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Chapter 676 Chain Reaction

"Myanyu Mengjiangnan is preparing to enter Sili, Lao Ning, what do you think?"

When Ning Xiu received the inquiry email from Liuyuan, he was very surprised and stunned, and then replied casually without thinking: "What else can I say? Our allies are living too comfortable and have time to be careful. That’s it.”

Being able to read Yanyu Meng Jiangnan's thoughts so simply was not because Ning Xiu was good at analysis and scheming, but because the other party's intention was so obvious.

During the cooperation and contact between them, Yanyu Mengjiangnan has always established for himself that it doesn't matter who wins or loses, they only want to kill their enemies, the Shu Han Tinggexing character.

Now the main force of the Holy Alliance is being held back by them through thick and thin, and the homeland of Shuhan's Tagexing has been plunged into the turmoil of the world, surrounded by wars and wars. It is short of manpower and has been seriously dispersed from the main force.

Under such circumstances, Yanyu Mengjiangnan didn't need to think too much on the battlefield in Jingzhou, and knew that the fight was very comfortable. Under such circumstances, Yanyu did not want to take advantage of the victory to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, but wanted to enter Sili.

Where is Sili? What else can you do if you join Sili? No matter what excuses he came up with, they could not cover up Yanyu Mengjiangnan's opportunistic behavior.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: I also think the opponent is a bit ridiculous. I haven’t solved my opponent yet, and they even said that they would enter Sili to help us block Tongguan and prevent the Holy Alliance from entering Sili.

On the Tongguan side and the Holy League side, the land has been flown and the fortress has been set up. If we really want to attack Tongguan, they can directly mobilize troops from Le'an, Bingzhou. The straight line distance is so close that the cavalry can be in place in less than an hour. , why is he blocked? .

Could it be that they used rocket propulsion to pave the road from Hulao Pass to Tongguan? [Speechless]

[Monarch] Ning Xiu: Yes, the Holy League really wants to enter Sili. It can't be stopped in a matter of minutes. That is to say, the fight between us and them in Guangping is too fierce now. The Holy League is reluctant to lose its position, otherwise I'm afraid I've already entered Sili.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Then should we also advance to Sili? , anyway, the Yanjin checkpoint has long been covered with our fortress and main city. If we slow down the attack and find a time to gather the team, we can be in place in less than half an hour.

Even if the Holy Alliance sees us defeating Sili and seizes the opportunity to push back, it won't be able to push back much. Even if the situation is worse, it won't have much impact if everything outside Guandu is lost. It's not our homeland.

Liuyuan's proposal coincided with Ning Xiu's thoughts, and once they entered Sili, no matter whether the Holy Alliance had any plans to enter Sili now, they must immediately set off to enter Sili to keep up with their pace. .

Otherwise, once they gain a foothold in Sili and surround Luoyang and make the surrounding area as iron-clad as ironclad, there will be basically no possibility for them to conquer this season.

When there is not much difference in strength between the two sides, the Holy Alliance has no way to seize Luoyang from their well-prepared hands, and Luoyang is one of the main conditions for the Heroes to Conquer the League in the script.

Under such circumstances, once the Holy League mobilizes its troops to capture Tongguan, they can seize the opportunity to fight here, completely break the current defense line established by the Holy League, and reach the hinterland of Guangping, thereby breaking this The battlefield on the other side is in a stalemate.

After telling Liuyuan his thoughts, the other party also agreed very much and said: "Yes, as long as we enter Sili, we will have the upper hand. When the time comes, a proper conspiracy will be placed in front of us, and the Holy Alliance must follow the script we have set. .”

[Monarch] Ning Xiu: Well, now that you have made a decision, hurry up and implement it. Let’s do it today. Otherwise, once there is an intention to join Sili from Yanyumeng Jiangnan, it will definitely touch the sensitive nerves of the Holy Alliance. It’s not even 18 o’clock yet. , inform everyone to focus on defense and replenish troops to rest.

By the way, to prevent a small wave of insurgents, you can put out a smoke bomb and say a general attack at night. Don't mention the word "Sili". When the battle starts, just ask the brothers to mobilize troops, which only takes ten minutes.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Got it.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Let me inform you that we will now focus on defense, retain the main strength, and launch a general attack at night. All brothers should seize the time to replenish troops and rest.


