location is also within its radiation range. Just like Guangping County, it is its back garden.

As a back garden and a neutral area, Hongchen in the Troubled Times must capture it, because the location of Jincheng County is very special, with one county bordering nine checkpoints.

Not counting the four level 9 checkpoints it controls on the border with the Xiliang camp, it also has five level checkpoints in the east, one level 9 level belonging to the Bingzhou coalition, and four other level 7 levels.

Among them, Zhongyang, the level 7 neutral level at the top, and Guyuan, the level 9 level level of the Bingzhou Allied Forces in the middle, are connected to Xihe County in Bingzhou. They are the back garden to the west of the Bingzhou Allied Forces and have the same status as Jincheng County in the Xiliang camp.

The 7-level checkpoints at the bottom, Longyou and Xiabian, are connected to Longxi County in Yongzhou, and the 7-level checkpoint at the bottom, Yangping County, is connected to Wudu County in Yizhou.

Of course, such a place bordering the three states must be taken down by Hongchen in the troubled times, and it must be turned into the forward base camp of their Xiliang coalition forces. It must not only be able to resist attacks from other camps, but also serve as a bridgehead when taking the initiative.

Just like now, Liuli in the Troubled Times is planning to take advantage of the Holy Alliance and Feng Yu Tongzhou to fight, and after eating Jincheng, he will enter Longxi County of Yongzhou and Xihe County of Bingzhou.

You must know that these two areas are not only bordered by their Xiliang coalition forces, but also bordered by the Bingzhou coalition forces where the Holy League is located. If they don't take advantage of the fact that the other party is currently being restrained by the wind and rain, are they still planning to wait for others to capture it? And then use it as a springboard to deal with them? .

Ever since she rejected the Holy League's solicitation, Chaos Liuli knew that she would definitely have a fight with the Holy League this season. The reason why people are ignoring them now is because they have the same priority as Feng Yu Tong Ao and two other T1-level alliances. Just stay back.

Seeing the fear in his captain's words, Luan Shi Liuli explained: "It is now, while they and Feng Yu are fighting fiercely, and the team is not full of personnel, otherwise there will be no chance."

[Prime Minister] Troubled Times丨People: There is nothing wrong with Jincheng being ours, and there is nothing wrong with us taking Longxi, but to be honest, Hexi is a bit difficult to chew.

Although the main alliance of the Holy Alliance is fighting Feng Yu, there are still sub-alliances there. Whether they can defeat them is not a matter of time. Once they gather to resist, we are afraid that instead of stealing the chicken, we will lose the rice.

Instead of getting the benefits, he was pulled into the battlefield, affecting his own development. Also, don’t forget our neighbor Shu Han, whose invitation we also declined.

[Monarch] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: The Shu Han people don’t have to worry. With the mortal enemy Yanyu Mengjiangnan here, they have no time to provoke us, and they even have to take the initiative to show their kindness. Otherwise, once they start fighting with Yanyu, we will stab them in the back. They suffered.

On the other side of Xihe, as long as we only occupy the area to sweep the city and don't go to the checkpoints of the Bingzhou camp, I believe that the Holy Alliance will not provoke us now.

Being in the same boat through thick and thin is not a simple role. From the early morning fight until now, the Holy Alliance has not necessarily taken advantage. Under such circumstances, the Holy Alliance branch, as a reserve force, must mainly help the main alliance to sweep the city and speed up the gathering of personnel. Where? They will come to trouble us for the territory of a county in Xihe. Even if they want to find it, it will be in the future.

[Taiwei] Troubled Times丨Cang Mang: If we do this, we will completely offend the Holy Alliance. When others are free, they will definitely deal with us as soon as possible.

【Monarch】Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Hehe! Then they need to take action. Not to mention Feng Yu who is facing them now, even if they solve Feng Yu, Feng Yu's ally Yan Yu will still be there.

Moreover, the Shu Han did not board the Holy Alliance's car. The Longxi we could occupy in Yongzhou had no influence on them at all on the westernmost side. On the other hand, the Shu Han Ta Ge Xing controlled the territory from Yongzhou to Sili. Unless the two families Join forces, otherwise the two families will have a fight.

If you do the math like this, who will the Holy Alliance pay more attention to compared to us who have only taken advantage of Xihe County? .

[Prime Minister] Troubled Times | Common People: Indeed, when you said this, I realized that the situation of the Holy League this season is a bit bad.

[Monarch] Troubled Times丨Liu Li: Yes, with the Tianmen Shanshui we are connected to, if Shuhan and Yanyu can temporarily put aside their hatred and work together, wouldn't it be possible to work together to kill the dragon of the Holy Alliance? , is there any more exciting game experience than the dragon-slaying battle [呲ya].

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