Things like alliance-wide emails, let alone T-level ceiling-level alliance duels like the X718 district server, even the script of the S-season rookies fighting each other is equivalent to a district-wide announcement, and there is no confidentiality at all.

In less than 10 minutes, the news that we were preparing for a general attack at night was sent to the hands of the Prime Minister of the Holy Alliance, Sheng Zhuge.

He didn't pay much attention to this kind of news. After all, in the past few days of fighting against each other, the opponent had launched more than 10 total attacks. A total attack at night was nothing. There were several total attacks in the early morning.

After passing the news to Taiwei Sheng Laobai, Sheng Bei Expedition continued with the monarch Sheng Aman to discuss the Shu Han Tage Xing's continued request for help, so that they could form an alliance and go full force to solve the problems in the world of troubled times.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: The Prime Minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, the Northern Expedition, has been sending me private messages. It seems that this wave of troubled world has made them a little confused.

[Monarch] Sheng丨Aman: I also didn’t expect that a T2 alliance would have such strong cohesion, and actually follow the opponent’s management and play such tactics that harm others and do not benefit oneself.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: I can understand the world of troubled times. After all, neither the left nor the right can benefit. It is better to be a mercenary than to do so. It is just a pity that the other party did not come to our side, otherwise the fight would have been easy. .

[Monarch] Sheng丨Aman: In fact, after all, Tianmen Shanshui is too useless. They are both at the T2 level, and the mentality of both sides is not on the same level at all. No wonder the combat effectiveness is so different. The entire alliance is led by a stormy alliance. , I get angry just thinking about it, Brother Sheng’s military expenses were really wasted.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Yes, alas, what will happen to the Shu Han side? To be honest, I don’t really care about the troubled times. On the contrary, the side of Yanyumeng Jiangnan has grown too fast. In just 2 days, We were overtaken by the number of people, and we were almost a group ahead of the Shu Han.

If this continues, the Jingzhou side will definitely collapse. Once the Jingzhou battlefield collapses, and a chain reaction occurs on the Yizhou battlefield, the Shu Han will basically GG, and then our southern barrier will be gone.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Let them persist first. How can a T1 alliance collapse so easily? Our current maximum is to support a group of sub-alliances to help contain the main force in the troubled world.

After the remaining sub-league regiments in Liangzhou cooperate with the city sweeping team to clear out the city of Liangzhou, all active personnel will be gathered into the main alliance and then enter Sili. Once they enter Sili, you can consider allocating some manpower. Come out, march to Hulao Pass, and help involve Misty Rain Meng Jiangnan.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: If we want to enter Sili, we must be careful of wind and rain. They will definitely charge at our defense line in Guangping, Jizhou.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: It doesn’t matter, to be honest, Jizhou Guangping is a buffer area in the final analysis. As long as we can enter Sili, how can we give it to them? Once we enter Sili, they must follow us and stay in Sili. If they fight against us, Guangping will have no effect.

Relatively speaking, I am actually more worried about the other party entering Sili before us. The opposite base camp is at Yanjin Pass. It is too easy to break through the pass. And the distance from Yanjin Pass to Luoyang is closer than ours from Tongguan to Luoyang. , once the opponent takes the initiative, we will be too passive.

Therefore, the main alliance must fight harder in the Guangping battlefield in the past two days. Don't let the gang in the alliance force them. In order to develop and continue to defend, the organization should rush more to put pressure on the wind and rain. Don't let them break Yanjin and enter the division. The idea is to give them the illusion that if they don't go all out, we will rush into Guandu and kill Yanzhou [ghost].

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: In this case, should we mobilize the main force of the alliance tonight to get ahead of the opponent's general attack and catch the opponent by surprise? .

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Do you know the time of the opponent's general attack? .

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: The other side will definitely send a notice before charging. When I receive the news, I can just let the brothers charge in advance.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Well, that can be done. Then Princess Wei will defend in the north and Sparta will bluff and feint to attack. The battlefield in the west is close to the Guandu Peninsula. Our defense line is stable and can be used as the main offensive direction.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: OK, I’ll discuss it with Lao Bai when it’s all over.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Yeah, yeah.


Yanyu Jiangnan and others did not expect that their idea of ​​entering Sili would have a series of chain reactions. After informing their allies that they were in the same boat through thick and thin, they quickly began to call on all members of the alliance to set up a fortress at the Hulao Pass enclave. Break the barrier and enter Sili tomorrow to make preparations.

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